Warning, wall of text incoming.
Hey guys, a little info about me before I start.
I’ve been lurking the forums for a while. I’m a SPvP player. I bought this game before launch with 5-6 friends of mine, but left a couple of months after it because the PVP state was pretty awful. I decided to come back around a month and a half ago. I created every class and tried them out in SPvP with multiple builds. It seems most classes have several viable builds (by viable I mean perhaps not just meta or amazing, but also builds that are good if you’re a good player yourself) and this is something I loved right away.
With that being said, I eventually tried out Necros and finally the Thief. I didn’t play Necros that much as the class just didn’t appeal to me so I can’t talk much about them.
However, when I tried the Thief I loved the feel of the the class right away. I got horribly rekt during my first 3-4 arenas but started doing a lot better. Tried different builds, all of them with SB as secondary weapon because mobility is a must in SPvP and overall I have fun playing the the class. After a month of playing the class I feel I’m a decent/above average Thief.
Now, after playing the class for a while, there are some things that I dislike.
First, I feel that us Thieves are an extremely high risk low reward class if we’re playing against semi competent players. I’ve read tons of people in the forums claiming we can “burst down players in a split second”, but I sincerely think that’s only the case if you’re against new players or downright bad players who don’t run stunbreakers or have an atrocious build. Moreover, other classes also have insanely high burst, with a TON more survival (Mesmer/Warrior).
When I compare our trait lines to those of other classes I always feel I’m giving up two or three things in order to get one (except for Shadow Arts which has everything we need … in Stealth anyway… and is currently impossible to ignore and I doubt that can be a very good thing). Some other classes traitlines like Elementalist Arcane for example, have so much more utlity and better passives that when I’m fighting one of them it makes me feel like they have 6 traitlines instead of the three you have to choose from.
After almost 600 games I concluded that Thieves are nothing but cap/decap kitten who roam between points. We can surprise an enemy player who is dueling one of our teammates and quickly take him down and that’s about it. That’s our only role in SPvP.
I’m perfectly okay with that being our role, but then why can other classes do that pretty well too? I also play a D/D Elementalist and their mobility is insane, they can also have some pretty nasty burst and I honestly hardly ever lose a 1 v 1 (I think once I learned rotations properly + might stacking I died a couple of times only to trap rangers iirc). I’m perfectly aware that D/D eles are horribly broken, but the fact remains that a lot of classes have also high mobility, high burst and a ton more potential for 1 v 1ing. All that while having a ton more defensive options. Even Mesmers provide a ton of Stealth for the whole team, too.
I’m a little confused. What IS exactly that we excell at?
We can’t brawl. We aren’t exactly useful to our team besides providing a couple of blinds and Stealth with Shadow Refuge. Our defensive mechanism (Stealth) seems completely lackluster when a ton of classes can still bring 60% of my HP down when I’m stealthed. Even if we manage to spike a target down within a second, if there’s another enemy near we can’t ever stomp that target because of our squishy nature. Our defensive utlility cooldowns are freaking massive. Everyone and their mother (literally) focuses us down once we’re out of stealth so I usually directly avoid team fights unless I can burst a target quickly and just run and decap. It feels like I’m trapped in this role where unless I do THAT, I’m completely useless. There’s a ton of classes that I can’t even attempt to take on unless the other player is braindead. Overall, the class feels pretty underwhelming.
Another thing I noticed, is that we don’t exactly have many build/weapon options. Pistol/Pistol is atrocious. I don’t understand the concept of this dual weapon. The auto attack deals condition damage with mediocre damage, yet #3 is a burst skill that doesn’t really deal that much damage (say, compared to Ranger’s Rapid Fire) yet eats our initiative super fast.
I was kinda hoping Daredevil would bring new things to the table and some passives would be moved around in order to give us a bit more options but after seeing Daredevil I don’t think anyone is going to run Staff in SPvP. I can see many people running Daredevil only to improve the existing builds, though.
Is my perception of the class wrong? I’d love to hear some feedback from experienced Thief players. Does ANet do some balance tweaks here and there between game updates? Or will Thieves remain like this for another year?
Excuse me if I messed up somewhere, English isn’t my first language and I’m currently sick (at home, not working, so I had the time to type this)
(edited by Sweetmate.5903)