Need advice on S/D.

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: Bren Ranger.3725

Bren Ranger.3725

I really want to get into S/D. At the moment im using D/D and using it fine, But i want something more than a burst and run build.

Is S/D viable? If so what are some good builds.
And most important, what armor should i be using?

[HARD] ~Isle of Janthir~ Commander.
Bren the Ele
80: Thief, Mesmer, Ranger, Ele, Warrior.

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Yes it is – but you must take in to account some toughness/vitality.

You can spec in Shadow Arts for stealth and sneak attack stuns (regen/cure conditions/+2 initiative on stealth is the usual combo) to almost completely stunlock an enemy. Alternatively, you could spec highly in to Acrobatics and focus on evasions and maintaining vigor (vigor on heal, use Withdraw, RfI, spec at least 15 for dodge roll returning endurance). I usually use that in PvE, it tears up good.

My current setup is:

0/30/10/30/0 with mix of Berserker, Soldier and Valkyrie armor/accessories

Precision -> Vitality
Critical Haste
Master of Deception or Shadow’s Embrace (depends on PvE or PvP, PvE I use MoD for Refuge resses, quick escapes and Smokescreen)
Vigorous Recovery
Assassin’s Reward
Quick Recovery

Withdraw/Hide in Shadows/Signet of Malice (depends on environment and possible conditions, PvP more likely to use HiS, Signet of Malice is for PvE when I will be using Smokescreen, usually switch to P/P and stay behind it until it runs out and then charge in and use Dagger Storm or use lots of FS or C+D)
Blinding Powder
Shadow Refuge
Roll for Initiative/Shadowstep/Smokescreen
Dagger Storm

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: Bren Ranger.3725

Bren Ranger.3725

Awesome just what i was looking for thankyou. How do you go 1v1?
Im seeing S/D as being more on the supportive side than the ultimate solo weapon.

[HARD] ~Isle of Janthir~ Commander.
Bren the Ele
80: Thief, Mesmer, Ranger, Ele, Warrior.

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


1v1 I will usually have HiS and Shadowstep equipped and focus on keeping as close as possible with roots and teleports, relying on auto-attack and Flanking Strike (usually on bunkers and hard hitting melee to remove boons or avoid big hits) until I pick an opportune moment to hit C+D/BP and stun for a free next few hits, and finish in stealth as well. What I really enjoy doing is hitting C+D, placing a Refuge away from me and watching the confused enemy attack the circle, thinking that I’m hiding inside. After that I’ll either switch to P/P and tear them to pieces before they can regain distance or do another stun combo if it’s going to be enough to finish them off. In a 1v1 situation I’d also have Thieves Guild equipped and use it while stealthed to distract while I get a better position. If my opponent gets hit by the Scorpion Wire, I usually stay back and range them to death while they get ganged by my buddies. No point getting in melee AoE range when they’re doing the hard work for me.

S/D is definitely more befitting for support roles, but it’s definitely one of the more survivable builds in any PvP situation.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: Bren Ranger.3725

Bren Ranger.3725

Once again Awesome answer. Thanks heaps. Once ive got the money up to rebuild my toon properly ill give this a shot and see how i go.


[HARD] ~Isle of Janthir~ Commander.
Bren the Ele
80: Thief, Mesmer, Ranger, Ele, Warrior.

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: Spacchiuso.5230


Yes it is – but you must take in to account some toughness/vitality.

You can spec in Shadow Arts for stealth and sneak attack stuns (regen/cure conditions/+2 initiative on stealth is the usual combo) to almost completely stunlock an enemy. Alternatively, you could spec highly in to Acrobatics and focus on evasions and maintaining vigor (vigor on heal, use Withdraw, RfI, spec at least 15 for dodge roll returning endurance). I usually use that in PvE, it tears up good.

My current setup is:

0/30/10/30/0 with mix of Berserker, Soldier and Valkyrie armor/accessories

Precision -> Vitality
Critical Haste
Master of Deception or Shadow’s Embrace (depends on PvE or PvP, PvE I use MoD for Refuge resses, quick escapes and Smokescreen)
Vigorous Recovery
Assassin’s Reward
Quick Recovery

Withdraw/Hide in Shadows/Signet of Malice (depends on environment and possible conditions, PvP more likely to use HiS, Signet of Malice is for PvE when I will be using Smokescreen, usually switch to P/P and stay behind it until it runs out and then charge in and use Dagger Storm or use lots of FS or C+D)
Blinding Powder
Shadow Refuge
Roll for Initiative/Shadowstep/Smokescreen
Dagger Storm

U use rune of mesmer?

Dark Ganasso [OSC]
Thief 80 – SFR

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


Here’s my build. Give that a read, it walks you through everything.

Need advice on S/D.

in Thief

Posted by: ASP.8093


For SPvP, I like 10/30/30/0/0. You get good healing whenever you go into stealth. Putting 10 in Power for Mug gives you some burst capability.

For WvW, I use 0/30/15/25/0. In WvW you’ll tend to stay in Shortbow more, using S/D as a finisher. Acrobatics gives you a lot of dodging and initiative gain, which I think is more valuable than constant healing in most WvW fights.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·