P/P vs Shortbow

P/P vs Shortbow

in Thief

Posted by: Lyru.9380


For the dual-sill Unload, it always does more damage as I fire more shots. Why? The skill description says it does 101 Damage for each shot with 8 shots.

Also, is Pistol/Pistol or Shortbow better for single target d/ps?

P/P vs Shortbow

in Thief

Posted by: ASP.8093


Skills like Unload, Pistol Whip, and Hundred Blades show a running total of the damage dealt, not the damage per each hit. So that last big number on Unload is how much you got for the whole volley.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast · http://tcwvw.com

P/P vs Shortbow

in Thief

Posted by: Lyru.9380


Oh WOW. That moment when you realize you only did 1/8 of the damage as you thought you did.

P/P vs Shortbow

in Thief

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


As for SB vs. P/P for single-target I’d say SB can burst higher with cluster bomb, but Unload offers more sustainability for single-target ranged DPS. That said, Unload offers less DPS than melee auto attacks, so it isn’t really saying much. SB is overall more malleable, gets way better with more targets on field, has more utility, and gives mobility.

My favorite less-conventional role for P/P is found in leveraging condition damage to create powerful auto attacks and saving initiative for the #2/#4/#5 utility skills. This differs from P/D which is close-range and funnels initiative into condition damage, and more traditional power-based P/P which foregoes the ability to use utility weapon skills in favor of dumping initiative into Unload. Unfortunately, (much like S/D) it leaves you with a largely useless dual skill.

(edited by Tulisin.6945)

P/P vs Shortbow

in Thief

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


Shortbow is best all around, but P/P is a little better on single target.

P/P vs Shortbow

in Thief

Posted by: sylvanari.3951


SB just has to many offensive and defensive capabilities to consider P/P. Although P/P looks and feels totally AWESOME ! !

~TATSUMI~80 Asura Thief~ Caedas[CDS]~Sanctum of Rall~