Official thief notes for Oct. 15
A-net might as well delete the whole class. I am disappoint. You used to be a decent company. Now you’re just kittenfaced.
They have nerfed every single viable thief pvp build this day… Thank You Anet! I can say one thing. I wish to see 1 major patch with no thieves notes, why? Because it would be the first real buff for thieves —-—>>> no nerfs.
really? -_- go elsewhere
on another note – they did kill the s/d boon is not going to make a huge difference, it needed an spvp split so pve could still be viable. or reduce the kitten initiative needed for larcenous by 1 (not flanking)
They have nerfed every single viable thief pvp build this day… Thank You Anet! I can say one thing. I wish to see 1 major patch with no thieves notes, why? Because it would be the first real buff for thieves —-—>>> no nerfs.
really? -_- go elsewhere
on another note – they did kill the s/d boon is not going to make a huge difference, it needed an spvp split so pve could still be viable. or reduce the kitten initiative needed for larcenous by 1 (not flanking)
I’m already finding bunkers who spam boons much faster than I can strip them, even when focusing on using LS and making sure as many as possible hit – needs more testing, but initial outlook is the boon strip portion of FS/LS is back to where it was with old FS… almost pointless.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
They have nerfed every single viable thief pvp build this day… Thank You Anet! I can say one thing. I wish to see 1 major patch with no thieves notes, why? Because it would be the first real buff for thieves —-—>>> no nerfs.
really? -_- go elsewhere
on another note – they did kill the s/d boon is not going to make a huge difference, it needed an spvp split so pve could still be viable. or reduce the kitten initiative needed for larcenous by 1 (not flanking)
I’m already finding bunkers who spam boons much faster than I can strip them, even when focusing on using LS and making sure as many as possible hit – needs more testing, but initial outlook is the boon strip portion of FS/LS is back to where it was with old FS… almost pointless.
ugh if true…im gonna have a field day with boon tank guardians.
They have nerfed every single viable thief pvp build this day… Thank You Anet! I can say one thing. I wish to see 1 major patch with no thieves notes, why? Because it would be the first real buff for thieves —-—>>> no nerfs.
really? -_- go elsewhere
on another note – they did kill the s/d boon is not going to make a huge difference, it needed an spvp split so pve could still be viable. or reduce the kitten initiative needed for larcenous by 1 (not flanking)
I’m already finding bunkers who spam boons much faster than I can strip them, even when focusing on using LS and making sure as many as possible hit – needs more testing, but initial outlook is the boon strip portion of FS/LS is back to where it was with old FS… almost pointless.
ugh if true…im gonna have a field day with boon tank guardians.
It definitely needs more testing – just a first impression.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
This patch was fine. Lets get less hyperbolic around here, please.
This patch was fine. Lets get less hyperbolic around here, please.
Please elaborate how it was “fine”
The venomous aura change is pointless while venom’s remain so poorly designed.
The only thing P/P got was now S/P is almost as useless, due to an unintended side effect of stuns no longer rounding up to a full second. The Body shot change was nice for P/D, but nothing spectacular, and it still leaves P/P in a poorly designed state.
The RFI/Withdraw/Meld with shadows fixes were nice, but they were fixes – the skills now function as intended, over a year to fix those issues.
LS stealing 1 boon was a mindless change – we already knew removing 1 boon from a bunker didn’t work, because it didn’t work back when FS was a non-split skill. Maybe 2 was too much (that’s another discussion), but just reverting it back to 1 boon without finding a middle ground that keeps the boon stripping portion of the skill relevant without being OP after three months of no PvP updates is just lazy.
It was a round of intended and unintended nerfs, with 2 extremely minor buffs (Body shot, Lotus poison) and some bug fixes.
It’s not like i was expecting a round of buffs, but watching the Dev team sink so much time into a venomous aura change while completely ignoring the base design issues with venoms is infuriating. That’s time they could have spent fixing LS properly, or finally fixing P/P, or bringing D/D back to relevancy, or maybe they might have noticed that S/P’s Stun now fades before the damaging portion of the skill starts firing…
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)
They have nerfed every single viable thief pvp build this day… Thank You Anet! I can say one thing. I wish to see 1 major patch with no thieves notes, why? Because it would be the first real buff for thieves —-—>>> no nerfs.
really? -_- go elsewhere
on another note – they did kill the s/d boon is not going to make a huge difference, it needed an spvp split so pve could still be viable. or reduce the kitten initiative needed for larcenous by 1 (not flanking)
I’d like having my 1 ini back since the skill doesn’t need to require 2 anymore.
1 ini for 1 boon. It sounds so poetic.
They have nerfed every single viable thief pvp build this day… Thank You Anet! I can say one thing. I wish to see 1 major patch with no thieves notes, why? Because it would be the first real buff for thieves —-—>>> no nerfs.
really? -_- go elsewhere
on another note – they did kill the s/d boon is not going to make a huge difference, it needed an spvp split so pve could still be viable. or reduce the kitten initiative needed for larcenous by 1 (not flanking)
I’d like having my 1 ini back since the skill doesn’t need to require 2 anymore.
1 ini for 1 boon.
It sounds so poetic.
your so cute! i was thinking the same thing <3. or at least make it 2 for FS and keep it 2 for LS.
on other person note up top, indeed, it seems like they go through with patches then watch us fuss, then come up with an alternative patch that seems to work…itll be a matter of time, they are always watching, but in the meantime…we have to suffer through it as players…we always have…
P/D is still obsulete to d/p – its more fun, but its still sad that d/p is a meta…dont get me wrong, i like resetting my fights to reassert the problem, but any build should be able to counter any other build ( as it doesnt work that way) but…i think that if a thief (gonna get hit for this one ) should actually HAVE to complete the LEAP from HS through Blackpowder to actually get stealth…just using HS in an immobilized state shouldnt work…
Basically…after this patch, thief is no longer viable at all in pvp and is at best an average support profession for ranged attack (sb aoe) in wvw.\
I guess that’s what they wanted. I stopped playing my thief now because of this patch. If I play anything at all on gw2 anymore it’s probably ele/mes/war/guard. But not thief, because it’s just pointless now to continue playing a profession that has been nerfed 10 feet deep to such inferiority.
The irony is…this patch will probably push more people to play dagger main again since sword has been effectively nerfed so much…however, all those boon builds will basically walk all over thief every time now. As if that wasn’t already happening with warrior and various other tank builds.
Even if i get killed for that posting: Why are thiefs saying, that perma stealth was getting nerfed with this patch? With the fixes of Hide in Shadows (absolutly correct) perma stealth should be even easier to get and with getting an additional explo finisher also stealthing your team works better, doesn’kitten I can’t make out something that nerfes the stealth thing… what do i miss?
Gidbin – elementalist
typical pug & home bl defender
I had great fun playing my stealthless S/P thief before the patch. Now it’s totally useless, you can’t kill anything with that.
Forcing us to play ONLY one build aint fun at all.
Only because you steal one boon instead of two it is completly useless and you can’t kill anything? Or did i miss some other changes?
Gidbin – elementalist
typical pug & home bl defender
Only because you steal one boon instead of two it is completly useless and you can’t kill anything? Or did i miss some other changes?
The change they did to stun rounding hit Pistol Whip really hard. The stun used to last through the first two sword swings, but now it’s over before the first blow even hits.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
The change they did to stun rounding hit Pistol Whip really hard. The stun used to last through the first two sword swings, but now it’s over before the first blow even hits.
Yeah, that’s pretty bad.
It’s like warrior’s 100 blades, just doing less than half damage.
Only because you steal one boon instead of two it is completly useless and you can’t kill anything? Or did i miss some other changes?
The change they did to stun rounding hit Pistol Whip really hard. The stun used to last through the first two sword swings, but now it’s over before the first blow even hits.
Thank you, i didn’t get that. That sounds worse for me than the other thing.
Gidbin – elementalist
typical pug & home bl defender
This patch was fine. Lets get less hyperbolic around here, please.
Please elaborate how it was “fine”
The venomous aura change is pointless while venom’s remain so poorly designed.
The only thing P/P got was now S/P is almost as useless, due to an unintended side effect of stuns no longer rounding up to a full second. The Body shot change was nice for P/D, but nothing spectacular, and it still leaves P/P in a poorly designed state.
The RFI/Withdraw/Meld with shadows fixes were nice, but they were fixes – the skills now function as intended, over a year to fix those issues.
LS stealing 1 boon was a mindless change – we already knew removing 1 boon from a bunker didn’t work, because it didn’t work back when FS was a non-split skill. Maybe 2 was too much (that’s another discussion), but just reverting it back to 1 boon without finding a middle ground that keeps the boon stripping portion of the skill relevant without being OP after three months of no PvP updates is just lazy.
It was a round of intended and unintended nerfs, with 2 extremely minor buffs (Body shot, Lotus poison) and some bug fixes.
It’s not like i was expecting a round of buffs, but watching the Dev team sink so much time into a venomous aura change while completely ignoring the base design issues with venoms is infuriating. That’s time they could have spent fixing LS properly, or finally fixing P/P, or bringing D/D back to relevancy, or maybe they might have noticed that S/P’s Stun now fades before the damaging portion of the skill starts firing…
Really just goes to show how little the Dev’s are capable of with attention to detail, balance, care for the game’s balance overall, and last but definitely not least … the fact they most likely do not even test their garbage before they release it, I mean, I know this isn’t the proper location for it … but perma immobilize warriors, anyone?
They’ve had how much time since the last balance patch, how many months, and this is what happens? Absolutely right that this kind of “work” they’re doing is extremely infuriating. Thieves are on their way down to the bottom rung of the ladder, 1 boon is not enough to net good utility for FS / LS. But I agree … it needed to be toned down elsewhere, but the fact they simply nerfed the boon steal instead of actually looking into the weapon set is just down right lazy and shows nothing more than their brilliantly shining incompetence.
Arenanet doesn’t deserve any respect when it comes to PvP balance concerns. I wonder if, with all these “condition options” thieves have, if thieves will ever have a valid, viable condition based build that isn’t complete trash by comparison to the other classes. But I’m sure if it was ever good, it would just get nerfed back into uselessness as well anyway.
Even less motivated to play now, and I’m not even playing this game anymore. Bought it on the premises it was “PvP oriented” but signs point at it being clearly the opposite.
…. I am just curious.
this is the most closest thing regarding the new patch for thief:
thiefs: QQ
a-net and the nerf wagon:
(edited by DanH.5879)