Please change Staff holding/running animation

Please change Staff holding/running animation

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


I know I have asked time and time again… And I know balance issues are underway but animation has nothing to do with balance.. And so I beg you anet.. Please for the love of god change the animation on the running and idle stances while wielding a staff as a daredevil or revenant. I cannot stand the hammer animation anymore, it literally drives me crazy.

P.s. I would also love to see weakening charge for daredevils actually look like a cool charge attack.. Unlike the strange Ballerina skater we currently have..

Remaking the skill dust strike completely would be awesome, it is rarely ever used. I would much prefer a ranged daze where you slam the earth sending a shock wave out to the enemy or somthing So to keep the theme of it being a ranged move. Not only would this be far more useful and thematically fitting for the staff, but this would also allow for some cool pulmonary impact builds that we currently barely see since staff does not have a source of daze. Blind does not do much for us on the staff, I have played pvp to ruby on thief thus far and find myself rarely, if ever hitting that skill..

(edited by Arctarius.2649)

Please change Staff holding/running animation

in Thief

Posted by: Hitsuke.5304


Remaking the skill dust strike completely would be awesome, it is rarely ever used.

No… Just no. Dust strike is easily my second favourite staff skill by far. Fast cast time, with decent damage and a cone AOE blind.

Personally, I’m a fan of the 3>4>5>dodge combo with my staff in WvW. Leave Dust strike alone!!!!

I agree on the animations though, and with a good animation and improved mechanics, Weakening Charge could be a great staff skill.

Please change Staff holding/running animation

in Thief

Posted by: Seabreeze.8437


I’m really impressed with how they revamped the animations for the auto attack chain and dodges, so I’d love to see this kind of improvement for the combat stance and running animations.

I would also love to see weakening charge for daredevils actually look like a cool charge attack.. Unlike the strange Ballerina skater we currently have..

Agree very much with this. The current animation (especially for humans) looks very awkward. Though if I’m not mistaken, I’m pretty sure Anet stated that weakening charge was going to get a new animation, which I’m still eagerly anticipating.

I also don’t like how jerky the #3 skill looks (Debilitating Arc), and would hope that this skill would get an animation update as well.