Need tips on countering thief.
Umm yea… lets see Necro… umm I don’t know, how about some CC, condition damage, and umm yea, ask the devs to nerf thief to take another 200% damage from necro abilities… they seem to listen to every other nerf suggestion out there when it comes to thief.
I’m assuming your probably fighting D/P it’s a kitteneesy at the moment, on-call stealth with free heals completely shuts down allot of classes, on top of that heavy burst.
As a necro, if your running wells, the best thing you can do is try to catch him out of stealth and hit him hard, drop marks, drop wells and attempt to get some good sustained. he WILL black powder and try to hearseeker through it to cleanse conditions, Try to stand in this if he connects with a hearseeker he’ll lose any stealth he had stacked up. Other then that just gotta wait till D/P looses some of it’s insane utility.
he can’t Condition him, one string of blackpowder heartseeker and he can hide forever till he’s purged evything off. You need to counter the burst with more burst.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
I pretty much outlined every way to counter a thief just to prove that thieves were not OP with this post, only to find that… wait for it… NERF HAMMER! /Sigh. Anyways, hopefully this will at least help you deal with us better, and someone can be happy.
I in no way said thief is OP I just can’t play against them… I’m shocked you guys jumped to the “please nerf” wagon before anything else…
I pretty much outlined every way to counter a thief just to prove that thieves were not OP with this post, only to find that… wait for it… NERF HAMMER! /Sigh. Anyways, hopefully this will at least help you deal with us better, and someone can be happy.
lol ranger thief and mesmer. bandwagon OP class much? what next delete ranger go get guard and complain he doesnt have enough sustain or DPS?
Hey man, I’m playing both Thief and Necro so I guess I can give some advises.
1) Do not overestimate thief’s healing in stealth. It’s only 300 hp per second and trait that increases stealth duration do not work for D/P leap combo so it only gives 3s stealth. And those 0.9k healing is negated by 1 auto-attack of my necro’s axe.
2) Necro has channeled abilities on axe and dagger, if you fight a D/P thief just pomp it up at the moment he use black powder, it will deal around 3.5-4k damage on a power build and the stealth will not save from it.
3) If after using you channeled skill thief is still stealthed use death shroud 4 ability. It’s channeled and do not require target, so it will damage him in stealth automatically for another 3-3.5k damage.
4) Necro has lots of chilling skills with long (5-7s) duration use them 1 by 1 on thief it will help a lot.
lol ranger thief and mesmer. bandwagon OP class much? what next delete ranger go get guard and complain he doesnt have enough sustain or DPS?
No, not a bandwagon. Been playing thief since launch, and I play the assassin type class in every game. I play mesmer because a friend convinced me to play it because it is so similar to the thief but with more team support. I play ranger because I wanted a frontline class that could tank to be a commander, and I was stuck between guard and ranger and chose ranger because it was less played. So no, the only bandwagon op class I created was a warrior because I’m too much of a PvE noob to do CoF well on mesmer, and I can barely bring myself to level it. Also note I’m a commander on the least bandwagon server ever: the lowest rank server in NA.
lol ranger thief and mesmer. bandwagon OP class much? what next delete ranger go get guard and complain he doesnt have enough sustain or DPS?
No, not a bandwagon. Been playing thief since launch, and I play the assassin type class in every game. I play mesmer because a friend convinced me to play it because it is so similar to the thief but with more team support. I play ranger because I wanted a frontline class that could tank to be a commander, and I was stuck between guard and ranger and chose ranger because it was less played. So no, the only bandwagon op class I created was a warrior because I’m too much of a PvE noob to do CoF well on mesmer, and I can barely bring myself to level it. Also note I’m a commander on the least bandwagon server ever: the lowest rank server in NA.
HAHA yea like I care about PVE. Id gladly trade in pve mastery for balance any day. And once again. Tank ranger… bandwagon
I can’t handle them, they blind, stealth have a sizable amount of dodge abilities and can spam spells that deal a pretty huge amount of damage and they regen a lot of HP from being in stealth. I there any way to deal with them as a necro?
Oh hey I didnt see I could run a 30-30-30-30-30 build now!
-Spells that deal alot of damage
-Regen alot of hp in stealth
these don’t go together.
necros have plenty of hp to survive the burst. If you have the reaction time of at least a 5th grader you should be able to setup a fear then drops your aoe ontop of yourself, this wins the fight for you or forces the thief to run away (probably the latter). At this point he doesn’t really have the element of surprise, setup accordingly I don’t really know that much about necros, but if you main it you should be able to deal with this.
(edited by Zepidel.5349)
I can’t handle them, they blind, stealth have a sizable amount of dodge abilities and can spam spells that deal a pretty huge amount of damage and they regen a lot of HP from being in stealth. I there any way to deal with them as a necro?
Whisper me ingame some time, I’ll invite you to my Necro school. Right now, Necromancer is the most overpowered class in the game. Thieves are easily dealt with.
I can’t handle them, they blind, stealth have a sizable amount of dodge abilities and can spam spells that deal a pretty huge amount of damage and they regen a lot of HP from being in stealth. I there any way to deal with them as a necro?
Oh hey I didnt see I could run a 30-30-30-30-30 build now!
-Spells that deal alot of damage
-Regen alot of hp in stealth
-Blindsthese don’t go together.
You must have one kitten bunker thief build then. Cause you dont see what real people see
D/P is OP and got a buff today. Everything else at the moment is possible to beat, out play, etc. However, no bs a good thief is not going to get killed by you and at best vs some one who has played for the class for a while you going to push a draw. If you have enough burst and the thief enough ego to come back and tray again you should be able to down the thief.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
However, no bs a good thief is not going to get killed by you and at best vs some one who has played for the class for a while you going to push a draw.
If by “good thief” you mean one that is going to run away and never bother you again, then yes they aren’t going to die. I eat thieves for breakfast on my necro, with enough immobilizes, chills, cripple, pull, fears that if they aren’t the least bit skittish and frightened then they are as good as dead in most cases.
Basically the answer to any “thieves are OP” statement is “L2P and get some better gear you zerker noob”.
I can’t handle them, they blind, stealth have a sizable amount of dodge abilities and can spam spells that deal a pretty huge amount of damage and they regen a lot of HP from being in stealth. I there any way to deal with them as a necro?
It depends on what build you’re facing.
Generally if you don’t stand there when they cloak you have a better chance. Keep moving or better yet move away from where the cloaked. I hear you can also walk into their smoke but I don’t recommend it. If you can just waste their initiative you have a better chance. Also you can sometimes kill them whilst running away. A lot of thieves like to chase, and just slowly conditioning them down is extremly easy when they waste their initiative chasing you. Frequent movement is essential unless you have high defensive capabilities or better damage. Use snares and CC skills frequently.
Also having high toughness is very helpful.
Thieves very often overextend which makes it easy to turn the tables on them.
The necros I have most trouble with on my thief are ones that know: how to keep distance, where and when to place their marks, how to avoid BSs, how to achieve high condition damage, how to use CC and snares, and don’t die in one hit. Plus good self heals never hurt.
However, no bs a good thief is not going to get killed by you and at best vs some one who has played for the class for a while you going to push a draw.
If by “good thief” you mean one that is going to run away and never bother you again, then yes they aren’t going to die. I eat thieves for breakfast on my necro, with enough immobilizes, chills, cripple, pull, fears that if they aren’t the least bit skittish and frightened then they are as good as dead in most cases.
Basically the answer to any “thieves are OP” statement is “L2P and get some better gear you zerker noob”.
Screenshot or it didn’t happen.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
However, no bs a good thief is not going to get killed by you and at best vs some one who has played for the class for a while you going to push a draw.
If by “good thief” you mean one that is going to run away and never bother you again, then yes they aren’t going to die. I eat thieves for breakfast on my necro, with enough immobilizes, chills, cripple, pull, fears that if they aren’t the least bit skittish and frightened then they are as good as dead in most cases.
Basically the answer to any “thieves are OP” statement is “L2P and get some better gear you zerker noob”.
Screenshot or it didn’t happen.
Screenshot what? Are you emplying killing thieves is difficult?
Believe him or not it doesn’t matter, there are a lot of thieves out there that are extremely easy to kill.
I in no way said thief is OP I just can’t play against them… I’m shocked you guys jumped to the “please nerf” wagon before anything else…
Welcome to the Thief forum!
I pretty much outlined every way to counter a thief just to prove that thieves were not OP with this post, only to find that… wait for it… NERF HAMMER! /Sigh. Anyways, hopefully this will at least help you deal with us better, and someone can be happy.
lol ranger thief and mesmer. bandwagon OP class much? what next delete ranger go get guard and complain he doesnt have enough sustain or DPS?
Wtf is this? You’re currently just jumping around all threads bashing people for playing thief. Time to grow up man.
However, no bs a good thief is not going to get killed by you and at best vs some one who has played for the class for a while you going to push a draw.
If by “good thief” you mean one that is going to run away and never bother you again, then yes they aren’t going to die. I eat thieves for breakfast on my necro, with enough immobilizes, chills, cripple, pull, fears that if they aren’t the least bit skittish and frightened then they are as good as dead in most cases.
Basically the answer to any “thieves are OP” statement is “L2P and get some better gear you zerker noob”.
Screenshot or it didn’t happen.
Screenshot what? Are you emplying killing thieves is difficult?
Believe him or not it doesn’t matter, there are a lot of thieves out there that are extremely easy to kill.
And simply put their are a lot who aren’t. Whenever I see a necro say anything about beating thieves I know 2 things. The situation wasn’t 1v1 roaming and the thief they fought sucked. I honestly don’t understand how its hard to see the gaps between thief and other classes in WvW. I mean kitten half of you act like we do not have level 80 thieves with hundreds of hours of play fully geared. Cut the BS some things are simply OP don’t get so kitten over it. DP is OP plain and simple most other things are not. No thief should get killed if they do not over extend. Only thieves who over extend get killed by any class end of story.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
OP, it sounds like you are dealing with a D/P build.
The simplest way for a Necro to win, is move the fight to a cliff, and Fear the kittener off it.
OP, it sounds like you are dealing with a D/P build.
The simplest way for a Necro to win, is move the fight to a cliff, and Fear the kittener off it.
sigh You cannot fear off of a cliff.
Ok, so OP, this is what I do. Hit him hard with Mark of Blood and stack conditions as well as you can. The moment you get bearings on his position, put down reapers mark. At some point he will drop out of stealth. That is the moment you should go in with Dark Path, Tainted Shackles and Doom. Your elite should be golem. CC him down and spam the abilites you have. Thieves are notoriously squishy and you have the means to abuse this. Also, maybe you should take this to the necromancer forum.
Necromancer here.
Minions eat thief’s.
As long as you have hp and vitality , they’re no problem.
And simply put their are a lot who aren’t. Whenever I see a necro say anything about beating thieves I know 2 things. The situation wasn’t 1v1 roaming and the thief they fought sucked. I honestly don’t understand how its hard to see the gaps between thief and other classes in WvW. I mean kitten half of you act like we do not have level 80 thieves with hundreds of hours of play fully geared. Cut the BS some things are simply OP don’t get so kitten over it. DP is OP plain and simple most other things are not. No thief should get killed if they do not over extend. Only thieves who over extend get killed by any class end of story.
Exactly. The “good thieves” have to run away, forfeiting the fight. And yes, it is terribly easy to best a thief… and yes, they either flee because they can do nothing, or they die. All you have to do is L2P, which includes not running around in crappy zerker gear like its PvE or something… then lone thieves are generally fairly easy to beat.
Minions eat thief’s.
As long as you have hp and vitality , they’re no problem.
Signet of Malice says hi.
And simply put their are a lot who aren’t. Whenever I see a necro say anything about beating thieves I know 2 things. The situation wasn’t 1v1 roaming and the thief they fought sucked. I honestly don’t understand how its hard to see the gaps between thief and other classes in WvW. I mean kitten half of you act like we do not have level 80 thieves with hundreds of hours of play fully geared. Cut the BS some things are simply OP don’t get so kitten over it. DP is OP plain and simple most other things are not. No thief should get killed if they do not over extend. Only thieves who over extend get killed by any class end of story.
Exactly. The “good thieves” have to run away, forfeiting the fight. And yes, it is terribly easy to best a thief… and yes, they either flee because they can do nothing, or they die. All you have to do is L2P, which includes not running around in crappy zerker gear like its PvE or something… then lone thieves are generally fairly easy to beat.
Look it does not mean has to runaway. A thief can beat any class out there with smart play. Look cut the crap if your on a class that can make a move to disengage if your losing a fight then you will make the move to run. If I am on my war, mesmer, ele, or thief that’s the rule. You don;’t have to run from every fight. good players tend to t win most fights. However there are a lot of ways to win a fight including resetting healing creating distance and using basic tactics to make your opponents attacks less effective. A thief in most builds if they have even 2 cents worth of PvP know how will not lose a fight. You either win or draw. Understand Winning is part of it. Thieves are not easy to beat. Zerker thieves who do not know kitten are. Stop applying your logic like every thief you fight is good. You fight kittenty thieves. You get me? D/P is OP, the rest is fine or under powered, and no good thief should be getting downed.
One more thing whats up with you guys and your zerker zerker zerker. Not everyone runs it. A good thief will beat or draw someone no matter what gear they are in and yes that includes guardians. On my warrior I run most zerker and have no real issues. It more about the build than anything else. The gear is mostly secondary and knowing when to dodge and how other classes play is a bigger issue. Do you really want to give some good advice? Stop worrying about who wins. Know when to run and how your going to run. Most fights in wvw can be interrupted by other people in an instant. Once your in T1 roaming is an art. Your either good at it or your not. So many people are so full of kitten and vinegar that they chase and hunt down. Smart players cut the chord if a kills going to be hard to finish and get help if they are in trouble.
How do you beat a thief? Know the build they are running. Know the build you are running. Know what both are good at. Pressure if you can. If your not going to win run, force a reset, get help, etc. Some people will say that’s weak player. Only idiots sit there and give away kills. Some times you have to run. Swallow your pride and accept your not the best one out there. If you can get a partner. Its not that you need 2 people to beat a thief but smart players don’t roam alone. Solo roaming is for fools and geniuses. If your’e willing to work with others you’ll never need to write a thread like this again.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
I play both thief and necromancer. As a general tip, cripple and chill the thief to make it harder for them to landackstabs and keep moving while they stealth. You also have access to weakness and blinds and let your deathshroud eat their backstab. You can also spam your marks to hinder and damage them. Remember that staff 4 is now immune to blind, transferring blind to the thief instead.
Be careful not to waste your cripple and chill on a blind, cleanse it with autoattacks.
If they are dancing around the place, go death shroud and use #5