OMG Stealth...

OMG Stealth...

in Thief

Posted by: Solori.6025


IS hilarious…

Ever been running around in WvW and watching your server mates get kittened by a thief..and they stand their and key turn…

At first I found this to be frustrating because I couldnt believe people to be that….uneducated about thieves to key turn and stand still..

Now…I think its hilarious..

So what do you guys think

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

OMG Stealth...

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


If someone is key turning they have bigger problems than stealth. It think the mouse turning revolution happened during Doom][ around 1994. I actually remember arguing the merits of the mouse to aim on a dial up BBS in my local city. Yes, before the internets.. I’m getting old… Doom ][ required 9600 baud and you could do 4 player deathmatch… was amazing!

OMG Stealth...

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I agree, OP.

When I’m on my thief and I see my opponent start backing away, making sure to be facing where I was when I c&d them, I know I’m going to be facing a decent opponent.

When they just stand there and wait for me to reappear, I don’t even feel like I really earned the kill and half the time, I’ll let them back up to try again. (They usually run).