(edited by Void.4239)
PVP D/D dodger build (updated 14/09/2013 )
That looks like it’s hilariously fun to play and I CAN’T WAIT to try it!
Thank you for sharing!
That looks like it’s hilariously fun to play and I CAN’T WAIT to try it!
Thank you for sharing!
your welcome ;-),
Had to post it really, to many folks started saying they would report me for haxing :p.
They found it hard to believe a thief could bunker on a spot and survive a 3 vs 1.
They weren’t the greatest players tho
(it shows when they all 3 keep standing in the caltrops aoe :p )
hope you enjoy it as much as i do
i e gone through many different builds using very similar setups and ive played this one and different variations of this one and it is fun
if your good with weapon swapping, consider swapping out quick recovery for quick pockets, its one more initiative 1 second faster.
and bas venom is a nice choice also imo, so you can have then on the caltrops that much longer
Why not swap your signet of shadows for a signet of agility? Speed does not stack, and with that many dodges, you have plenty of swiftness, so it serves no real purpose other than as a blind. By using a signet of agility, you also gain access to a condition removal as well as yet another energy boost. Other options would be Roll for Initiative to give you a move that removes all mobility/stun conditions (saving your shadow step for damaging ones) on top of the additional initiative recovery. Scorpion wire to pull people back onto your caltrops. Or Shadow Refuge – your 3 spam suddenly becomes leeching on top of a healing field on top of a being an “oh kitten” reset option. Short story, you can do better than Signet of Shadows for a utility. Heck, I use dodge to move around towns too.
I would also suggest loading up on Skale Venom. You want to load as many debuffs as possible to make it difficult for them to remove your bleeds/cripples.
I’ve done a build similar to this (though not quite as energy stacked), and it’s fun.
Numbers, numbers everywhere.
Good build, I like it. I couldn’t see the link to the build, unfortunately. I’d have to agree with Drawing, though. Signet of Shadows is obviously very nice, and if you’re playing, say, WvW, you’ll have plenty of time to switch it in and out between fights, but for skirmishes, you’ll want signet of agility, it works so much more fluidly with this build.
I prefer run 0/0/30/20/20 healing thief. For the fact that i can stay in entere enemy and drop caltrops to imitate the. This build is not for killing exept if you go p/d. Thies build is for stomping downed enemy’s in chaotic battle and healing your allies. Its pretty fun has some feeling like been a spy.
Why not swap your signet of shadows for a signet of agility? Speed does not stack, and with that many dodges, you have plenty of swiftness, so it serves no real purpose other than as a blind. By using a signet of agility, you also gain access to a condition removal as well as yet another energy boost. Other options would be Roll for Initiative to give you a move that removes all mobility/stun conditions (saving your shadow step for damaging ones) on top of the additional initiative recovery. Scorpion wire to pull people back onto your caltrops. Or Shadow Refuge – your 3 spam suddenly becomes leeching on top of a healing field on top of a being an “oh kitten” reset option. Short story, you can do better than Signet of Shadows for a utility. Heck, I use dodge to move around towns too.
I would also suggest loading up on Skale Venom. You want to load as many debuffs as possible to make it difficult for them to remove your bleeds/cripples.
I’ve done a build similar to this (though not quite as energy stacked), and it’s fun.
Yeah the speed signet can be swapped for whatever people like to use really :P .
Its a free to chose slot depending the situation your are in.
I mostly change it to either :
- roll of ini or infiltrator signet : when i need more stun breaks ( 1 is more offensive / other defensive)
- signet of agility : when i face a really good conditioner ( or multiple conditioners)
I use the speed signet , just to reduce the unneeded dodge out of combat.
Without the weapon swap its rather hard to get swiffness stacked out of combat and i hate being slow even out of combat .
Once in combat yeah its useless , but most of the time i don’t need the other skills really
Shadow refuge looks great to for getting that extra heals in the fights .
But i would risk relapsing into using it for the stealth , and this build is mend to cure stealth users .
ty for the nice constructive info , pretty sure a lot of folks will appreciate it
i e gone through many different builds using very similar setups and ive played this one and different variations of this one and it is fun
if your good with weapon swapping, consider swapping out quick recovery for quick pockets, its one more initiative 1 second faster.
and bas venom is a nice choice also imo, so you can have then on the caltrops that much longer
Be careful with quick pockets not to use weapon swap for the ini,
The 50% endurance is way more important to keep your dodge row going .
Note that in pvp you should try not to swap weapon the sec its out of cooldown , it should only be used below 50% endurance.
Thief guild = your only way of axualy killing a heavy condition remover.
I just dont see the need of bas venom.
If you do caltrops on capture point , probably more then 50% tends to just sit in it on the captured point.
ty for the suggestions .
I prefer run 0/0/30/20/20 healing thief. For the fact that i can stay in entere enemy and drop caltrops to imitate the. This build is not for killing exept if you go p/d. Thies build is for stomping downed enemy’s in chaotic battle and healing your allies. Its pretty fun has some feeling like been a spy.
this build is mend to be able to protect / capture points on your own in tpvp/ spvp
stealth = you loos the point .
i see you build more of use in WvW or in zerg Spvp’s
You might also consider switching your runes to centaur – you could switch SoS out, withdraw at the beginning of a fight, do a dodge roll, and basically have permaswiftness.
You’d be losing some condition damage for power, of course, and losing 50% endurance regen on heal. The extra second of bleeding will take the edge off the condition damage loss though, and effortless perma-swiftness with all your cripple options might be nice. Giving all nearby teammates swiftness for 15 seconds on heal is nice too.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)
You might also consider switching your runes to centaur – you could switch SoS out, withdraw at the beginning of a fight, do a dodge roll, and basically have permaswiftness.
You’d be losing some condition damage for power, of course, and losing 50% endurance regen on heal. The extra second of bleeding will take the edge off the condition damage loss though, and effortless perma-swiftness with all your cripple options might be nice. Giving all nearby teammates swiftness for 15 seconds on heal is nice too.
this build is all about dodging all attacks if possible :p
perma swiffness= no use as a bunker thief :p
loosing the 50% endurance on heal would break the build
Yeah the speed signet can be swapped for whatever people like to use really :P .
Its a free to chose slot depending the situation your are in.I mostly change it to either :
- roll of ini or infiltrator signet : when i need more stun breaks ( 1 is more offensive / other defensive)
- signet of agility : when i face a really good conditioner ( or multiple conditioners)
I use the speed signet , just to reduce the unneeded dodge out of combat.
Without the weapon swap its rather hard to get swiffness stacked out of combat and i hate being slow even out of combat.
Once in combat yeah its useless , but most of the time i don’t need the other skills reallyShadow refuge looks great to for getting that extra heals in the fights .
But i would risk relapsing into using it for the stealth , and this build is mend to cure stealth users.
ty for the nice constructive info , pretty sure a lot of folks will appreciate it
Pfft – you can dodge/swift run infinitely with your setup. Flipping the camera round 180 to slip in a withdraw (which is also great for movement) gives energy and vigor. It’s a bit more active than holding the W key, but you’ll be moving faster than speed signet ever would have you, leaving that spot free for true combat options. I see that signet (at least on dodge swift spammers) as only useful for lazy town runs.
I will agree with Loading, however, that Quick Pockets is a better option. As long as you swap weapons in less than 15 second intervals, you’re coming out ahead. If you find yourself able to go longer than that, then it means that you actually have room to have a swap for initiative. So really, it’s a win for a build like this.
Interesting build. I’ve been experimenting with something like this. Only difference is i utilize venoms (ice drake & skale) to ensure total control of fight, and i have enough ways to keep weakness up on them so their endurance regeneration takes a serious hit, and they have a chance to miss with attacks. Also have nice boon removal and endurance regen.
Still some kinks and flaws i need to perfect with my build, but yours helped clarify a little for me. So thanks
With upcoming change to stealth, heavy evasion builds may become popular.
You might also consider switching your runes to centaur – you could switch SoS out, withdraw at the beginning of a fight, do a dodge roll, and basically have permaswiftness.
You’d be losing some condition damage for power, of course, and losing 50% endurance regen on heal. The extra second of bleeding will take the edge off the condition damage loss though, and effortless perma-swiftness with all your cripple options might be nice. Giving all nearby teammates swiftness for 15 seconds on heal is nice too.
this build is all about dodging all attacks if possible :p
perma swiffness= no use as a bunker thief :ploosing the 50% endurance on heal would break the build
If you slot Signet of agility over SoS you have the same basic function (100% endurance every 30s, instead of 50% every 15). You also get a condition cleanse out of it, and swiftness > SoS – though its not as clear cut as that, I would think the benefits would outweigh the slight negatives.
Edit: I’d probably also trade might on dodge for Fleet of foot – I imagine the condition that screws up the spec the most is Weakness, and cripple is probably high on the list too (as you’re strictly melee), and with the constant dodges, you’d be dropping those 2 conditions every 10s.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)
Yeah the speed signet can be swapped for whatever people like to use really :P .
Its a free to chose slot depending the situation your are in.I mostly change it to either :
- roll of ini or infiltrator signet : when i need more stun breaks ( 1 is more offensive / other defensive)
- signet of agility : when i face a really good conditioner ( or multiple conditioners)
I use the speed signet , just to reduce the unneeded dodge out of combat.
Without the weapon swap its rather hard to get swiffness stacked out of combat and i hate being slow even out of combat.
Once in combat yeah its useless , but most of the time i don’t need the other skills reallyShadow refuge looks great to for getting that extra heals in the fights .
But i would risk relapsing into using it for the stealth , and this build is mend to cure stealth users.
ty for the nice constructive info , pretty sure a lot of folks will appreciate it
Pfft – you can dodge/swift run infinitely with your setup. Flipping the camera round 180 to slip in a withdraw (which is also great for movement) gives energy and vigor. It’s a bit more active than holding the W key, but you’ll be moving faster than speed signet ever would have you, leaving that spot free for true combat options. I see that signet (at least on dodge swift spammers) as only useful for lazy town runs.
I will agree with Loading, however, that Quick Pockets is a better option. As long as you swap weapons in less than 15 second intervals, you’re coming out ahead. If you find yourself able to go longer than that, then it means that you actually have room to have a swap for initiative. So really, it’s a win for a build like this.
Yeah gone add the build with your suggestions , the quick pocket indeed has its better value .
But to be honest it doesn’t really matter that much, if played flawless you never run out of ini and dodges at the same time , just hard not to make a little mistake and blow the timing on it all
The signet of speed slot is free to chose (will add it in the build to, a lot of good suggestion about the SoS have been made for all sorts of combat scenarios .
Indeed i agree thief has a lot better options then this to use , its fun to be able to switch around that 1 skill a bit .
Gives a little room to change up the playstyle from time to time.
guess i’ll have to get of my lazy kitten and drop SoS more often :P
You might also consider switching your runes to centaur – you could switch SoS out, withdraw at the beginning of a fight, do a dodge roll, and basically have permaswiftness.
You’d be losing some condition damage for power, of course, and losing 50% endurance regen on heal. The extra second of bleeding will take the edge off the condition damage loss though, and effortless perma-swiftness with all your cripple options might be nice. Giving all nearby teammates swiftness for 15 seconds on heal is nice too.
this build is all about dodging all attacks if possible :p
perma swiffness= no use as a bunker thief :ploosing the 50% endurance on heal would break the build
If you slot Signet of agility over SoS you have the same basic function (100% endurance every 30s, instead of 50% every 15). You also get a condition cleanse out of it, and swiftness > SoS – though its not as clear cut as that, I would think the benefits would outweigh the slight negatives.
Edit: I’d probably also trade might on dodge for Fleet of foot – I imagine the condition that screws up the spec the most is Weakness, and cripple is probably high on the list too (as you’re strictly melee), and with the constant dodges, you’d be dropping those 2 conditions every 10s.
sorry but cant agree with you on these aspects. there core things i cant touch on the build.
*the 50% endurance each 15 sec is better then 100% every 30 sec
reason : thiefs return 25-30% endurance after dodge
meaning you can never give 100% endurance to this thief build , the most its 70-75%
1 extra evade beats the condi removal for me
*might on dodge = to big a dps boost ( 5-10 stacks ) thats alot to have constant on you
The weakness and cripple = cleansed from withdraw evry 15 sec ( its enough for me most of the times)
And when you get heavely targetted , i suggest you use Roll of ini instead of SoS for another stun breaker
but for the love of god do not touch might on dodge
still appreciate your ideas and glad you thinking around the build :P
Build says bad link, even if I copy and paste. Please re-post. thanks!
You didn’t copy the whole link then Rhoellan. But to make life easier for the masses, here is his build shortened. I avoided the temptation to make my changes. :p
You didn’t copy the whole link then Rhoellan.
But to make life easier for the masses, here is his build shortened. I avoided the temptation to make my changes. :p
build has been adjusted and updated in the main post
- just the quick pocket instead of quick recovery
- last utility skill = free to chose ( atm. SoS since there a lot of lazy folks :p )
This build looks fun, but I’m wondering how effective it would be in WvW when you’re not contesting a capture point like in sPvP. I do expect zerg diving to be pretty effective, but on a smaller scale would P/D work better (i.e. both being condition builds).
Edit: title says PvP, I feel foolish now. Still curious though
(edited by Yams.6082)
This build looks fun, but I’m wondering how effective it would be in WvW when you’re not contesting a capture point like in sPvP. I do expect zerg diving to be pretty effective, but on a smaller scale would P/D work better (i.e. both being condition builds).
Edit: title says PvP, I feel foolish now. Still curious though
its a Spvp/Tpvp build , haven’t tested it out in WvW yet :p.
The idea is not to use stealth , to be able to hold / capture points , something you dont need to do in WvW , so in WvW it might be more interesting to use stealth builds.
Tho I think in WvW the aoe caltrops will be less effectieve
( in Pvp they tend to still want to stay on the “capture point” even if there’s a ground aoe)
But feel free to test it out in WvW and give your opinion on it.
cheerz Jim
aka Tripp
(edited by Void.4239)
I’ve run pretty much this several times in the past and it is too tedious for me over time. It’s fine for some tpvp if you literally want to hang on to a point but it doesn’t push any buttons for me in hotjoin or WvW.
I’ve run pretty much this several times in the past and it is too tedious for me over time. It’s fine for some tpvp if you literally want to hang on to a point but it doesn’t push any buttons for me in hotjoin or WvW.
added a few newly made vids , hope you like them
hope you all like it
I’ve run pretty much this several times in the past and it is too tedious for me over time. It’s fine for some tpvp if you literally want to hang on to a point but it doesn’t push any buttons for me in hotjoin or WvW.
added a few newly made vids , hope you like them
hope you all like it
Void the main thing is that you (and others) have a blast playing it… any comments to the contrary are pointless because the game is about fun, and the build is totally viable.
For me personally I just don’t like playing the style… I have done it when folks specifically wanted me to hold and troll specific points but not when I wanted to smash things up and get things done. I don’t play one style for very long but right now I’m playing an Lyssa based high crit high stealth build and finding it the perfect fun spot for me for now. I want enough burst to end fights fast and enough stealth to stay in a 1vx fight without needing to go condition.
I am sure I will be condition again soon.
If this is what we are being reduced to why play thief anymore ? I just dont get it
Swiftness, caltops, and might on dodge.
Does this mean confusion would hit 3X per dodge?
Plus you got vigor on healing. I’d imagine a condition mesmer would shut this build down fast.
Confusion only ticks once I believe, though admittedly it’s hard to pay serious attention in battle. You’re right, though, that condition mesmer is a pretty good counter to this build. I almost lost a 1v1 against a condition mesmer last time I played this spec – but I just ran off, flipped on a bit more condition removal and in better terrain, and then it was nothing again.
Really, the short is that this is a tough to kill build that lacks a bit in killing power against anyone that knows to get off caltrops and has some condition removal. It is a great build for sPvP/tPvP from the nature that you can keep the point coated in your caltrops, and if they group on the circle, it’s beautiful for your DB too. If they don’t, you can usually hold them long enough for your group to come (though GG if it’s hotjoin).
Note to others – this is an extreme example showing how thief can reach infinite dodges/evades. Take this, and start applying it in a controlled manner (meaning you don’t need to rune/double sigil your way), and you have a class that is far more untouchable than any other class. Because of this, I can take on any number of mobs with my zerker thief. Because of this I can dodge every incoming attack from a champion/boss. Because of this I almost never lose a 1v1 even against a stealth spamming x/D thief. And this is not even touching all of the thieves access to blinds and CC.
Confusion only ticks once I believe, though admittedly it’s hard to pay serious attention in battle. You’re right, though, that condition mesmer is a pretty good counter to this build. I almost lost a 1v1 against a condition mesmer last time I played this spec – but I just ran off, flipped on a bit more condition removal and in better terrain, and then it was nothing again.
Really, the short is that this is a tough to kill build that lacks a bit in killing power against anyone that knows to get off caltrops and has some condition removal. It is a great build for sPvP/tPvP from the nature that you can keep the point coated in your caltrops, and if they group on the circle, it’s beautiful for your DB too. If they don’t, you can usually hold them long enough for your group to come (though GG if it’s hotjoin).
Note to others – this is an extreme example showing how thief can reach infinite dodges/evades. Take this, and start applying it in a controlled manner (meaning you don’t need to rune/double sigil your way), and you have a class that is far more untouchable than any other class. Because of this, I can take on any number of mobs with my zerker thief. Because of this I can dodge every incoming attack from a champion/boss. Because of this I almost never lose a 1v1 even against a stealth spamming x/D thief. And this is not even touching all of the thieves access to blinds and CC.
totally agree with you
it all started as a try @ “non stealth build” , turned out to pretty darn fun and effective.
When i saw all the “stealth nerf thief bad” topics on forum, i thought i would remind folks what other things thief still can do.
hybrids between evade / stealth will probably be very nice builds.
cheerz Jim
What a hell I’ve just seen? A lot of dodges with crappy DPS?
At part 2 2nd row in the incoming damage list - retaliation. yeah, great build ^^
"hybrids between evade / stealth will probably be very nice builds."
man, there is nothing about hybrids. It’s just another Vit-Condi thief, who applies bleed not from Pistol#1 but from dagge#3 and caltrops...
And, sure, it’s not a bunker.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
What a hell I’ve just seen? A lot of dodges with crappy DPS?
At part 2 2nd row in the incoming damage list – retaliation. yeah, great build ^^“hybrids between evade / stealth will probably be very nice builds.”
man, there is nothing about hybrids. It’s just another Vit-Condi thief, who applies bleed not from Pistol#1 but from dagge#3 and caltrops…And, sure, it’s not a bunker.
I dont realy get your angry post…
- Its a fun NO STEALTH thief build , to show folks it still can be done without stealth.
- The dps is the highest conditions a thief can get ….
( 1400 base condi / +250 from sigils / 280 (+-8x might stacks) )
- evry build has counters against it. retaliation/ confusion are hard to fight for this build. but that goes for many builds
- " hybrid" , I meant that when people start adjusting this build , thru adding some stealth, it will become even more reliable.
- “bunker” , why you think i put bunker between " " … , it is not really a bunker but its the closest a thief can get to bunkering on a point.
- shoud not compare the pistol bleed build with this build
– pistol bleed = heavy stealth use / ranged ( not able to hold / capture points )
– DB bleed = NO stealth use / close combat ( able to hold / capture points )
see how ridicules it is to say its just another build like the pistol bleed … :p
glad you didn’t like it and still watched part 2
cheerz Jim
Useless for WvW.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Cool vids!
Also to SilverWF- not sure where in original post it said anything about viability in WvW. It mentioned holding points in PvP, which it seems able to very competently do.
soloQing my way through leagues…
(edited by AshinDreidon.3861)
Remember always to read the thread before posting…
this build is mend to be able to protect / capture points on your own in tpvp/ spvp
stealth = you loos the point .
its a Spvp/Tpvp build , haven’t tested it out in WvW yet :p.
It seems quite clear to me. There is no way someone can not understand that.
Useless for WvW.
Nah apparently wasn’t clear enough lol.
Cool vids!
Also to SilverWF- not sure where in original post it said anything about viability in WvW. It mentioned holding points in PvP, which it seems able to very competently do.
1st, about vids: 2vs1? It can be done with every build.
2nd, “bad for WvW” just fact for me, nothing personal
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Cool vids!
Also to SilverWF- not sure where in original post it said anything about viability in WvW. It mentioned holding points in PvP, which it seems able to very competently do.
1st, about vids: 2vs1? It can be done with every build.
2nd, “bad for WvW” just fact for me, nothing personal
1st, about vids:
- they are first vids i made from screen recordings
- think there fights from 5 or so matches in those vids
- i made sure there are 1vs 1 / 2vs 1 / 1 vs 2 / x vs x in both vids ( from those 5 matches)
2nd, bad for WvW
- didnt say anything about it beeing good for WvW. i havent played any WvW yet, so cant argue against you on that point.
Cool vids!
Also to SilverWF- not sure where in original post it said anything about viability in WvW. It mentioned holding points in PvP, which it seems able to very competently do.
ty for the possitieve reaction
Remember always to read the thread before posting…
this build is mend to be able to protect / capture points on your own in tpvp/ spvp
stealth = you loos the point .its a Spvp/Tpvp build , haven’t tested it out in WvW yet :p.
It seems quite clear to me. There is no way someone can not understand that.
Useless for WvW.
Nah apparently wasn’t clear enough lol.
ty for the funny reaction. made me laugh
patch update:
caltrops took a hit time/dps reduced with 1/3
still good enough to kill most 1 vs1 and able to hold a point against 2-4 enemy’s for 20-30+secs
Wow lol nice. I ran a build similar to this except it was 0/0/10/30/30. I never thought about using two sigils of energy like you have which is exactly why I left the build. I could only dodge so much but now I can return to this build. Well done btw.
Edit: You could run 10 into shadow arts to get slowed pulse which gives you regen, it doesn’t stop conditions but slows down just in case you get high stacks of bleeds and stuff.
(edited by Leohart.4610)
Always enjoy it in wvw myself. I use 0/10/0/30/30, or 0/20/0/30/20. Two stunbreaks, sig of agi. Withdraw, d/d+d/d or sb.
Btw, two sigil of energy’s dont stack.
Use 1, and force or accuracy. gain my gear is mixed so i keep +50%cd, 37-41 crit with traits, and bleeds ticking 74-80. Use +40% end food.
Saw a couple of such thieves in spvp today.
Well, they can’t kinda kill you, IF you are careful. But kitten they’re so annoying and dodgy. I don’t think random pug can catch them.
Always enjoy it in wvw myself. I use 0/10/0/30/30, or 0/20/0/30/20. Two stunbreaks, sig of agi. Withdraw, d/d+d/d or sb.
Btw, two sigil of energy’s dont stack.
Use 1, and force or accuracy. gain my gear is mixed so i keep +50%cd, 37-41 crit with traits, and bleeds ticking 74-80. Use +40% end food.
2 Sigils of energy do stack, actually 4 of them do. 2 on each dagger set. I use it in pvp frequently. There is just a half second you have to wait before switching weapons while with 0 endurance, in order for endurance bar to be full again.
AikijinX- [Mada] [MILF] [HUNT] 7.3k Thief Hours
Defend Your Back
I was using a single Sigil of Energy in each D/D pair in sPvP last week. I only got 50% energy from a weapon swap. I didn’t try to put a SigE in both daggers because I thought the inner cooldown would block one.
I have to wait 6 hours to check myself.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Isn’t new. Used it back at launch. There are variations, one of them here. You can use the standard shadow refuge – shadow step – SOS-Hide in Shadows combination with rapid jewels or shamans or if you are not comfortable with the lack of initiave, go roll for the initiative.
Look for Leaping Super Immortal Death Troll Legendary Unicorn Blossom
With the added self healing.
If people dont stand in caltrops, kite you, have multiple condition cleanses and dodge your lbd, your damage output is close to 0. You’ll have to stay out of team fights.
If people dont stand in caltrops, kite you, have multiple condition cleanses and dodge your lbd, your damage output is close to 0. You’ll have to stay out of team fights.
That was my problem with the build. I found myself doing more point neutralizing and sometime capping than fighting.
I kept telling myself to try to get into team fights, right? If they’re trying to hit you and missing, then your teammates can unload on them. If they ignore you, then you just do your bleeding thing with some dagger auto thrown in. But for hot-join I never really saw that happen.
But it was FUN! Roll! Leap! Twirl! Dizzy… barf. Whee… fun… (falls over)
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
its so OP omg i cant catch him nerfoo00000rZZzZZZZZzz.
looks like fun by the way
The actual reason for the Perma evasion build is to troll points, and hold for your team . Not quite bunker, but evasive. This is a 1v1/ 2v1/ rarely 3v1 build. It is support.. to sum it all up.
AikijinX- [Mada] [MILF] [HUNT] 7.3k Thief Hours
Defend Your Back
You know, Aiki’, I should give holding points a try instead of the full roamy takey fighty thing.
Maybe it was me not having the proper mindset. I wanted to try this in WvW too, but meh, can’t seem to convince myself it would be viable ish. I’ll tweek my head around it in sPvP some more first.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Maybe it was me not having the proper mindset. I wanted to try this in WvW too, but meh, can’t seem to convince myself it would be viable ish. I’ll tweek my head around it in sPvP some more first.
They nerfed caltrops but buffed dodgetrops. I think this is an overall nerf to the build since caltrops were significantly better.This build would become much more deadly if the dodgetrops trait procced on evades instead of just dodges.
However I don’t think this would be viable in WvW because fights take place in more open environments (less chance for someone to step in your caltrops). Also, you need a good escape which D/D on both sets just doesn’t offer. I actually considered this build for WvW (bought a full set of adventurer runes and 2x energy sigils), but ultimately decided against it. Like OP said, it’s for sPvP and contesting points.
You know, Aiki’, I should give holding points a try instead of the full roamy takey fighty thing.
Maybe it was me not having the proper mindset. I wanted to try this in WvW too, but meh, can’t seem to convince myself it would be viable ish. I’ll tweek my head around it in sPvP some more first.
Would you like to duel me sometime. Because i can show you what this build can do. Yeah and WvW thats the key word you said. It’s HORRIBLE in wvw.. I go full Glass in WvW..
AikijinX- [Mada] [MILF] [HUNT] 7.3k Thief Hours
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