Newbie Thief needs help...

Newbie Thief needs help...

in Thief

Posted by: DeathMetal.8264



Hi all,

TL;DR: Need help with gear/build/guild. New to the game, sorry for newbie questions…

Good day. I am a new GW2 player, new to the GW world so I am still struggling to grasp a lot of things so I have a few q’s. I just hit Lv80 yesterday, I started in the game 3 weeks late (I came from Diablo 3, cling on to it hoping 1.0.4 will be better for me) and would like to gear up:

Skill Setup:
All default skills for D/D and P/P
6 is Healing/Stealth
7 is Signet (either Power/Precision/Shadow), mostly power
8 is Signet (either Power/Precision/Shadow) or Caltrops if I need to get “credit for event”
9 is that skill with yellow circles that makes you invis (and all allies under it)
0 is Thieves Guild

In WvW, I usually replace 7th or 8th skill with other traps. My traits are still at Master (haven’t bought the Grand Master) because I don’t want to mess it up too much. I am not sure if there’s trait point/skill point reset here so if in case it’s permanent, I have most of my skill/traits points intact. But I do have 20 in Critical Damage (Shadow Arts?) and 10 in Trickery and the rest is untouched.

1. Would like to know Best Build for PvE (Skills) – Right now I am using D/D and P/P. While I am Lv80, I still join “zerg” run in Straits of Devastation. In groups, all mobs are easy peasy. In solo, I can beat 1:1, but anything more than that and I usually have to do a lot of hit and run combo or stealthing around. For AoE, I use that 3rd skill for D/D (I only use P/P when I am low on HP or kiting) but still, I have hard time to beat more than one and it’s probably because my gears all mostly “blues/greens” that are Lv75s (I don’t know where to get Lv80 gear).

2. Gear – not sure if GW2 is gear dependent like D3 but I have a lot of Karma (80k?) and about 12 gold. I don’t know where to spend it. I don’t have accessories (i.e. rings etc) because I am afraid that anything below Lv80 are just “transient” items so I make do with what I found (i.e. it is not uncommon that my current gear are like 10 or more levels below my character level). So as Thief that use D/D mostly, I have no idea what Legendary or Exotic set I need to get (and why)….I also don’t know where to get them…

3. How to find a good Guild? I came from D3 community 3weeks late to GW2. I joined GW2 after seeing Krip (a D3 player) play GW2. I would like to join his guild, but being a newbie and at this point in time, his guild is probably full already. I don’t even know if they are in Maguuma server so I am at a lost. Does ANet have a website that shows Guilds? I can probably “file an application” to join that have active members EST time zone.

4. Any other skills I need to get? I don’t have Spinning Dagger, Hounds of Balthazar, or that Mistfire Wolf. I only have Thieves Guild as Elite Skill…reading descriptions of others, I don’t find them any useful…

The maps I visited are:
Divinity’s Reach, Queensdale, Kessex Hills, Gendaran Fields, Hilrathi Land, Lion’s Arch, Bloodtide Coast, Sparkfly Fen, and Malchor’s Keep. I still have a lot to discover…

Haven’t been to any dungeon, as my experience with some free MMO before, dungeons are meant for group. I am a group of “1” so it’s probably tough for me. I do have my 2 Thieves, but duration and cooldown is a bummer!

Tnx to those who will respond, for flamers, trolls, tnx for the bump but I will probably not reply to those. Tnx for reading as well, if you can, say hi in this thread (if only to bump it as well)…

Also, I made a guild because I thought by making it, i can evade/avoid the Guild Invite from random people (turned out it’s useless and I paid good money to create a guild). But if I can’t join any guild, anyone is welcome to join mine. Only requirement is that you are nice (i.e. don’t have bad mouth, do not scam, cheat, hack, lie; enjoys exploring the game world together with other players (new and old to the game), have a knack to help when possible and willing to share knowledge and be able to accept new info from others)…

TL;DR: Need help with gear/build/guild. New to the game, sorry for newbie questions…

Lv80 Thief |Mesmer |Necromancer|Ranger|Guardian|Warrior|Elementalist|Engineer
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server

Newbie Thief needs help...

in Thief

Posted by: Jack Angelfoot.2697

Jack Angelfoot.2697

Hey mate!
I too played D3. When I switched over to GW2 (since I was a GW1 fan, it felt more like a return) I was reminded of the difference between a good game like D3 and a great game like GW2!
All the thief elites are all good, depending on the situation. Human elites, like all racial elites, (hounds, melandru, Grenth) kinda suck.

Equipment can mostly be bought pretty cheaply on the Black Lion Trading Post.

Signets go either way. I am not a fan of most of them, but others are.

Have you tried any jumping puzzles? They totally rock.

Feel free to friend/contact me in game.

My in-game name is: “Jack Angelfoot” or “Sir Finus”
BTW, I am a member of the Kingdom of Akron (formerly Acropollis Draconium). It is a small laid-back guild going back to the early days of GW1. If you want to check it out just PM me in game.
Oh, and I wrote a short new thief guide here Thief is Fun"

Regardless, you are a long way past the tutorial.

- Jack Angelfoot -

(edited by Jack Angelfoot.2697)

Newbie Thief needs help...

in Thief

Posted by: ATwig.3580


I’ve recently hit 80 but I’ve been running a lot of dungeons.

For PvE I use Shortbow and whatever I feel like at the time (It’s been P/P recently but sometimes I switch to Dagger Dagger)

For Dungeons I almost exclusively run Shortbow and P/P (There are some very specific parts in CoF and TA that I switch to Sb D/D but P/P is always a good choice)

For my skills I use:
6 Hide in Shadows
7 Blinding Powder
8 Roll for Initiative or Signet of Shadows, sometimes the assassin trap. (I swap this one out for whichever skill i’d need at the time)
9 Shadow Refuge(?) (It’s the AOE Stealth skill)
0 Thieves Guild

Now the way I’ve traited myself is around initiative regeneration (+2 anytime I use a skill that stealth’s me + faster initiative regen in stealth), evasion, and condition damage so that I can just keep dumping my 2 and 4 skills with the SB or applying vulnerability/blinding/daze locking with my P/P.

It only costs like 10 (or so) silver to reset your traits at your trainer so there is no reason to not play around with them!

As for gear I’ve gotten myself all Rare+ items (Mostly through crafting them) and I always make sure that each piece of gear has +condition damage then I’ve been alternating between toughness and vitality for the second main stat (The third stat I just kinda ignore).

If you like the skills you have don’t feel the need to unlock any more, it’ll save you from having to grind skillpoints later if you’re going to do some Mystic Forge shenanigins for crafting exotics. (I have the Mystic Forge exotic shortbow that you need 50 skillpoints to get and I love it.)

With regards to partying for dungeons if you’re looking for a group and cant find one then go ahead and just invite whoever else is looking! I’ve actually done better in most dungeons with 4 random strangers than running it with a group of 3 and a group of 2 put together.

TLDR: As long as you’re not dying, able to kill stuff, and having fun you’re gear will be fine!