(edited by Lavexis.5360)
Pistol/Pistol [video]
Yep its viable and works p/p condi ( in wvw at least as well). Just a few wee tweaks.
And it is fun and p/p condi is fun as well as you use all the skills. All them interrupts.
If you go IP over NQ you will really pull in a lot of heals as well. My own Power build P/P i cant figure which I like better. Never went revealed training yet. Might be interesting to trait that along with using a shadow trap.
yes, not only its viable but i’ve been winning a lot of matches with it.
sure i can show 1 v 1 montages, but the point of it is that i want to show that i can actually get lead points while maintaining dps and kills with it, something that even d/p user actually struggle with all these blocks coming from guardian, ele and mesmers..necro also have wells which counters melee dps.
Not sure where all these ppl come from saying that its trash…
revealed training/executioner/no quarter is great for power p/p
try use d/p for your other set maybe and abuse that extra 200 power along with runes of scholar and marauder..
use berserker if you want to yolo and laugh as you see 10k+ damage on top of your enemy
(edited by Lavexis.5360)
I find it difficult to believe on the top performing servers that P/P in WvW with only 900 range will be successful. Even with the previous range of ricochet, staying alive while trying to play within the range pocket of 1200+ weapons was difficult. Perhaps it works on low pop servers where the zerg won’t crush you the moment you become visible/in range. I’ll keep on eye on the forums for updated reports of P/P in the new regime, but WvW P/P thieves needed all the sustain help they could get. Ricochet fed that pretty well (but not well enough). Maybe some kind soul can put up some more WvW vids.
Can anyone link to a good P/P Thief build for pvp and pve?
I want to make a thief but being a gunslinger sounds fun.
yes, not only its viable but i’ve been winning a lot of matches with it.
sure i can show 1 v 1 montages, but the point of it is that i want to show that i can actually get lead points while maintaining dps and kills with it, something that even d/p user actually struggle with all these blocks coming from guardian, ele and mesmers..necro also have wells which counters melee dps.Not sure where all these ppl come from saying that its trash…
revealed training/executioner/no quarter is great for power p/p
try use d/p for your other set maybe and abuse that extra 200 power along with runes of scholar and marauder..use berserker if you want to yolo and laugh as you see 10k+ damage on top of your enemy
I agree it not trash but It does need a few tweaks, It is very close to being there. I do not PvP so use it wvw/pve mostly. I find Pvp is too restricting. Right now In WvW range is so important as there so many people spamming AOE and resorting to the exploits that exist on the last release.
As to off hand in the Condi set I am using d/d.
In the power set I have been bouncing around ankitten ot settled on one just yet. I have played d/p and it sort of the one by default . With power I flip between Rage amd Pack runes right now and really can not decide which I like better they both very good.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
I will post some more spvp p/p video and some duel montages coming maybe tomorrow.
too bad my pve sets are condi d/d and d/p so i couldn’t really test on that.
but in small skirmishes its definitely viable.
The main reason I absolutely LOVED P/P was because of ricochet, with that gone it has no use to me.
i didnt see 20k dmg only when your team down enemy you unload for 13k (2 unload which connect)
you always lookd for the 3v1 and didnt support your 1 ally at far doing 1v2 and went to close for 3v1 – why?
your 2 mesmer did all the dmg. you just finished it with 4k unload
you target the guardian with lots of block and reflect instead of the warrior in mid
you didnt manage to stomp
their thief was a new player
you didnt use pistol 4 to interrupt the res (maybe once on close)
you didnt use SR leach with pistol – it would heal you almost 2k instead of w8 inside of it to heal you 1.5k
you didnt let the guardian bleed to death on close which would gave tour team some 5v4 advantage
you didnt used the fear from necro to help you down ally in mid, not to mention standing on necro field and getting down without using bp+unload for blind combo (npc thief in the mist even use it)
shooting at the guardian reflect common…
when thief burst you use bp for blind and stealth
so i cant say if p/p itslef is bad yet
make another video pls as you probably had a bad day
I can show you like 5 – 6 videos and there will always be nitpicking.
I will be honest that im not a good player, and im new with this build. The reason why i dont show montage is because i want people to see the whole thing, montages tend to edit things out. I mean i can do that if you want perfect plays
(edited by Lavexis.5360)
I can show you like 5 – 6 videos and there will always be nitpicking.
I will be honest that im not a good player, and im new with this build. The reason why i dont show montage is because i want people to see the whole thing, montages tend to edit things out. I mean i can do that if you want perfect plays
no need of montage rather with this build you must have better awareness
i will try to theory craft p/p build for you to test it out
I can show you like 5 – 6 videos and there will always be nitpicking.
I will be honest that im not a good player, and im new with this build. The reason why i dont show montage is because i want people to see the whole thing, montages tend to edit things out. I mean i can do that if you want perfect plays
no need of montage rather with this build you must have better awareness
i will try to theory craft p/p build for you to test it out
no worries ill show you more tomorrow.
here is theory craft p/p build
steal give you stealth which is lack with p/p set so you can sneak attack and unload for good burst and bleeding
also steal mug and poison and weaken the enemy
also steal recharge with 60% chance on of your utilities (deception, tricks, venom)
trick also remove another 1 conditions (you got 2 as 1 traited)
steal also blind you enemies around you
bp+unload for fast blind ranger/mesmer/thief etc
smoke screen the same but longer while blocking (good for res also)
SR + sneak attack and unload (if you fast) steal 3k life
you can use leech sigils for more healing
Just saying, ranger’s strong point in pvp is never RF.
If ranger’s good point is just RF, it’d have died in this meta a thousand times. Rather, ranger’s strong point is tremendous soft and hard cc availability post patch.
Double Taunt, Cripple, Weakness, Blind, PBS, immobilize, in conjunction with pet’s old CC makes them pretty strong in controlling their opponents while doing sustain damage.
Last note, I think your mobility is a little lacking for a thief XD.
Also, I feel like you provide very little other than damage.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Please, for the love of god don’t click your moves.
Just saying, ranger’s strong point in pvp is never RF.
If ranger’s good point is just RF, it’d have died in this meta a thousand times. Rather, ranger’s strong point is tremendous soft and hard cc availability post patch.Double Taunt, Cripple, Weakness, Blind, PBS, immobilize, in conjunction with pet’s old CC makes them pretty strong in controlling their opponents while doing sustain damage.
Last note, I think your mobility is a little lacking for a thief XD.
Also, I feel like you provide very little other than damage.
Just because it not shown in the video it does not mean a thief with p/p can not provided the things listed.
They have available vulnerability , crippled , poison , weakness , blind and immobolize just as the ranger refferred to. they also have tremendous CC in the way of interrupts via that steal and headshot. The major issue is of course durations of said conditions from the set and the INI eaten up which is why I feel a few tweaks needed.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
I find it difficult to believe on the top performing servers that P/P in WvW with only 900 range will be successful. Even with the previous range of ricochet, staying alive while trying to play within the range pocket of 1200+ weapons was difficult. Perhaps it works on low pop servers where the zerg won’t crush you the moment you become visible/in range. I’ll keep on eye on the forums for updated reports of P/P in the new regime, but WvW P/P thieves needed all the sustain help they could get. Ricochet fed that pretty well (but not well enough). Maybe some kind soul can put up some more WvW vids.
Zerg will crush most any thief in seconds that does not go the stealth route. In fact with all the AOE they will crush the stealth thief.
The escape potential of p/p is very low which is why you have to anticipate an enemy action and have to do a whole lot of the way of periphery fighting using drive by shootings. If you face a zerg generally speaking you are with a zerg. Your own zergs job is to fight by engaging directly. Your job is too roam the periphery at extreme range 91050 with ankle shots) and rapidly take down inviduals that are at the other zergs edge or chasing down one of your own.
If enemy with longer range turn on you that is when you pull way back and reset, Circle around and look for another target. In such fights I do not worry about the stomp as that will attract attention and get me kiled. I pick on cripples or the isolated foe.
Now were I any other set , such as DP I woul dhave to engage that Zerg at close range and chances are, with all of that AOE floating at the feet of the Zerg and with the fact that once you close in more people notice you and use CC , you will die pretty quick to if you make a mistake.
With PP now as with PP before changes you have to be very aware of your surroundings when you fight. If you fight from a corner with no escape routes you are asking for trouble.
With PP condition while using stealth and traps you have a lot more in the way of escapes. Dropping the right trap will slow a pursuing enemy and the stealth with super speed allow you to shift a direction.
One very handy escape when it works is shadow trap. I have set this up in a proper place prior to a fight so I can use that long escape. The probelm is of course it then not part of your aresenal while in the fight.
All that said , at this point it hard to make an accurate assessment of a given weaponset. Builds and tactics are still being finetuned and there a whole pile of traits bugged are that are OP that will likely be tweaked but the fact remains I have used PP in WvW in two versions almost exclusively and it is very viable.
Pistol is garbage to me without ricochet. Without it, I have little encouragement to log into the game anymore. It was never about whether pistol was “strong”. No one had any problem accepting that P/P wasn’t the top tier “meta” max viable PVP build. What it was was one of the most FUN builds in town, and now that’s gone, completely dumped upon by devs who don’t research the players and how they play classes and just want to hamfistedly try and make everything more esports.
Pistol is garbage to me without ricochet. Without it, I have little encouragement to log into the game anymore. It was never about whether pistol was “strong”. No one had any problem accepting that P/P wasn’t the top tier “meta” max viable PVP build. What it was was one of the most FUN builds in town, and now that’s gone, completely dumped upon by devs who don’t research the players and how they play classes and just want to hamfistedly try and make everything more esports.
Which is an entirely different issue from whether or not it garbage or viable. Yes I do not think rempval of the AOE was warranted. Yes I do think in many ways it was made better.
It sort of like getting a new car with fancy leather seats and a more powerful engine but with the radio and CD player removed so you can no longer listen to anything while driving.
If part of the fun of driving was cruising down a highway and listening to tunes driving is no longer as fun.
I’ve been saying it since the patch: P/P is actually stronger in sPvP. We can take more stealth/survivability, Venomshare support, or just load up on a ton of damage. I wouldn’t call it meta, but it certainly got stronger (though honestly, it wasn’t hard given how easy it was to shut down P/P pre-patch).
Losing Ricochet really hurt for WvW mobs and PvE, though. We really lost a ton of efficiency against mob groups.
Just saying, ranger’s strong point in pvp is never RF.
If ranger’s good point is just RF, it’d have died in this meta a thousand times. Rather, ranger’s strong point is tremendous soft and hard cc availability post patch.Double Taunt, Cripple, Weakness, Blind, PBS, immobilize, in conjunction with pet’s old CC makes them pretty strong in controlling their opponents while doing sustain damage.
Last note, I think your mobility is a little lacking for a thief XD.
Also, I feel like you provide very little other than damage.Just because it not shown in the video it does not mean a thief with p/p can not provided the things listed.
They have available vulnerability , crippled , poison , weakness , blind and immobolize just as the ranger refferred to. they also have tremendous CC in the way of interrupts via that steal and headshot. The major issue is of course durations of said conditions from the set and the INI eaten up which is why I feel a few tweaks needed.
You can get mobility too by swapping blinding powder with infiltration signet or something that you like and use withdraw instead of the stealth heal and grab trickery trait for more condi removal.
if you want you can also use d/p or shortbow as your secondary for more mobility. My video only there to show you guys the massive damage that unload can do and the advantage of using it ( range ) is huge. Granted, i’m not a good player, but i’m pretty sure in the hand of a good player p/p power can be a beast.
I also have more videos coming later to show some more gameplay.
It just ridiculous how people complain that p/p is not good and how the game lack meta, yet im winning left and right with this no meta build.
I can’t comment on pve yet since my pve set is a d/d p/d condi, but i don’t see how this build not viable in pve since you do so much more single target damage at range which is a much safer place. Not to mention you also gain haste and 7% more crit damage if you shot you opponent back.
I really disagree with the whole statement that the meta is limited, i really think that certain build is good at certain situations, different playstyle and counters. I mean just because you lost in 1 v 1 duels doesn’t mean that your build is really bad. Your opinions in forum may have an effect larger than you think because new players also read these posts.
We may have lost ricochet, but we gain no quarter, executioner and revealed training.
we gain 50% more dps with unload single target. If you want to go 1 v 1 with p/p you can tweak your build by swapping deadly arts with shadow arts or acrobatic for more survivability and mobility. it is up to you.
The only tweak i can think of would be reduce the initiative cost on pistol 4 and 2.
FUN fact!
I was one of the first thief that uses D/P back before D/P set even get noticed. You guys should read the thread, its funny on how back then people don’t see this set is viable at all. Not sure if this will happen with P/P but heads up
(edited by Lavexis.5360)
Don’t do what some necros are doing right now, don’t compare it to it’s previous self compare it competitively.
The Dhuumfire thread
(edited by Sagat.3285)
second video is up for those of you who wanted to see more…
I have another 1 uploading
(edited by Lavexis.5360)
When I played P/P I relied on Riccochet for the damage boost, and for the extra healing from Signet of Malice. With no Riccochet, that signet is nowhere near as strong now, and hurts a lot of the p/p thief survivibility.
I also relied on Acrobatics since P/P lacks good mobility or escape potential. And oh look, the Acrobatics trait line is absolutely terrible now, too.
And pistol mastery has been reduced to only doing bonus damage while the target is crippled, so p/p does less single target damage now, too.
So now, p/p thieves can’t tag more than one target, can’t reach as far, can’t heal as well, can’t dodge as well, and can’t hit its main as hard, and does much less damage overall.
Sorry, but p/p is dead. OP is trying to make the best out of a ruined weapon set, but the usefulness or viability just isn’t there anymore.
When I played P/P I relied on Riccochet for the damage boost, and for the extra healing from Signet of Malice. With no Riccochet, that signet is nowhere near as strong now, and hurts a lot of the p/p thief survivibility.
I also relied on Acrobatics since P/P lacks good mobility or escape potential. And oh look, the Acrobatics trait line is absolutely terrible now, too.
And pistol mastery has been reduced to only doing bonus damage while the target is crippled, so p/p does less single target damage now, too.
So now, p/p thieves can’t tag more than one target, can’t reach as far, can’t heal as well, can’t dodge as well, and can’t hit its main as hard, and does much less damage overall.
Sorry, but p/p is dead. OP is trying to make the best out of a ruined weapon set, but the usefulness or viability just isn’t there anymore.
false information, p/p is still good. I don’t get with these people saying p/p is dead, i win my matches with it, i win some 1 v 1 and i even beat some d/p builds with it
..uhh what more do you want with it?
sure it needed a few tweaks, but its not as bad as you all may think.
This kind of thinking is not healthy for the state of the game. You are giving false information to new players that guild wars 2 have a very limited meta playstyle
I haven’t tested it yet in pve, but i’m pretty sure its not that bad. After all it is what you make for it
update 3rd video is up…
I lost this match, but it was a very close one and i did not played properly nor did i fight on caps..because people prefer to see me fighting instead of going capping like my previous video so i just hunt other players in this 1.
(edited by Lavexis.5360)
When I played P/P I relied on Riccochet for the damage boost, and for the extra healing from Signet of Malice. With no Riccochet, that signet is nowhere near as strong now, and hurts a lot of the p/p thief survivibility.
I also relied on Acrobatics since P/P lacks good mobility or escape potential. And oh look, the Acrobatics trait line is absolutely terrible now, too.
And pistol mastery has been reduced to only doing bonus damage while the target is crippled, so p/p does less single target damage now, too.
So now, p/p thieves can’t tag more than one target, can’t reach as far, can’t heal as well, can’t dodge as well, and can’t hit its main as hard, and does much less damage overall.
Sorry, but p/p is dead. OP is trying to make the best out of a ruined weapon set, but the usefulness or viability just isn’t there anymore.
no P/P does considerably more damage now against single target. Range is the same if you trait ankle shots. Against single targetHeal is higher off IP due to the higher damage output. You can generally pull in 1000+ heal on an unload in WvW prior to any heal from SOM..
There was no possible way to take to IP and assassins reward old build and still get Ricochet. You can now trait for assassins reward if you wish and IP and a full 6 trickery. You can also trait for some decent condition removal with trickster.
People keep talking about the loss 0f 10 percent damage unless target crippled. Come on we all know old PP relied on unload. Unload itself got a 5 percent boost to damage due to baseline boost to Dual wield. We have an overall power boost without having to trait in DA for power with power boosts in all weapon/armor sets used in a power build along with the baseline attribute boost.
We can take another 10 percent on top of that with uber high ferocity out of the CS line AND take executioner for another boost 20 percent boostand another 10 percent of that third minor enroute to executioner. (when i trait NQ over IP from CS line my crit damage pushes 250 percent)
It was simply impossible to get more single target damage on the old PP set.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
When I played P/P I relied on Riccochet for the damage boost, and for the extra healing from Signet of Malice. With no Riccochet, that signet is nowhere near as strong now, and hurts a lot of the p/p thief survivibility.
I also relied on Acrobatics since P/P lacks good mobility or escape potential. And oh look, the Acrobatics trait line is absolutely terrible now, too.
And pistol mastery has been reduced to only doing bonus damage while the target is crippled, so p/p does less single target damage now, too.
So now, p/p thieves can’t tag more than one target, can’t reach as far, can’t heal as well, can’t dodge as well, and can’t hit its main as hard, and does much less damage overall.
Sorry, but p/p is dead. OP is trying to make the best out of a ruined weapon set, but the usefulness or viability just isn’t there anymore.
no P/P does considerably more damage now against single target. Range is the same if you trait ankle shots. Against single targetHeal is higher off IP due to the higher damage output. You can generally pull in 1000+ heal on an unload in WvW prior to any heal from SOM..
There was no possible way to take to IP and assassins reward old build and still get Ricochet. You can now trait for assassins reward if you wish and IP and a full 6 trickery. You can also trait for some decent condition removal with trickster.
People keep talking about the loss 0f 10 percent damage unless target crippled. Come on we all know old PP relied on unload. Unload itself got a 5 percent boost to damage due to baseline boost to Dual wield. We have an overall power boost without having to trait in DA for power with power boosts in all weapon/armor sets used in a power build along with the baseline attribute boost.
We can take another 10 percent on top of that with uber high ferocity out of the CS line AND take executioner for another boost 20 percent boostand another 10 percent of that third minor enroute to executioner. (when i trait NQ over IP from CS line my crit damage pushes 250 percent)
It was simply impossible to get more single target damage on the old PP set.
yea you got it right. Unfortunately not a lot of people broaden their mind and test it themselves, so they get influenced by negative information’s from the forum.
The OP is trolling, isnt he?
P/P completely is trash now. Why? Simply because of no ricochet AoE, noticed how “flood battlefield with minions”-type of builds became popular recently in sPvP? Very often you meet 3+ of those builds in enemy team,with nercos and mesmers spamming pets and illusions it is not rare to see 20+ targets in combat. All of them blocking your unloads.
Ricochet would be decent counter to this …but oh wait, it was “accidentally” removed. I am not fan of conspiratorial theories, but nerfing thieves survivability along with AoE potential on same patch as buffing mesmers proved disastrous for thieves in my opinion.
As for unload doing a little bit more damage, yes, it is true, on the other hand other classes received much greater buff to damage and you received survivability nerf. It is nice to see 4k/unload, totalling 12k burst damage, but dont forget for example lich does 9k with single auto-attack and has triple effective HP you do.
What ranged thief needs is AoE and range back along with reliable “ranged” stealth – so far we got only single skill on 40s cooldown.
The OP is trolling, isnt he?
P/P completely is trash now. Why? Simply because of no ricochet AoE, noticed how “flood battlefield with minions”-type of builds became popular recently in sPvP? Very often you meet 3+ of those builds in enemy team,with nercos and mesmers spamming pets and illusions it is not rare to see 20+ targets in combat. All of them blocking your unloads.
Ricochet would be decent counter to this …but oh wait, it was “accidentally” removed. I am not fan of conspiratorial theories, but nerfing thieves survivability along with AoE potential on same patch as buffing mesmers proved disastrous for thieves in my opinion.
As for unload doing a little bit more damage, yes, it is true, on the other hand other classes received much greater buff to damage and you received survivability nerf. It is nice to see 4k/unload, totalling 12k burst damage, but dont forget for example lich does 9k with single auto-attack and has triple effective HP you do.
What ranged thief needs is AoE and range back along with reliable “ranged” stealth – so far we got only single skill on 40s cooldown.
you comparing it to lich which is like an elite skill …really?
if you want aoe – shortbow is the set for it, P/P is there for single target.
I agree with you on nerfing thieves potential while buffing mesmer, mesmer is pretty strong right now.
But p/p is definitely not trash.
and no im not trolling, like i said before.
I win my matches
win some 1 v 1 and even some 2 v 1 with it.
do i have to show duel montages… lol
Post a vid of you fighting a good Zerg just to see how Weak or Strong it is against it.
Range is the same if you trait ankle shots.
Playing with character creation sites, I don’t see any range improvement with ankle shots. What am I missing?
Nice stuff. Looks fun as hell too. Nice to see someone that looked at the potential and made it work instead of just QQing over the loss of cleave from Ricochet. Personally I think NQ > Ricochet since it does more than just support one weapon. Forget the naysayers, they can’t even see what is right before their eyes.
Range is the same if you trait ankle shots.
Playing with character creation sites, I don’t see any range improvement with ankle shots. What am I missing?
It shows up in game when you trait it. I tested and you do get the extra range. Just go in game trait it and check the tooltip on each pistol skill.
Now when they changed the GM trait in Acro the old trait of Asassins Equilibrium remained in some form . That was a bug.
Ankle shots had nothing to do with Ricochet old build as Ricochet was traited in trickery line so it my guess this was added to Ankle shots but they forgot to mention it as in not a bug.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
Post a vid of you fighting a good Zerg just to see how Weak or Strong it is against it.
It pretty hard for any thief build to fight against a good zerg. Some can survive longer but they are going to spend a whole lot of time in stealth doing no damage. This is not how one measures the merits of a weaponset.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
I am so happy to see this. I’m gonna buy a pair of pistols next time I log on! Also, OP. Can you post the gear sets and all the other stuff you were using? (I can’t view your videos at this time).
-Retired Thief
Post a vid of you fighting a good Zerg just to see how Weak or Strong it is against it.
It pretty hard for any thief build to fight against a good zerg. Some can survive longer but they are going to spend a whole lot of time in stealth doing no damage. This is not how one measures the merits of a weaponset.
Thanks for the Ankle Shot info. As usual, your calm, measured posts have helped to keep me from raging against ANET. My main concern with the loss of Ricochet was the range bonus. I haven’t been back in game for a while, so I was relying on info posts and the builder sites for insight into P/P’s future.
As for my previous zerg comment and the one quoted above, the issue isn’t going head to head with a zerg. It’s rare for the zerg to focus fire on the thief. The issue is working with your own zerg and working within range of the enemy’s back lines. Even with the range bonus, P/P thief has to get inside the enemy’s range envelope to do damage. At 900, it’s difficult to get in and out of the envelope (hit and run; strike and fade). At 1050, it’s easier, but still dangerous. I did pretty well with SoM and IP to stay up and running with Ricochet. With a single target, I’m wondering how productive SoM and IP will be now.
On the other hand, it looks like there are more options for reducing conditions and mitigating reduced movement effects (those were the killer combo of the range envelope; slow you down and then saturate the area).
I might just log in again.
the fact that you post hotjoin trash vids is misinformation on P/P viability. P/P was trash, is trash and will still be trash unless it’s skills changes fundamentally. PVE , sPvP, and WvW it underperforms compared to other sets. Post some actual ranked matches where you are effective and then maybe you have an argument. The fact still remains that utility wise the set is trash. I can’t even believe people mained P/P holy kitten.
Please, for the love of god don’t click your moves.
some of us right handers don’t have good coordination with our left hands. i can’t play a piano that well because my left hand just won’t cooperate. same reason i can’t play a guitar that well. that leaves me two choices: click my skills or don’t play at all. i chose to click my skills and still play. knowing when and where to engage and disengage fights is just as important, more important than whether i mouse-click my skills.
@ OP: thanks. i’m glad P/P thief isn’t total garbage. i still really miss ricochet in PvE, but at least the single target damage is still there…
The “fun factor” of Ricochet is hard to duplicate and in zergs using that AOE and SOM did allow some measure of sustain but even were that added back in it would not keep people alive much longer in the current state of the game. The nerfs to vigor (dodges) from the acro line is a larger issue. Those dodges are missed.
Added to that it not just P/P thieves that drop quick. People with 3K plus armor and twice the health are dropping in one or two shots to an enemy. Without any stealth p/p will remain fragile , very much a glass cannon and I really do not think we need another weaponset where people have to rely on stealth to sruvive.
P/P pumps out great damage at range. It has excellent CC but will still warrant some tweaks. Again if we can fix the acro line and get that huge spike in damage that is occurring across the board addressed , P/P will be close . I really do not think it does any good to make the set play like any other set. There SHOULD be a different feel to it and part of the fun of the old p/p was just how active the set was. You had few outs so had to be on your toes all the time.
There was always that rush of “can I get off one more unload before he drops me” type feel to it which was very different than “gain stealth reset re-engage”. it was sort of like downhill skiing as comapred to cross country. if your goal is to get from point A to point B cross country wins out. If you just want that rush of the journey as you try and get there that was P/P.
the fact that you post hotjoin trash vids is misinformation on P/P viability. P/P was trash, is trash and will still be trash unless it’s skills changes fundamentally. PVE , sPvP, and WvW it underperforms compared to other sets. Post some actual ranked matches where you are effective and then maybe you have an argument. The fact still remains that utility wise the set is trash. I can’t even believe people mained P/P holy kitten.
post like these are kittened..so do i have to show you that i click on “Ranked matches” get some 1 v 1 in it while at the same time hotkey my buttons to prove to you that p/p is usefull ?
fyi these are not hotjoin..these are ranked matches..if this is hotjoin there would be a leaver already.
the mentality… lol
you do know those d/p and s/p videos you watches are mostly montages right?
i mean i can hotkey my buttons and show you some nice scenes where i kill engis, wars, guardians, eles in 1 v 1..
but whats the point in that? what i’m showing you are the potential damage that p/p can do right now..
(edited by Lavexis.5360)
the fact that you post hotjoin trash vids is misinformation on P/P viability. P/P was trash, is trash and will still be trash unless it’s skills changes fundamentally. PVE , sPvP, and WvW it underperforms compared to other sets. Post some actual ranked matches where you are effective and then maybe you have an argument. The fact still remains that utility wise the set is trash. I can’t even believe people mained P/P holy kitten.
They weren’t hot joins. Anyone who watches the videos can easily tell that.
Do you even sPvP bro?
A lot of debate going on about pistol/pistol right now, but after a lot of testing and practice I come to conclusion that pistol/pistol is actually really strong.
What a-net does is basically nerfing the AOE potential of p/p and boost its single target damage. I use p/p before patch and i do like ricochet. but,
no quarter/executioner/revealed training just give p/p a huge single target burst like none ever.This set doesn’t necessarily work in 1 v1 (although i did win some duels , surprisingly..more than i thought it would), but this build is pure deathball in conquest.. just imagine ranger rapid fire with no cooldown.
I won 8 out of 10 matches with this set on ranked and unranked matches, its 10x more fun than d/p, s/d, d/d condi, p/d condi… This thing might as well be new meta, heck i haven’t played gw 2 in months and this build made me play the game regularly.
I realized that some people will probably say that i lie and bla bla….soo i recorded some matches..
so enjoy
1. https://youtu.be/gHm0M-eQL0A
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1va3mnLPFIs
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-kQAtaP_6Asome of you probably ask " why not just use d/p and use backstab, since you will hit a lot harder ? "
the advantage of p/p is that you are hitting people from range !
unload with basilisk venom + steal ( daze )(mug) + unload is a 20k dps lockdown from range..
Nice bursts. I dont play pvp and I wouldnt know what the amulets and runes would translate to for other gamemodes. Maurauder is that something just for pvp and the strongest ammy?
A lot of debate going on about pistol/pistol right now, but after a lot of testing and practice I come to conclusion that pistol/pistol is actually really strong.
What a-net does is basically nerfing the AOE potential of p/p and boost its single target damage. I use p/p before patch and i do like ricochet. but,
no quarter/executioner/revealed training just give p/p a huge single target burst like none ever.This set doesn’t necessarily work in 1 v1 (although i did win some duels , surprisingly..more than i thought it would), but this build is pure deathball in conquest.. just imagine ranger rapid fire with no cooldown.
I won 8 out of 10 matches with this set on ranked and unranked matches, its 10x more fun than d/p, s/d, d/d condi, p/d condi… This thing might as well be new meta, heck i haven’t played gw 2 in months and this build made me play the game regularly.
I realized that some people will probably say that i lie and bla bla….soo i recorded some matches..
so enjoy
1. https://youtu.be/gHm0M-eQL0A
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1va3mnLPFIs
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-kQAtaP_6Asome of you probably ask " why not just use d/p and use backstab, since you will hit a lot harder ? "
the advantage of p/p is that you are hitting people from range !
unload with basilisk venom + steal ( daze )(mug) + unload is a 20k dps lockdown from range..Nice bursts.
I dont play pvp and I wouldnt know what the amulets and runes would translate to for other gamemodes. Maurauder is that something just for pvp and the strongest ammy?
Nah, Marauder is basically just a zerker amulet with a reduction on Ferocity and some Vitality added in. More or less. It’s just a really good damage amulet with some survivability added.
So where’s the build lol
heres the build.
You have a lot of room to mix and match here, but i think shadow refuge and shadow step are must have. Get trickster to get more condi removal. You can use d/p, shortbow, s/d or w.e as your secondary weapon set. Revealed training to do high unload damage after stealth.
Just to let you know though, people already hate thief and i assure you that they will hate you even more knowing that you use p/p…
i don’t know why but i got a lot of hate msgs from using p/p even though i beat them
" nub pistol teef "
" nub 3 3 3 "
" l2 play d/p "
i guess its the fact that they lost against a really bad set makes them angry, not sure but i think there is a psychology theme about this.
maybe ill screenie something later on
heres the build.
You have a lot of room to mix and match here, but i think shadow refuge and shadow step are must have. Get trickster to get more condi removal. You can use d/p, shortbow, s/d or w.e as your secondary weapon set. Revealed training to do high unload damage after stealth.Just to let you know though, people already hate thief and i assure you that they will hate you even more knowing that you use p/p…
i don’t know why but i got a lot of hate msgs from using p/p even though i beat them
" nub pistol teef "
" nub 3 3 3 "
" l2 play d/p "i guess its the fact that they lost against a really bad set makes them angry, not sure but i think there is a psychology theme about this.
maybe ill screenie something later on
The goal of the game is to kill the enemy before he kills you and to have fun doing it. The QQ used by people who call out such weaponsets like P/P or P/d is beyond puerile. The fellow thieves that call such setups junk or crap just because they see it as easy mode is little more then tarnished ego. That L2P goes both ways. If they can not learn how to counter such sets than maybe they not as “in the know” as they think.
If a persons goal is to get from point A to point B and it a distance of 500 miles that QQ is like the person who walked that distance crying because another person drove that distance and insisting everyone else should “learn to walk”.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
Question: You have not one single trick equipped, yet you took the Trickster trait, why?!
you are running with 4 deception and one venom, trickster trait dos nothing for you…
Question: You have not one single trick equipped, yet you took the Trickster trait, why?!
you are running with 4 deception and one venom, trickster trait dos nothing for you…
well he does have flanking strikes but I would consider at least one more such as RFI. RFI woks very well in a p/p set.
Question: You have not one single trick equipped, yet you took the Trickster trait, why?!
you are running with 4 deception and one venom, trickster trait dos nothing for you…well he does have flanking strikes but I would consider at least one more such as RFI. RFI woks very well in a p/p set.
I always found RFI one of those things that looks good on paper, but the reality is that you almost always end up rolling yourself out of range unless you’re right on top of your target to begin with. Maybe with the reverse direction trick it’s more useful, but I could never master that in actual combat.