New level 80 thief needs build advice

New level 80 thief needs build advice

in Thief

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

I have levelled up a thief to 80 last weekend. Now I am hoping to build and gear it up properly. I do mostly PvE and occassionally WWW. I do not know whether I should focus more on condition damage but it seems that a 2/0/6/0/6 build should go with a condition build. So I am using Carrion gear at the moment. I use steal and stealth a lot; hence a 2/0/6/0/6 build. For weapon, I swap around between D/P, P/D, D/D and S/P depending on the situation. Sometimes I do swap out Shadow’s Rejuvenation for Lotus Poison.

This is my draft build at the moment:

I am still relatively new to playing a thief and I am not sure if I am making the most out of it. Can someone give me advice and suggestion please?

Thanks you!

(edited by Oh My God.8423)

New level 80 thief needs build advice

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


Ask yourself what does D/P and S/P has to do with condition damage.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

New level 80 thief needs build advice

in Thief

Posted by: gartz.7013


this could be outdated but I’m sure its still the roam build. the new meta seems to be S/D but i still do good with that

solo cheese engi/ex teef