New Streamer/ GW2 Noob. Come hang out.

New Streamer/ GW2 Noob. Come hang out.

in Thief

Posted by: Pastar.5617


Title says it all. I am a new streamer, and a noob when it comes to guild wars 2. I started playing gw2 when it first came out. I rolled a ranger up to 48 and then left the game. I have recently came back to mess around. Having a lot of fun atm. Rolled a thief and really enjoying it. The stream is always chill. I stream pretty much every night. So feel free to drop by to say whats up, let me know what I am doing wrong, and make me the most leet.

(edited by Pastar.5617)

New Streamer/ GW2 Noob. Come hang out.

in Thief

Posted by: Loki.8793


If your goal is to advertise your stream, it might be wise to actually link your stream in your post.

New Streamer/ GW2 Noob. Come hang out.

in Thief

Posted by: Pastar.5617


Just seen that thanks.

New Streamer/ GW2 Noob. Come hang out.

in Thief

Posted by: Pastar.5617


Streaming Again.