New P/D VenomAura Video

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Video of me playing my Thief using Venoms and Venom Aura in WvW

Give it a bit to load, youtube is being lame right now
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: yanniell.1236


The build looks fun, gonna give it a try tonight


New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: aLovedhater.4096


that build is fun to play ^^ you should try swapping out the immobilize venom for a thief trap, if you leave a trap on the ground, wait til the skill is off cooldown, you can proc the 1st trap, place a 2nd trap and proc it, then thieves guild for 4 thieves + yourself :p nice vid ^^

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Conditions melting targets faster than any D/D Berserker build ever could.

Just shows you how broken Conditions are.

The video is ok for showing of the gimmicky build but the actual game-play is terrible. I mean most of the clips are vs. one, maybe two unsuspecting players with the help of Thieves guild.

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


Conditions melting targets faster than any D/D Berserker build ever could.

Just shows you how broken Conditions are.

Nah, let’s make immobilize stackable and nerf crit dmg.

Amusing vid though, although I’m not a fan of repetitive 1v1 highlights. lol’d at the predator vs. engineer moment at one point.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: VladR.9827


Conditions melting targets faster than any D/D Berserker build ever could.

Just shows you how broken Conditions are.

it is the leeching venoms trait – life siphon dmg – not the conditions themselves

Been playing this build for a long time (even before the link below) (wvw only): solo, small group and guild raid
It realy shines when within small roaming party and decent group up to 20/25 ppl

It is realy nice fun to trigger venoms on solo target thou ;d

I use perplexity runes to apply another condition (confusion) on target. Can apply up to 6-7 conditions within 1-2s

and the one who should get more tribute is the one who tried to show community this build is fun to play:

and btw:
dire condition engi has smaller impact dmg due to no siphon dmg, but a lot more sustain condition dmg on target

(edited by VladR.9827)

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Interceptor.2653


And people wonder why Leeching Venoms is limited to “per Strike” rather than “per attack”.

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: ryan.6217


Conditions melting targets faster than any D/D Berserker build ever could.

Just shows you how broken Conditions are.

it is the leeching venoms trait – life siphon dmg – not the conditions themselves

Been playing this build for a long time (even before the link below) (wvw only): solo, small group and guild raid

It realy shines when within small roaming party and decent group up to 20/25 ppl

It is realy nice fun to trigger venoms on solo target thou ;d

I use perplexity runes to apply another condition (confusion) on target. Can apply up to 6-7 conditions within 1-2s

and the one who should get more tribute is the one who tried to show community this build is fun to play:

and btw:
dire condition engi has smaller impact dmg due to no siphon dmg, but a lot more sustain condition dmg on target

I like how you explained your build to this guy. All he did was throw a stock insult at conditions and you explained how the traits are actually what makes this build effective. No raging even! I also play a venom thief with leeching venoms! With full apoth trinkets i heal for a good amount using them! And the added life siphon with the conditions is great for spiking targets! Full venom bar is great for roaming with a team. +1 Bro!

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Conditions melting targets faster than any D/D Berserker build ever could.

Just shows you how broken Conditions are.

Nah, let’s make immobilize stackable and nerf crit dmg.

Amusing vid though, although I’m not a fan of repetitive 1v1 highlights. lol’d at the predator vs. engineer moment at one point.

lol yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyup. thieves are really not good condi players. yes they cando this GIMMICKY burst they they are dead if other players are around and 100% defenseless. ummm….if thieves had decent access to fire on pistol and sword…. i think it would be doable . but right now thief condi is gimmicky. i love my p/d bleed build but still. run into a good engi and its almost gg everytime ifhe has traited for bleeds.

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Gerskin.8402


what the hell was that , insta pop 3 utilities and spam 1 that was all it took?

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


what the hell was that , insta pop 3 utilities and spam 1 that was all it took?

look up venom share. its gimmicky but works agianst 1 person.

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: VladR.9827


what the hell was that , insta pop 3 utilities and spam 1 that was all it took?

yea exactly, but after that try to survive the 36s cd with no cc breakers and limited stealth access

when you have a group you can realy SHARE the venoms – it works with more then 1 target

and you know what? ill tell you the secret – it is immobilize that is OP or broken
(anet fixed it lol, limiting it to 3 stacks BUT when it goes down to 2 stacks you can re-apply 3rd stack again …)

try the build – it is realy fun – it has its cons and pros
you trade tankines with condition burst for no cc breakers, limited stealth (and stealth is the only condi removal for thief in this build)

its fun, but to master it its not so easy

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Terravos.4059


lol, this post took off rather suddenly.

Anyway, Yea…If they live through the initial onslaught It can be tough… C/D isn’t face roll easy like D/P is with stealth..So you can be countered somewhat (unless they’re a ranger, then you can just C/D the pet)

What i’m trying to determine though is if Sigil of Earth Applies to Thieves Guild Pets…

Does anyone know?
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Conditions melting targets faster than any D/D Berserker build ever could.

Just shows you how broken Conditions are.

it is the leeching venoms trait – life siphon dmg – not the conditions themselves

Been playing this build for a long time (even before the link below) (wvw only): solo, small group and guild raid
It realy shines when within small roaming party and decent group up to 20/25 ppl

It is realy nice fun to trigger venoms on solo target thou ;d

I use perplexity runes to apply another condition (confusion) on target. Can apply up to 6-7 conditions within 1-2s

and the one who should get more tribute is the one who tried to show community this build is fun to play:

and btw:
dire condition engi has smaller impact dmg due to no siphon dmg, but a lot more sustain condition dmg on target

Not sure if it was him or not I got this build from, I just remember reading a post one day talking about how Venomshare goes to your Thieves Guild and I was like “well that sounds oped as hell” so I tried it out and find it absolutely hilarious.

But yea, I didn’t create this build or come up with it…And it could of been his post I read..

That’s generally how I play my thief..I play it with builds that are more hilarious then insanely good at winning every fight.

The Glass Cannon spec I run…I die most of the time, but when I one shot someone I get so much entertainment..

This build I win more 1v1’s but I still lose at least 4/10 times..
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Hype.8032


Sorry but in my opinion this build is complete cheese. I’m not a fan of anything that requires a 1 time burst to go through to be successful.

Tualek & F I Monk / Thief —-- Tk E / Engineer
Highest Solo Queue Rank Achieved: 40
Highest solo-join Team Queue Rank Achieved: 198

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: VladR.9827


still better then pvd sessions or 60+ man blobs ….

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Conditions melting targets faster than any D/D Berserker build ever could.

Just shows you how broken Conditions are.

it is the leeching venoms trait – life siphon dmg – not the conditions themselves

Been playing this build for a long time (even before the link below) (wvw only): solo, small group and guild raid
It realy shines when within small roaming party and decent group up to 20/25 ppl

It is realy nice fun to trigger venoms on solo target thou ;d

I use perplexity runes to apply another condition (confusion) on target. Can apply up to 6-7 conditions within 1-2s

and the one who should get more tribute is the one who tried to show community this build is fun to play:

and btw:
dire condition engi has smaller impact dmg due to no siphon dmg, but a lot more sustain condition dmg on target

Not sure if it was him or not I got this build from, I just remember reading a post one day talking about how Venomshare goes to your Thieves Guild and I was like “well that sounds oped as hell” so I tried it out and find it absolutely hilarious.

But yea, I didn’t create this build or come up with it…And it could of been his post I read..

That’s generally how I play my thief..I play it with builds that are more hilarious then insanely good at winning every fight.

The Glass Cannon spec I run…I die most of the time, but when I one shot someone I get so much entertainment..

This build I win more 1v1’s but I still lose at least 4/10 times..

i wouldnt call it OP…bc if i was on my thief and i saw venoms go up… …dodge …dodge…dodge…. you are outo f venoms and defenseless and ill auto attack you to death with clerics armor :P. thats why its not op. its very strong against bad players and unsuspecting players. even if u do make it work on a player…its only1 player then u are totally out of the fight.

not cracking on you…just pointing out for the general public about to QQ that its not OP and 100% gimmick and rather useless outside of a quick gank-laugh build.

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: VladR.9827


still i tell you its not that useless within wvw guild raids, if teamed properly you can realy bring that team immobilize into wining, and if timed properly team burst aoe conditions on targets

the only thing ive noticed the usefulness of this build blurs with bigger numbers as per insane condition cleanse

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Sorry but in my opinion this build is complete cheese. I’m not a fan of anything that requires a 1 time burst to go through to be successful.

Against a lot of players, you don’t need Thieves Guild, I generally pop Thieves guild just for the video because its funny.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Swagginator.3246


when i first found this build i found it to be my style rather than being Neo and dodge evrything.

however, as some1 mentioned, dodge screws you..
and think of mesmers, staff leap 2 makes you waste venoms on his clones, no piercing bullets, going pistol whip hits aoe on clones as well, going dagger.. you hit clone alone just like a pistol / dag.

it’s a good build and i still prefer it but not for all situations.

worse situations would be people with a zoo around them, be it clones, spirits+pet or minions, it takes quite alot of focus to be able to land your hits vs those players

then comes the ones are able to just a tiny bit use their brain and focus to land a fear / other cc correctly when they are not blinded or when thief is dodging. no CC breakers, thus it’s considered a risky build. but still a better burst story than backstab imo.

what really makes me in love with this build is the downing of bunkers within 5 seconds with a teammate with you. i guess that is the role of this build.

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Swagginator.3246


as for this video.. he definetly would have done better vs that ranger if he had used the venoms one at a time, especially since the ranger pulls all conditions, starting out with the poison venom and then wait untill pet pulls it gives you a timing for you to burst with torment

and immobilize can’t be stacked following devourer venom so pls no1 try that, it’s changed. you have to wait untill the condition is off the person in order to restack it

New P/D VenomAura Video

in Thief

Posted by: Terravos.4059


as for this video.. he definetly would have done better vs that ranger if he had used the venoms one at a time, especially since the ranger pulls all conditions, starting out with the poison venom and then wait untill pet pulls it gives you a timing for you to burst with torment

and immobilize can’t be stacked following devourer venom so pls no1 try that, it’s changed. you have to wait untill the condition is off the person in order to restack it

You can’t go past 3 instances of Devourer venom on someone..So 9 seconds is the max you’ll get on someone.. So its not doing a whole lot for your Pets..

However the other 2 work just fine.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker