New gear build

New gear build

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

So since the new patch hit, my self and I am sure that a lot of people also had re do their gear, luckerly now we can also change ascended weapons/armors.

anyway toughness vs vitialty ? My current gear gives me 14k health and 2421 armour how ever is there any point in the toughness side of things and instead get more health?

I ask this because of the marauder amulet has no added toughs (neither did the old zerker) but has a lot of health added to it. oh also this is mainly for wvw

Just woundering if that added toughness is going to do much, your ideas ?

my current gear atm

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

New gear build

in Thief

Posted by: DarknesSushi.5876


look man, i would recomend vitality…once toughness to be useless….(well i say useless can even if you have an 3k+ armor with 20k hp you can get killed by mesmer in less then 2s, before it even shows up, making the option of life be more useful)

New gear build

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


vit = better short term fight
toughness = better long term fight

New gear build

in Thief

Posted by: YOUNGaz.5690


I personally opt for toughness before vitality. Like Tao said, it’s better suited for a more sustained fight. Vitality is generally good to counter heavy conditions and large damage spikes. Usually, you should be able to evade or stealth and prevent those spikes, and with Shadows Embrace on, damaging conditions shouldn’t be getting the best of you most the time. Also, keeping you’re HP pool lower with toughness, you’ll benefit more from healing skills which can be especially helpful for any “while health is above x%” effects on your gear.

As far as your build goes, I’d say that’s probably the right spot for toughness/vit to be at (at least for me) but to each their own. If you’re not making it through longer fights, try a bit more toughness instead. GL!

New gear build

in Thief

Posted by: DHawk.2687


vit is better overall, since toughness won’t help with conditions and condi has been improved and is seen more often now, plus you can combine vit with furious oil
given you 100 extra vit and 10% of your vit is transferred to ferocity
very strong on valk, berserker build (valk armor and 2 assessories, rest berserker)

New gear build

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


New gear build

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

I have a valk chest piece too. So might drop 200 toughness for an extra 1k health. Still have same stats across the bored though.

Is there a site that calculates your survival rate on different vitialty/toughness stats?

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge