Need opinions: Replacement for old meta?

Need opinions: Replacement for old meta?

in Thief

Posted by: alvinjason.3109


WVW: So old meta used to be Valk armor+all Zerks which will give you between 15k-16k hp and around 47-50% crit chance. Running the same will give you a whopping 38% crit chance now.

Think this will work? D/D CS+TR+SA

mix of assassins, zerks, valks, celestials. It will give you 15k hp and 210% crit damage on around 45% chance on base with 2.3k armor and 2226 power.

asking for opinions thieves~

If on SA the crit damage/crit chance goes up so i’d recommend it over DA.

Devona’s Rest → NSP [SA] [TeaP]

(edited by alvinjason.3109)