New to the game
Doing no damage to what?
Also, in context of those traitlines what choices did you make?
If you are still levelling up in PvE, I suggest you unlock everything for Deadly Arts first if you are enjoying conditions. The first trait for deadly arts gives you a 33% chance to apply poison on any dagger hit. So if you are Dagger/Dagger you should really only get use out of 1, 3, and sometimes 4, and all of these may apply additional poison stacks from that trait.
Keep an eye on your gear, too. If you’re putting all of your traits into condition damage, make sure your armor and weapons at least have some +condition stats. As you explore and level up more, try to get gear that has both +power and +conditions on it – the armor would say “Potent” if it is two stat armor. There are more variations you’ll find as you level up and acquire 3 stat armor.
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
Most of my equipment are focused on Condition Damage and Precision, and often they include Power. I’m focused on the Poison booster and damage dealer traitlines and D/D doesn’t look like it does much damage to Risen mobs
For PvE I’d recommend Zerker build.
What level are you, Imperadordf? And what server are you on? (for WvW purposes, lots of WvW guilds offer gearing and training to new members, such as UNIV on Fort Aspenwood)
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
Im on Ring of Fire and level 80 Thief. Trying to level up my masteries lol