Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: Jortakk.6792


I was a little bit disappointed with the fact that the thieves’ Specialization didn’t really offer a new playstyle to the thief, so I have been working on making one myself. The Specialization revolves around weapon swapping, which is something thieves don’t really utilize. It introduces a new f1 mechanic and gives thieves a 1200 range weapon.

The idea is that it plays similarly to an engineer, but instead of separate weapon skill cooldowns, you have to manage weapon swap cooldowns and your initiative. The Specialization still gives niche support in PvE, but opens up the ability for thieves to use the Celestial amulet and possibly hold points on their own in PvP.

The damage and healing numbers are just placeholders, but I’ve tried to make them similar to existing skills in that regard. I had a lot of fun creating this and just want to put this out there for the community to see.

Any feedback would be welcome.

It’s quite a long read.

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: reikken.4961


did you double check your image?

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: Jortakk.6792


its working for me

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

it works for me too.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: reikken.4961


k working for me now too
guess it just wouldn’t load all the way on my phone

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: thunderfall.8095


I say it’s a good idea, but kind of goes all over the place. Is it condi, evade, trolls, roaming, or stealth. I say the disguise kit is perfect though. It’s a perfect example of a real spy, unlike the other kits that make you like James Bond.

Mesmers be like: I reject your reality and substitute my own. – compliments to Mythbusters
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: Jortakk.6792


Its supposed to be a Jack all trades spec (it isn’t tied to a specific build or playstyle, its supposed to be flexible). Also, being like James Bond was deliberate.

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: Kodama.6453


I think it is really unlikely for any profession to get kits as a elite spec. First: too many new skills to create. Second: Balancing would be HORRIBLE. It already is hard for anet to balance the elite specs right, with so many new skills and so much flexibility, I don’t think they would dare something like that….

And I think a “jack of all trades spec” is unlikely too. Anet wants elite specs to focus on a specific playstyle, not “I specialize in doing anything at the same time”.

But I still respect the work you put in there.

Play like an Engineer as a Thief? ES - Spy

in Thief

Posted by: Jortakk.6792


Thats the thing though, most of the other classes have builds that can fill multiple roles in PvP. All I am trying to do is create a thief Specialization that has the possibility of doing the same. Also, its not I wanted them to be an expert at everything, I tried to make so they had less:

Stealth and blinds than a d/p or d/d thief.
Boon stealing than a s/d thief.
Damage while evading than a Staff thief.
Speed and vertical mobility than a Shortbow thief,
or single target ranged damage than a p/p thief.

I just wanted the Specialization to have a little bit of each. That’s what I mean when I said “Jack of all trades”.