Per-mug and haste nerf p/p thief
Err, what? O.o
all is vain
i think he means PRE nerf mug. and yes we were the top dmg class which is supposed to be normal but now are a close 3rd.
this is just plain WRONG !
S/P and D/D both were and are >> than any P/P spec.
If you really really think otherwise you have absolutely no clue about thief !
this is just plain WRONG !
S/P and D/D both were and are >> than any P/P spec.
If you really really think otherwise you have absolutely no clue about thief !
ummm …what? no idea what ur saying here man :P
He’s saying that before their nerfs S/P and D/D were thieves best damage weapons and continue to output the most damage.
If I recall, that’s true. Since S/P’s damage numbers on 3 targets dwarfs everything easily, and D/D backstab chains dwarf everything single-target if some other posters calculations are correct.
d/d is one of the top single target outputs yep. and p/d used to be thieves best dmg. the only reason its nerfed was bc of haste….now that haste was nerfed….. well that i just dont get why they cant refix PW now
Because then the devs would have to balance thiefs around more then 1 1/2 viable weaponsets , which is, most likely , too much for them
No idea what the OP is trying to say. Does he mean that P/P was the strongest weaponset at some point pre mug? Yeah right.