New Thief Bunker Meta
woah how we never thinked about that before?!
So, how do you cap points if you are in ‘bunker-stealth’ all the time?
If you bunker down in base you’ll have the same effect but won’t have to fuss with those silly trait lines, weapons, and skills.
In PvE and sPvP, Invigorating Precision coupled with S/P, Weakening Strikes and the Trickery trait line is about as bunker as thief can get outside of going Dire and Condi.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
In Wvw one can in theory.
Trait Weakening strikes for that 10 percent reduction on weakness .
Trait dash for 10 percent damage reduction.
Eat the new food that provides 10 percent damage reduction.
Use scrapper runes for 7 percent damage reduction.
Needless to say with a high uptime on weakness that 50 percent fumble kicks in.
Use invigorating precision for those heals on crit which is considerable healing with a vault into a crowd.
Alternatively one can use Durability Runes or even Earth runes for protection kick ins , this costing a bit of power.
Oh that’s Easy.
Here’s the build.
Sentinel Amulet (Vit, Power, Toughness)
Rune of Melandru/Resistance
Staff/Staff (Sigil of Energy, Purity, Generosity, Water)
Acro 2 2 2 or CS 3 3 2
Trickery 2 3 2
DareDevil 3 3 1
Channeled Vigor
Signet of Agility
Roll for Imitative
Bandit’s Defense
Impact Strike
Usage. Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, use Bandit Defence, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Swap, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Signet of Agility, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Roll of Initiative, Staff 3, Dodge, Dodge, Staff 3, Vault, Dodge, Bandit’s Defence, Dodge……
(Staff 3 can be replaced with vault)
This may actually work.
where bashing people over the head with a stick deals more damage than a stab to the heart.
-My D.A. =
(edited by EazyPanda.6419)
Oh that’s Easy.
Here’s the build.
Sentinel Amulet (Vit, Power, Toughness)
Rune of Melandru/Resistance
Staff/Staff (Sigil of Energy, Purity, Generosity, Water)
Acro 2 2 2 or CS 3 3 2
Trickery 2 3 2
DareDevil 3 3 1Skills
Channeled VigorUtility:
Signet of Agility
Roll for Imitative
Bandit’s DefenseImpact Strike
Usage. Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, use Bandit Defence, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Swap, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Signet of Agility, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Roll of Initiative, Staff 3, Dodge, Dodge, Staff 3, Vault, Dodge, Bandit’s Defence, Dodge……
(Staff 3 can be replaced with vault)
This may actually work.
And then you find someone with the brain/awareness to interrupt you after the evade frame(s).
gg :/
Oh that’s Easy.
Here’s the build.
Sentinel Amulet (Vit, Power, Toughness)
Rune of Melandru/Resistance
Staff/Staff (Sigil of Energy, Purity, Generosity, Water)
Acro 2 2 2 or CS 3 3 2
Trickery 2 3 2
DareDevil 3 3 1Skills
Channeled VigorUtility:
Signet of Agility
Roll for Imitative
Bandit’s DefenseImpact Strike
Usage. Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, use Bandit Defence, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Swap, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Signet of Agility, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Roll of Initiative, Staff 3, Dodge, Dodge, Staff 3, Vault, Dodge, Bandit’s Defence, Dodge……
(Staff 3 can be replaced with vault)
This may actually work.
And then you find someone with the brain/awareness to interrupt you after the evade frame(s).
gg :/
thief can never be bunker without boons. protection and stability mainly
dodge and evade out of point can cost you contesting the point.
also just bunker without support is useless . so thief cannot cleanse or heal his team mates and cannot give boons etc..
Don’t bunker with thief. It’s not made to bunker. And with the powercreep, only few classes and builds can effectively bunker.
besides running on point, increases your odds of going out of bounds. thus losing te node in pvp. besides u only have so many dodges.
As someone who has been playing condi bunker thief since late 2014, I can tell you that it’s a joke now. Idk about doing some kind of power bunker w/ daredevil and evades, but don’t waste time and money investing in a dire build. If you want stealth+condi and want to win ever, you should be going PU condi mesmer or something else high in the meta of whatever game mode you’re interested in.
Especially with the new reveal skills making shadow refuge a relative joke, mesmer can do most anything a thief can do better, faster, stronger, and harder.
I’ve been playing daredevil condi d/d thief like a bunker from start of the league. I’m diamond now and playing casually. Last 2 weeks only doing 3 games for daily progression.
In the middle of sapphire i started playing DH and ele and couldnt progress further, exactly 50% win ratio was holding me in same place. After 40 games on ele and 50 on DH i went back to thief and basically rushed through till diamond. Having around 20 win streak at the end.
All i did, was going far and camp there. Sure, sometimes it didnt worked out, but most of the time it did. With minor exceptions.
Only real counter r scrappers. They will kill me(most of the time), it will take them a while, but they will.
Eles r impossible to kill, but they also cant kill me, so not a real counter and if somebody comes to bring them under 90%, they die. However there is also a nice weapon in ur (a)rsenal((a) is for anti censoring …) against them, boredom. Few times i bored them so hard, they stopped playing good and i killed them. Ofc will not happen against top tier players.
Bunker mesmers r np at all and i always decap the point against them. I also put them under good pressure.
DHs r only hard, if they camp on the point and have all traps placed and new ones rdy of cd.
Revs r np most of the time. Clever condi revs can kill me with confusion and torment.
Those healing druids, who only do dmg with pets r very very hard to kill, but they wont kill u also.
Also a funny thing, most of the time fighting 2 enemies is easier, than 1 of them, even if one of them is a scrapper. Might even kill a scrapper in that scenario, who will otherwise kill me 1v1.
U can see me play in the video in my signature. U can also see, that i’m not a good player. I improved myself and the build, but still far from top tier player. And still this build carried me easily to diamond. I dont understand, how this is not even in the “good” section of the metabattle. But maybe it is good so, i would hate it to play against me, kittening annoying as hell.
TL;DR i find “bunker” thief is pretty viable option. Maybe not in pro leagues, but in guild league for sure.
Hate to break it but that build and others like it don’t work against people who got interrupts and cleansing.
DB’s evade frame is bad and it’s easy to punish you after that really. Reason you got to diamond so easy might be because mmr wasn’t reset at the start of leagues. Your rank and mmr are low so you face easy matchups which allow you to progress a lot faster.
Hate to break it but that build and others like it don’t work against people who got interrupts and cleansing.
DB’s evade frame is bad and it’s easy to punish you after that really. Reason you got to diamond so easy might be because mmr wasn’t reset at the start of leagues. Your rank and mmr are low so you face easy matchups which allow you to progress a lot faster.
I wouldnt call orange logo and car crashed easy match ups. I dont say, i played with them all the time, but quite a few times. Not a full team, but 2-3 of them. And i aslo doubt, seeing dragon finishers every game r easy matchups.
And anet stated, that the place on the ladder is very important for match ups and u get matches with/against ppl around ur ladder position(and this is true, u can see it after the match ended). Which brings me to other argument, i also doubt. So many bad players reached my current ladder position for me to have an easy matchup all the time.
(edited by Double Trouble.3162)
Oh that’s Easy.
Here’s the build.
Sentinel Amulet (Vit, Power, Toughness)
Rune of Melandru/Resistance
Staff/Staff (Sigil of Energy, Purity, Generosity, Water)
Acro 2 2 2 or CS 3 3 2
Trickery 2 3 2
DareDevil 3 3 1Skills
Channeled VigorUtility:
Signet of Agility
Roll for Imitative
Bandit’s DefenseImpact Strike
Usage. Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, use Bandit Defence, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Swap, Staff 3, Staff 3, Dodge, Signet of Agility, Dodge, Staff 3, Staff 3, Roll of Initiative, Staff 3, Dodge, Dodge, Staff 3, Vault, Dodge, Bandit’s Defence, Dodge……
(Staff 3 can be replaced with vault)
This may actually work.And then you find someone with the brain/awareness to interrupt you after the evade frame(s).
gg :/
But I probably have decent sustain in this build. =P (heck, i can “bunker” 1v3 in graveyard with my power build for at least a minute)
Btw, how easy is to to interrupt a DrD spamming staff 3? Really I don’t know. ._.
A 15 sec cd stunbreak, decent(?) condi cleanse, and if i take Acro, they literally cannot catch me, while taking CS will give me more sustain (but more prone to CCs).
The goal is to not ‘tank’, but evade as much as possible.
However… I will not be able to ress people like other bunkers…. =_=
yeah I admit, it’s a 70% troll build…. unless you are playing in Foefire, bunkering Mid (love that huge node which allows me so much room for maneuverability). =P
where bashing people over the head with a stick deals more damage than a stab to the heart.
-My D.A. =
Anyone tried something like this with barbaric amulet before?
I just tested it in unranked and it was kind of… meeh.. it… worked. Main goal: fast decaps and creating 5 vs 4 situations for your team. Plus fast finishes thanks to Impact Strike.
Boring as hell to play though: staff 3 – dodge – staff 3 – dodge – … – staff2/steal – dodge – dodge – staff 3 – dodge – staff 3 – … – roll for initiative, staff 3 – dodge – signet of agility – dodge – …
Barbaric amulet seemed a nice choice. It never occured to me using it before. For more condi cleanse I’d take Melandru instead of Strength runes.
I wish it would provide some buffs to the team though… maybe using bountifull theft and painreaction with melandru runes? Stealing buffs and providing 10sec vigor every 20sec.
Play this and you easy defence point vs 3-4 people (more enemy on your point = more pew pew heal)
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
The staff has easily interrupt-able evasions especially on Vault. Building around its evasion capability works right up until someone knows when to time the knockdown/stun. Even then chewing through the bunker heavy meta with a staff is often an exercise in futility. Trying to kill a decent Tempest is like watching paint dry and hoping the paint can doesn’t suddenly land on your head and kill you.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
At one point in the past I did run a SA/Acro/Trickery P/P Cleric’s interrupt blindspam healing venom build. It was extremely effective because one venom on an unload was an instant full heal.
Trait changes and the new specializations killed it, though. Unless you’re playing D/D condi evasion cheese, you’re not sustaining.
The staff has easily interrupt-able evasions especially on Vault. Building around its evasion capability works right up until someone knows when to time the knockdown/stun.
just don’t evade at regular intervals that makes it easy to time a stun