Pistol primary skill too weak

Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: Youkay.5294



I would like to compile all primary skills for the different weapon sets on the thief and start a discussion.


  • Scales very good with power (factor 0.8 on first two strikes and 1.3 on the third)
  • decently fast hitting
  • inflics cripple, which is… nah… ok I guess


  • Scales good with power (factor 0.85 for all strikes)
  • Fast hitting
  • applies poison on the last strike, which also affects healing of the target

Short Bow:

  • has low damage and doesn’t scale well with power (factor 0.55)
  • adds bleed and hits multiple targets
  • constant damage output
  • decently fast autoattack


  • has the lowest damage of them all and scales the worst with power (factor 0.4)
  • adds bleed
  • constant damage outpt
  • the slowest autoattack (half as fast as shortbow)

Based on this I would argue Pistol MH is too weak and needs a boost, so more thieves would consider picking this weapon up.

I am looking forward to hearing your opinion.

Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


I would love to see a rotation with it

1 – Shoot your foe. Applies 1 stack of bleed
2- Shoot your foe again with a poisoned bullet. Applies poison for 3s, cripple for 1s(base condition duration)
3- Shoot your foe three times. Applies bleed for each shot that hits

I think the pistol MH should stay a condition weapon, as another core design of thief uses bleeds/cripples/poison. Maybe just keep the auto attack the same and speed it up or add a 30% chance to poison for 5s on each auto attack shot.

(edited by Doomdesire.9365)

Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: Youkay.5294


I would love to see a rotation with it

1 – Shoot your foe. Applies 1 stack of bleed
2- Shoot your foe again with a poisoned bullet. Applies poison for 3s, cripple for 1s(base condition duration)
3- Shoot your foe three times. Applies bleed for each shot that hits

I think the pistol MH should stay a condition weapon, as another core design of thief uses bleeds/cripples/poison. Maybe just keep the auto attack the same and speed it up or add a 30% chance to poison for 5s on each auto attack shot.

I think a cripple on a ranged weapon primary attack is too powerful. A rotation is a good idea though and three shots at a time stacking all the bleeds doesn’t sound too bad.

I would say, and agree with you, that increasing the fire rate to that of short bow would already be a great help. Or adding another effect like poison. Burn doesn’t makes sense. Weakness would do, as well. Or just increase the damage/power scaling of each shot.

Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Perhaps give a boon such as vigor to fit in with the evade theme of the thief. This would help P/P quite a bit. Maybe a 50% chance to give vigor for 2s on auto attack, much like dagger mainhand where you get quite a bit of endurance on one of the auto attack rotations.

Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: Yocairo.4257


IMO, increase fire rate and a little better power scaling.

Now what pistol really needs is a #2 skill rework, it´s worse than autoattack. It needs to add 1/3 stacks of bleed to even be slightly competitive.

Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: Piola.3782


yes, skills 1 and 2 MH Pistol needs to be’ reworked…

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Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


IMO, increase fire rate and a little better power scaling.

Now what pistol really needs is a #2 skill rework, it´s worse than autoattack. It needs to add 1/3 stacks of bleed to even be slightly competitive.

While I won’t argue that Body Shot is amazing, the only real problem with it is that it shares a resource with your basic DPS skill, which means that using it gimps you more than it should. This is a problem with the design of Unload/Vital Shot more than it is a problem with Body Shot.

What needs to happen actually is:

a.)buff to Vital Shot so it functions as your primary source of basic DPS, then

b.) redesign of Unload to utility DPS instead of primary DPS that is good in different situations than Body Shot – I advocate a spray or cone AoE that in general does slightly less single-target DPS than Vital Shot unless you’re using a pure power/crit build.

That would enough to indirectly fix Body Shot along with Head Shot and Black Powder and make P/P much more enjoyable and viable.

(edited by Einlanzer.1627)

Pistol primary skill too weak

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


Remember that pistol mainhand (skills 1 and 2) is also used for P/D, so you need to think about how any changes impact that as well. Here are the changes that I would make:

Skill 1
—Increase the rate of auto attack
—Increase the damage from bleeds by 10%
—Increase the power scaling to .5

Skill 2
—Increase the damage amount.
—Increase vulnerability time from 6 to 8 seconds