Opening from stealth?

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Limey.2769


So in all other MMO’s i’ve played (and I know this one is different), when you initiate a fight with a stealth class, you typically open with the big stealth opener (backstab, or whatever).

However, unless I’m missing something, you need to already be in melee range to use C&D to gain stealth, unless you want to blow your heal skill to start out that way?

Granted my thief is only level 4 and i’m still learning, but that seemed odd to me.

Am I missing something that will allow me to approach my target (even if the approach is only 3 seconds) and open with the big stealth burst?


System: I5 3570k@ 4.4 ~ 7970 X-fire ~ 32GB DDR3 ~ 2×120gb SSD ~ 2×2tb storage drives

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Shadowsteps are the real key to unleashing big unexpected burst on people. Assassins in GW1 didn’t even have stealth; it was all about shadowstepping.

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


what most thieves do is pre cast C&D, then steal. Steal has no cast time therefore won’t interrupt C&D, allowing you to hit when you step to him, and prefect range for the BS

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

As opposed to most other MMOs, long-term stealth is basically non-existent. Thieves tend to use stealth many times mid-combat in short bursts via many methods (C&D, heal skill, combo fields, utilities) to their means be it escape, repositioning, or hitting with a burst.

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


Granted my thief is only level 4 and i’m still learning

Welcome to the class!

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


its all about getting into range and working stuff into your attacks, stealth in this game isn’t about the “big opener” as much as it is in other games, in fact compared to many peoples attacks backstab is middle of the road damage wise for a “big” attack (still the thieves highest single hit mind)

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: LordSlack.4685


Backstab gets used as much as an opener as it does in the middle and end of fights. Stealth is more or less a setup mechanic to access stealth skills while fighting an opponent.

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

You can walk up to a mob unstealth and hit them with CnD. Even if they noticed you, they will stare at the location where they’ve last seen you. So yes, that’s one way.

Even if you use Steal, you still need to use CnD to go in stealth.

In PvP, shadowstep is a must. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

(edited by Sir Vincent III.1286)

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Taril.8619


To avoid that feeling of helplessness that players of MMO’s tend to feel when perma-stealth classes can jump on them at any time, Thieves lack the ability to enter a fight already stealthed (Aside from Shadow Refuge, though that’s normally saved to be able to leave the fight if necessary)

To compensate, Thieves instead get the ability to stealth repeatedly in a fight (Every 4 seconds) whereas perma-stealth from other games has to make do with 1 maybe 2 long cooldown abilities. Also the stealth trait line focuses less on boosting up “From stealth” damage (Via increased critical chance, armour penetration etc) and more on giving defensive and utility boosts upon entering/while in stealth.

This gives a much more active and dynamic way of playing a stealth class that leaves people to be able to counter it in various ways (Dodging/Blocking Cloak and Dagger to prevent stealth is one way) making it more interesting way to utilise a stealth class for both sides.

“Pull the trigger, move out ahead,
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


The only possible way of achieving perma-stealth and one way of
opening up a fight from stealth without blowing utility skills
is by using Dagger/Pistol, and stacking stealth by blackpowder and heartseeker x3
in the smoke combo field. To actually be able to stay in stealth for as long as you want
you need 1 second prolonged stealth and faster initiative regen from traits.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


of course you’ll generally not have any initiative left come actual fight time :P

Opening from stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Samuel.2167


@limey well i normally use Steal which is your F1 Skill by default to shadow step or (teleport) to my enemy before using cloak and dagger then backstab