New weapon skill for the P/P thief

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


lately after all the patch (cough nerfs) and the upcoming one while its been harder and harder to fight against all the meta conditions/signet warrior/PU/HGH etc… i found myself looking at the thief roll as resemble more and more to a sniper roll.

sniper – looking for the weakest target, easiest, dangerous etc and try to take them out as fast as possible and retreat for another positioning for the next target
from wvw perspective i mean as our only weapon viable is the d/p (?) or d/d which is solo target and our SB as our blast finisher with group play.
if anet sometime in the future will buff the p/p set to more reliable and not just unload boring spam
so here are my suggestions:
1. vital shot – currently only viable on condition set so why not use it on power set.
open it to 2 skills – the first one bleed your foe and the second one do more dmg . with this both specs can do use for it and reduce cast time to 0.25 as now its 2 skills
2. body shot – good for sniper as it immobilize but as the dmg now for p/p is low you can benefit it but only in group fight as it cost too much initiative and give low duration of immobilize so its like cripple skill
3. unload – instead of just spam this skill i suggest we make it more interesting.

split it to 2 skills : the first will just unload 1 shot of 5 bullets (not 8 ) won’t be channelled and will cost 3 initiatives and maybe do bleed 5 stacks for 3 seconds and will be blast finisher .
as now the meta revolve around conditions. and after trying to win against signet warrior who can heals 800 per seconds so i need 10 bleed stacks to even start to do something to him (also d/d ele hgh engineer etc

the seconds will be channelled for 3 seconds will cost 3 initiatives and do sniper shot which pierce and do more dmg the longer you stay channelled (1 second 50% dmg, 2 seconds 100% dmg, 3 seconds 150% dmg) and the range will be 1200 (and maybe trait which increase it to 1500)

skills 4+5 should stay more defense roll

with this set of skills the thief can act more freely from afar will have to choose wisely and should not spam as the p/p set is hight initiative cost but which benefit the user.

so the sniper have now the ability to go stealth with blast finisher+ BP look for a target and shot it the more time its stay channelled . the ini cost will be high so no spamming and will be acting more like kill shot . and its high risk high reward set like all other weapon set of the thief .
and also have the ability to go condition high ini cost with BP+unload +sneak attack which cost 9 ini and can put more pressure on the target

pls anet make the p/p set more interesting to use and not just unload spam. so maybe add sniper roll to the p/p set

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: sierras.6297


Sounds like they should just give us a rifle w/ 1200 range and work it into a power build based.

Oscuro Sombra~lv. 80 Thief|Oscuro Uno~lv. 80 Necro|
Oscuro Tanque~lv. 80 Guardian|
[RaW] Kaineng

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: Mika.9815


I remember your older thread.

It’s usually not cool to reply to just correct a spelling mistake, but the word is “role” and not “roll”.

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I remember your older thread.

It’s usually not cool to reply to just correct a spelling mistake, but the word is “role” and not “roll”.

People often say it isn’t cool, but I would argue that extremely basic spelling mistakes should be called out simply because we have let education slip so much in this country that people don’t even care about basic spelling, which is pathetic.

It’s something that really deserves accountability.

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Sounds like they should just give us a rifle w/ 1200 range and work it into a power build based.

nvm siggy is hidden for some reason.


(edited by Zacchary.6183)

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


I want sword in off hand

Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I want sword in off hand

Everyone says this, but I don’t understand why – dual wielding swords isn’t Thiefy at all. A viable Offhand light option would actually make more sense, as would MH mace and/or axe, two hand quarterstaff, or any number of other options.

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I want sword in off hand

Everyone says this, but I don’t understand why – dual wielding swords isn’t Thiefy at all. A viable Offhand light option would actually make more sense, as would MH mace and/or axe, two hand quarterstaff, or any number of other options.

I would like to see MH sword be wielded like a 2H when there is no offhand.

New weapon skill for the P/P thief

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


I remember your older thread.

It’s usually not cool to reply to just correct a spelling mistake, but the word is “role” and not “roll”.


i am not from UA or EU so…. but nevertheless thank you