PVP: noob help
I posted this here since i’m looking for some Thief PVP aid.
Yesterday I took my first adventure in pvp: conquest Forest of Niflhel (unranked-soloQ: my first pvp match ever) As being a total pvp noob, it didn’t take too long before being called one. I was asked if I even knew thief mechanics: No I don’t, it’s my first time, please give me a chance to learn. And was then asked to uninstall my game.
I tried unstalling and reinstalling, that did not help: I’m still a noob in pvp. I tried searching on the forum, but most items i find are rather old (+1year?) Are these tactics still viable? Or can some1 who can point me to some more recent pvp info.
- Is our role the same on the different maps?
- Is the metabattle build a good one for starters?
- Why should i leave downed players and not finish them? (isn’t that kind of the purpose in pvp?)
- What is far capping?
No body likes to lose, I understand, but where do you go to practice if you’re not welcome in unranked matches?
- Our role is largely the same across maps (jumping into fights to give your team a +1 advantage, taking advantage of undefended points to quickly decap)
- The metabattle build is good against other metabattle builds. It may not be the best to learn with. I prefer a D/D condition build; it has much more survivability while still being able to dish out damage
- You should leave a downed player if you have a teammate who can take care of the stomp. As long as your teammate has enough health to safely stomp, once the opposing player is downed you should be moving on to the next fight since you should be able to get there faster. This is situational and depends on many factors. You should never just leave a downed enemy unless there is someone else there to stomp
- Far capping is taking the point that is closest to the other team spawn. Usually this is not a good strategy, but it can make sense in some circumstances
I recommend getting into PvP with some other profession than thief. Thief is undoubtedly the hardest class to play there, and you need to handle, not just understand, your role before you enter a match with it. A noob thief is utterly useless in a match, whereas a noob reaper can still do some good.
As to your questions:
1. Yes, pretty much so. Game Mode is more the deciding factor. Team Deathmatch in unranked is totally different, it’s just kill or be killed basically. The strong points of a thief are high burst damage and mobility.
2. As good as any but as a noob, stick to defensive utilities.
3. Not finishing off players is a stalling tactic, which only applies when they are downed in a place that’s not in range of a point. It takes longer for them to rally via #4 downed skill than being finished and respawn in their base. Effectively not finishing them means they are off the table for a longer period of time. That gives your team an advantage.
4. Capping is taking a point for your team. In conquest maps, there are 3 points which most people call close, mid and far. Close is the one closest to your base, far is closest to your enemy’s base. Mid is the one in between them. Uncapping, on the other hand, as a term refers to making a point neutral, not sporting either teams color.
I assume you have HoT, since most people do, and would recommend playing either a reaper or a scrapper. They are professions that are really more forgiving of mistakes in PvP.
Ofc, if you don’t mind being called names every now and then, just practice with your thief in unranked and ignore them. It really is the place to practice and you can point this out to anyone you think is being unreasonable. And mention that you are new to PvP at the beginning of the match, so your team isn’t left in the dark. Use the “Team”-chat channel for this, not Map channel or Say channel.
If you have more questions, just shoot them here. We try to be friendly.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
To be honest you paid your money for the game; the same as they did. Who cares what the others think. If your learning then your learning; it’s what unranked is for(forget about the hotjoins..they are a cesspool).
Watch a lot of “how to” youtube vids and and don’t let failures get you down…it
is .only a. video. game. and far. too. many LeetImSOOOMuchMoreAwesomeThanYouNoob types will apparently never clue into that fact. Enjoy.
thief is “extremely dangerous class” (last patch description) however its extremely hard to learn. there are only two good pvp builds: dp andstaff.
maruder amulet
dp is most popular but i think staff is stornger becouse u can duel everything and win every duel, while dp can only decap and +1.
(edited by Urejt.5648)
i played thief for a long time these be top 3 things i suggest you learn
1 always watch your mini map if you can get a cap go for it does not matter about anything else.
2 learn how class rotate so you can learn to predict heal moves. if you can see them coming you never let them heal again.
3 of all do not feel bad to ditch your team in fights there are times where you will just be useless it better to spend your time rotating to another part of map.
First of all, there aren’t clearly defined roles in unranked solo-Q. You’re grouped in a random team with limited communication, and there is no telling if your teammates know their roles, much less yours. My advice as a fellow unranked solo-Q-er thief:
Do not fight one on one. Most classes have an advantage, even when played by poor players.
Cap before you fight, even if you have to go far (the other team’s home node). Going far used to be poison for your team, and is still somewhat situational, but it makes a lot of sense if everyone is zerging or fighting off nodes.
Use the map gimmicks. Thieves are not great in group fights, but you can do a lot of damage by using the trebuchet or laser cannon.
Block anyone that tells you to “re-roll” or gets salty on you because they are getting their butts kicked.
Learn how to use the short bow 5 skill to get to nodes before everyone else does. Youtube it.
That’s all I got. Good luck.
Thanks for all your input, this will help in my exploration of PVP
and don’t worry, I’m not letting my spirit downed by players telling me i suck. I’m only a casual player, I know my limitations; None the less, i strive to get better