This only relates to SPVP
1. D/P too stronk, so give all other weapon sets on demand stealth.
2. SB too mobile; perhaps buff staff mobility or other forms of mobility.
3. Stop the mindless dodge spam cancer before it goes mainstream (kill signet)
1. D/P rekts, why is that? On demand stealth, on demand rupt, on demand blind+gap closer (best skill evar), amazing auto with poison and high dps, nice stealth attack, etc. . . .(I bold things so they pop out at you :< )
I don’t want to nerf any of that. Thief right now has a pretty decent spot in meta I think, along with pretty much every other class having at least one option and I don’t want to disrupt that balance(lul).
I’m not for giving every weapon set ALL of those things, that would be stupid. But the easiest thing to tackle is stealth.
Every weapon set has a pretty cool stealth attack, but not every weapon set can have stealth. That’s stupid. Here’s what I’d do (like anyone cares or any dev would pay attention to it, but I’m annoyed so I’ll say it anyway)
Rules: None of the stuff I’m adding needs to hit the target to grant the stealth; the stealth applies after the hit to not f with reveal of course. Also keep in mind that currently the BP HS combo grants 3 seconds of stealth regardless of any trait (SA does not increase stealth duration from combos)
Dagger main: Remove combo finisher of HS. HS now grants 2 seconds of stealth on use. Increase ini to 5 (what like you used this for anything other than stealth? It’s a net buff :p)
Pistol main: Body Shot now also grants 2 seconds of stealth. Increase ini to 5.
Sword main: Infiltrator’s Strike now also grants 2 seconds of stealth on initial cast. 5 initiative. I would honestly just remove the ini cost of the secondary cast.
Short bow: Disabling shot. 2 secs of stealth 5 ini you get the idea lul
Staff: Either Dust Strike or Debilitating Arc, IDGAF lol 5 ini 2 seconds of stealth.
2 seconds might not be enough to reliably land your stealth attack, perhaps 3 seconds of stealth and 6 ini?
But wait ohmuhgawd what about cloak and dagger and bound+bp, you will give dual wielders perma stealth!
Right now anyone running D/P and bound already has perma stealth (yes, even without SA). It’s not that big of a deal since outside of dueling dash is better. Also this is why reveal is a thing, l2p?
2. SB 5 is ridiculous. It makes SB a necessity in any serious form of play. I don’t wish to nerf it as mobility is what thief basically brings to meta. Without it we probably wouldn’t be there.
I don’t have a good solution for this. I thought about gutting the damage of vault and making it 900 range so it can basically be a SB but would that just be too ridiculous?
Really just at a loss on this one
3. Dodge spam builds, both acro staff and condi d/d varieties are kitten to this world. Kill them with fire. I don’t want acro nerfed; instead I think it is simpler and probably enough to just change signet of agility to do anything other than give you 100 endurance back.
Acro doesn’t give you big hits. They also need to twine in bound with the vault to do decent damage I think. If they take the Physical heal with bound and standard acro staff traits, they could get CCed to death. If they take dash to not be CCed to death, then they lose a lot of damage and rely on vault. It won’t get them far.
If it’s still an issue then a further nerf to physical heal or acro could be fine I guess, but I think agility signet’s death would be enough.
Sorry to waste your time if you read all this; everyone knows ANET isn’t doing anything atm lol