Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Having read through the latest patch notes in regard of the Thief, I must say, I kind of find most of the changes relatively good.

Mostly all classes received on the first look more buffs, than nerfs if I may say so
But some things I can’t understand.
Partwise because I can’t don’t fully understand the new Ammunition System Anet is talking about.

However, there are also changes, where you can obviously see on first look ,that they changed thigns to the better, due to merging mostly skill or trait effects together from underused stuff, to make space for new skilly and traits to fill up the self made gaps with new effects, which will show us soon, if they will be useful and especially, if they will be good enough to shake up the meta, so bring more new build diversity than what existed before and if these thigns will be kind of useful everywhere, or mostly useless in specific parts of the game and only of partial use for just a specific game move, like PvP, or PvE

We see also, that ANet finally starts rename more oftenly things, which I find good, to remove this way confusions over thigns which share the same names, buy why then did ANet seemingly forget to either rename one of the Skill Versions here for the Thief’s “Flanking Strike”

However, Flanking Dive imo still sounds imo too similar. personally I’d had renamed the Skill rather into “Evasive Thrust”, cause you don’ strike with a spear, you thrust with it.
And Evasive over Flanking to make clear, it are 2 completely different skills, opening eventually the chance up to improve that way the spear version with an evasion frame when using the skill to improve it.

Personally I like very miuch the change to Dancing Dagger, however, it shows me also well enough again, how much it is needed for GW2 that anet finalyl begins to merge Boons and Conditions together, reworkign those two systems to clean up the game from its massive overflow of combat effects it has gotten over the years.

The change that Anet made to Dancing Daggers would also simply have been accomplished, if ANet would merge together Cripple with Torment, because it would just make sense, that it is painful for you too move around, if your legs just got crippled, so that if you get crippled, you should suffer damage over tiem if you move around like as if you suffer on Torment. And by that merge of the cindtions would work Dancign Dagger exactly the same way, how it will work now after that balance patch, just with the difference that the game would have 1 obsolete condition lesser and an improval on its game performance, so lesser combat effects have to be permanently calculated every second in the background of a battle, which would mean reducing lags in game. SO more combat effects the game collects over time, so more will suffer the game performances of GW2 represented in more oftenly and longer lags ingame, especially in large scale battles in WvW where you get overwhelenmed by the tons of combat and skill/condition/boon effects, that it has become imo a neccessarity to reduce the amount of effects for once again, especially if ANet plans on adding more Elite Specs in the future which will make the game more complex over time.

Some easy n quick changes, removing here n there some PvE/P splits, nothign special to me, but what I found interesting is, that Anet beings now also to reduce willingly the amount of hits skilsl do, and recompendates this loss of hits simply with a direct damage increase percentually to the loss of hits, as liek seen with Pistol Whip.

Woudl you see such a kind of change rather as a nerf or as a buff? Because this chance kinda has both. Simply by reducing the animation time by halfign the amount of hits, a skil lbasically has beeen buffed and nerfed at the same time I think?

The Animation time of the skill was used also as Auto Evade for very dangerous incoming attacks, now that time frame has been basically halved, so that you will receive damage again quicker after the 4 hits instead of the 8 have been done.
Therefore you hit now in a brief time alot more stronger like a truck your enemy as you doe in that shorter amoutn of tiem now double as much damage, than before, and your stuns last now even a bit longer.
Would like to know, if people here like the new or the old version of that skill more.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


part 2:

Because what Anet did here with Pistol Whip basically surely has potential to be done as well for many other skills of the game – reducing the skill animation times by reducing the hit counts and compensating the lost hits with a direct damage compensation? Do you find this good? Should ANet do this exampel wioth more other skills eventually too, if this would help improvign game performance, due to the reduction of the animation times from the reduced hit counts??

I like the changes to the utility skills mostly, as they mostly hit all completely underused utility skilsl by reducing overdue too long recharge times. – like I said once before – I do it here again – I think no single skill in this whle game should have – except for Elite Skills – longer recharge times, than 30 seconds!
The combat system of GW2 is so fast pace, that skilsl with longer recharge times than 30 seconds would be completely counterproductive…
So powerful can no single skill in this game, except Elite Skills – be, that it is neccessary to give a skill recharge times between 60-120 seconds and slowing this way artificially down the combat pace of the game due to people having to wait too long until they can reuse again their skills!!!

Personally I dislike on the thief changes the change to Signets of Power…
Seriously? Totally (mostly) useless on kill effects??? On kill effects are mostly maybe useful in PvE again braindead mobs which you can quick quickl<y, but in PvP and WvW, are on kill effects mostly a waste of time, compared to skill effects that require nothing at all, so you can make useage of the effect always either passively or actively, without that you have to met a condition first to let an effect trigger, which surely also doesnt riger multiple times at once, if there should die multiple foes at once from your attack at the same time, liek the new side effect of Signet of Shadows as the game has to decide over who died first for the efferct to trigge,r so that automaticaly the second person will be effectlss, due to the effect itself stacking not itself on multiple kilsl at the same time…

Thats somethign Id like to change. Signet of Power shoudl stay how it is, Grant might on activation of a signet and get rewored eventually with the improved effect, that this trait lets you keep the passive side effect, when you activate signets instead, that owuld be kitteneful improvement of signets of power instead of turnign it into kitteneless “on kill-effect mixture” that is plain a waste as long you kill nothing…
Either change it back, or change the secondary passive effects into different thigns that don#t need kills and are permanently as like the first passive, like this:

Malice: Critical Hit Chance percentually increases also your Healing Power. So if you have like 66% Critical Hit Rate, then your Healing Power Value is increased by 66% as well with Signets of Power on while using Signet of Malice, what will boost your Self heals when dealing damage that way by 66% practically, so that Malice will profit then alot by playing a high critical hit rate build, which is also in favor for Vigorating Precision

Assassin: Gain Vigor for 5 seconds when you successsfull evade attacks.
Infiltrator Increases the Range of all your Ranged Skills with Range bigger than 450 by +300 Units after having used an Initiative costing Skill for the amount of seconds, the Skill had cost in Initiative. So after a 6Ini Skill, your next ranged skills will have for 6 seconds 300 units longer range. Stacks to up to 30 seconds max.
Agility Turns whenever you gain Swifness the Effect into Super Speed and Stability, but Conditions and CCs last therefore on you 25% longer
Shadows Turns Shadow Steps into Shadow Runs, which are not teleports anymore, but instead phase walks in the shadows in which you auto evade all incoming damage sources as long the shadow run isn’t over. (kind of a similar little death shroud 2.0, just with damage immunity instead of gettign a second health bar that dictates when your real health takes damage again) which like a 50% stealth animation, your stil lvisibile, but 50% transparent with smokey hsadows lingering around you.
Additionally Shadow Runs work as Stun Breakers.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: czerwoni.9563


4 on dagger, danceing dagger was affected visually it shows you how many you have left

More Violets I Say Less Violence

Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

I am not sure if I like dagger storm as much now because they halved the time but at least the damage is doubled seems like a waste to wait the rest of 90 seconds would like them to bring it down to 60 second recharge instead similar to what they did with entangle for ranger.

Distracting Dagger is nice now no more time limit on when all three should be thrown. In fact they regenerate and animate around the fore arm great for distracting bosses. Throw in the pistol interrupt and bosses don’t stand a chance.

Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


I’m kind of busy in wvw today, so I haven’t read all changes, and I didn’t read the OP.
So far the game feels the balanced it has been the past 2 years. And regarding thief it was the first real proper balance patch for 2 years. I will read through the rest of the professions soon – but so far it seems as if anet really made an effort this time around.
Some things regarding thief I don’t really agree with though:
The 500 more power on Assassins signet – not sure if that really was neccessary. Might be overpowered.
Daggerstorm: Better how it’s now I was actually going to propse the duration change but with a lower cooldown on the skill.
CiS: I don’t get why this trait is unavaillable to us and had to be nerfed yet again. I still maintain that SA needs to be worked on.

The rest is proper and/or really good (as far as I can tell) – I do hope the next real balance patch isn’t in 2 years and that the next expansion won’t wreck everything (again).

Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: nonoxyl.6251


Anyone else concerned that we just lost 4 seconds of projectile reflection and half the whirl finishers in dagger storm? I use this a lot in PvE and losing half the reflection duration I think is going to make it inferior to just keeping basilisk venom on the bar.

And I see nothing about the sword changes that is going to make me give up staff for a power build.

Opinion about the latest Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Dagger Storm was never really useful at all, cause its whole whirlign and flinching daggers at all foes around you wwas always way too unprecise..

you threw away like douzends of daggers each secound into all directions and like only felt 33% of your thrown daggers quite actually hit something… and having to wait then for 90 seconds just to be abkle to use this very unreliable skill again….

i think a complete redesign of this skill would be better. Should rather work like this now:

Dagger Storm:
Ammunition Skill: 3 Units with 30 seconds each recharge

1st Unit = Rain of Daggers
Throw a cone of Daggers at your target, which will hit up to 5 targets multiple times per throw Dagger. Incoming Projectiles will get blocked off and reflected back to the origin by those thrown Daggers

2nd Unit = Staccatto
Throw multiple fans of Daggers at nearby targets, this will grant you Stability for a fix amount of time on each throw and each Dagger that hits a target, will grant the Thief some Barrier as well and a Stack of Might.

3rd Unit = Blade Dance
Leap with multiple Daggers in your hands towards your target, damaging on the way to it all foes in line of sight with a Blade Dance that causes on each Dagger’kitten Bleedings and grants you Fury as well as Quickness for a few seconds.

That way would become the Dagger Storm a 3-part Elite Skill under the new Ammunition System, granting some defense rather through the new Barrier System, instead of reflecting all the time projectiles, while still providign with the 1st unit part of the skill a chance to reflect enemy projectiles as reward for counterign your enemy at the right moment, like usign the skill right before an rsanger rapidfires you, givign you now then the chance to do this every 30 seconds once, instead of most likely once every 90s, while being a whiling victim on the silver platter for everyone else, unless you preemtively stop the skill to be able to move around normally again or do a dodge roll…

Thats how Id like to see Dagger Storm gettign changed, because udner this chance coudl you call this skill then truly being worthy of beign called an Elite Skill then.
How the skill has been since release day, it was never worthy to be called an Elite Skill.

Especialyl the fact, that the skill isn’t also useable under water, while there is an Elementalists tornado turnign under water into a Maelstorm, when it could have been so simpel to do the same with Dagger Storm for Thieves underwater as well, calling it there Dagger Spiral and a slightly different animation, to give thieves under water more options, than just only Basilisk Venom >.<

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside