P/P Thief?
p/d better
sneak attack – 5 100% projectile with combo field
shadow strike – best defence
P/P doesn’t use it’s left and right hand skills very efficiently.
S/P, D/P, and P/D are all better than P/P. The only advantage (and the main draw) to P/P is what I call the ‘deadpool skill’. Good ol’ #3….all that’s missing is the Thief shouting “BANG BANG BANGBANGBANGBANG!!!!”
Despite that, all the single pistol combos really do seem to work better.
[CO] Cryptic Omen
It’s certainly viable. It’s not optimal, but if you’re just plowing through DE’s and hearts go for it. If you’re built for continuous initiative generation and use Haste with the aforementioned Deadpool skill, you’ll do fine.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
It’s good for ranged single target. That’s about it. D/D will outperform on single target too, obviously, but P/P is nice for the situations where you wanna stay away (which is fairly often).
The damage output isn’t as dismal as people say. Vital Shot needs about a 30%-40% damage increase, which is substantial, but ideally you are trying to minimize VS usage and maximize Unload usage, so in it’s not that significant in the big picture. Unload needs maybe 5-10% increase, but it’s certainly viable for plinking away at range even as it is. In fact, I would go as far to say that P/P probably puts out competitive damage to most ranged specs as is (not all, obviously). The issue is that 99% of the time you will only be hitting Unload. Body Shot is useless in all situations, Head Shot is only useful in PVP, and Black Powder is pretty underwhelming because of how weak Vital Shot is.
But yeah, to summarize, P/P is certainly viable for ranged single target. Right now I’m actually using P/P + Sb for karma/boss farming, works fairly well. (Im also avoiding D/D because I know it’s gonna get nerfed again when the update hits, lol)
(edited by Blacksarevok.8104)
The biggest problem I have with P/P in open-world PvE is that AE attacks are just so great in any situation where you’re hitting multiple targets (most of the time in open-world PvE, if you want it that way) and P/P has exactly zero. For dungeons I’d definitely consider it viable, but it really hurts out in the world to both have mediocre damage output as well as no AE capability.
Well me personally i use P/D and for burst i swap to P/P that said that is only for PVE though i switch to P/D and D/D for WvW
Watching you Bleed makes me smile…………
Titanium Horde (TANK)(Borlis Pass)
I’m hoping the updates bring a fix to the bouncing pistol trait, make it a 50% chance for the bullets to bounce to two additional targets, ahhh that would be nice.
I’m hoping the updates bring a fix to the bouncing pistol trait, make it a 50% chance for the bullets to bounce to two additional targets, ahhh that would be nice.
If you suggest such a thing, that means your knowledge about the game’s mechanics are below zero.
You don’t just use P/P. Think about it like using pistol in main hand and pistol in off hand. You use pistol in main hand for ranged damage with nice bleed and vulnerability for team support. Very good single target damage.
You use pistol in off hand for nice interrupt, and smoke field to reduce incoming damage.
There is also Unload, but you shouldn’t focus on it, because it’s just a single ability out of five. To be fully effective, you should use all of them.
I’m level 56 and have been using p/p and sb and love it. It all depends on your style of play. It may take me a little long to kill stuff but I just can’t help that I am a sucker for unload
You don’t just use P/P. Think about it like using pistol in main hand and pistol in off hand.
I actually follow the exact opposite philosophy. For instance, while the /D of S/D and P/D bring the same abilities to the table, the playstyles of each weapon set is very distinct. Even thought the weapon sets share some skills they’re heavily differentiated in synergy and playstyle to the point where you should consider each combination a distinct option, not merely a mashup of two skill sets. Dual skills further reinforce this by making each dual set come together in a different way.
I’d like to see Body Shot improved and P/P be given access to another combo field to fully exploit some 100 % projectile finishers. Some way to create a fire field would be particularly awesome and create a very interesting P/P + SB group utility mechanic by blast-finishing your fire field for might.
It sounds weird to say, but it’s pretty silly that aoe attacks don’t do reduced damage against more enemies. It basically makes weapons without much or any AoE strictly inferior to weapons with it.