Off-Hand Sword (Ideas)

Off-Hand Sword (Ideas)

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


With the whole “new weapons/skills etc.” thing still lingering in the back of my mind, I decided to revive some old ideas I had for OH Sword. If we get any extra weapon skills, I would want that to be first. I tried to go for styles that reduced reliance on Stealth and focused instead on other Thief attributes.

In concept:

S/S would be a swashbuckler style – all about the positional mobility and the power across multiple ends, with a dual skill flair.

D/S would be less swashbuckler, more duelist – more capable of dancing menacingly in close combat with a single target and with more evasiveness to that end.

P/S would be a condition set at heart (in an ideal world where Vital Shot isn’t awful), with the off-hand mobility/utility and dual skill granting different ways to safely put varying conditions down range.

Not much thought went in to numbers, those are just placeholders.

These are just my ideas – let me know what you would want as skills for OH sword and MH counterparts!

4) – Riposte (4 initiative)
Block the next attack and retaliate with a weighty slash, weakening foes in front of you. Regain initiative if not attacked.
Damage: ~600
Weakness: 6s
Range: 150

5) – Javelin (3 initiative)
Hurl your sword to the target location with increasing velocity, crippling foes it passes through before it hits the destination. Deals more damage to targets further along the trajectory. Cripples for longer further along the trajectory.
Damage < 300: 400
Damage 300-600: 450
Damage 600-900: 500
Damage > 900: 550
Cripple < 300: 3s
Cripple 300-900: 5s
Cripple > 900: 7s
Combo Finisher: Projectile
Range: 1,200

-> Flashing Blades (3 initiative)
Shadowstep to the thrown sword, blinding foes at the origin and destination.
Blind: 5s
Radius: 120
Range: 1,200
Breaks stun

Sword MH:

Eagle Eye (5 initiative)

Twirl and evade, attacking in rapid succession at foes around you while reflecting projectiles.

Damage (4x): 900
Combo Finisher: Whirl
Evade: 1/2s
Range: 130

Dagger MH:

Float (2 initiative)
Bounce back, evading attacks.

Evade: 1/2s
Combo Finisher: Leap

-> Sting (3 initiative)
Pounce forward, dealing heavy damage with both weapons at once to adjacent foes to your target. Each hit returns some endurance.
Damage (2x): 800
Endurance gain (2x): 10
Combo Finisher: Leap
Range: 450

Pistol MH:

Explosive Powder (4 initiative)
Leap backwards and fire a large cone of explosive shot over your prepped sword that burns foes in front of you. Parry incoming attacks.
Damage: 250
Burning: 3s
Block: 1/2s
Range: 450

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

(edited by Auesis.7301)

Off-Hand Sword (Ideas)

in Thief

Posted by: Gummiplutt.7493


I like those ideas! I just wonder about how good an OH Sword with MH dagger would look… I mean, slashing with the dagger whilst the sword just hangs there? Seems unpractical…

Author of Manipulative Minx
Narcissa Kyle – a mesmer with a thing for them looks, ya’ll!

Off-Hand Sword (Ideas)

in Thief

Posted by: Jack of Blades.2153

Jack of Blades.2153

Well i would preffer a sword but wear it as a two handed (like katana) that would be crazy, and probably make new weapon style only for this class, slicy slice

Off-Hand Sword (Ideas)

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Well i would preffer a sword but wear it as a two handed (like katana) that would be crazy, and probably make new weapon style only for this class, slicy slice

:O I can totally see that happen! We should get that option and some traits to go with it.

Off-Hand Sword (Ideas)

in Thief

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Wow these are amazing ideas. I am in love with the Javelin ability. It leaves a lot of room to be messed with.

All of this sounds great to be honest, and I would love for Anet to add new weapons for every class at one point.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Off-Hand Sword (Ideas)

in Thief

Posted by: Big Tower.5423

Big Tower.5423

Well auesis, nice ideas but for dual swords i think thief is in desperate need of attacks that hit a lot times that actually works compared to the crap of pistolwhip XD as thieves has few skills that scales in damage becuse they hit so frecently. we would need that type of attacks, like ranger warhorn 4, hb, rapid fire and such.

7800 hours ingame, and counting.