Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Serene.7216


How viable do you guys think this idea is for permastealth with D/P?

Relevant Dec 10 Changes:

  • init regen is 1 init per second
  • infusion of shadow only gives 2 init if you arent already stealthed

need 15 in Trickery for 15 total initiative to be able to pull off BP-HSx4
Patience for 1 init every 3 seconds
Bring Infiltrators Signet for 1 init every 10 seconds

  • HSx4 = 12 initiative, BP = 6 initative. Bp-Hs combo requires, 18 initiative,.
  • Bp lasts 4 seconds, you can recover 3 initiative to be able to land the last heartseeker
  • 15(base init)-18(costofBp-Hs) + 3(init regen) = 0 .
  • Bp-Hsx4 combo gives 12 seconds of stealth.
  • After 12 seconds, 0(initial init) + 12(natural init regen) + 1.2(inf sig) + 4(patience) = 17.2 total initiative.
  • That leaves you at .8 short for your next Bp/Hs, but Hide in Shadows(4s stealth) will allow you to permastealth.

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Walker.3056


To much effort for aomething kinda useless

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Lol perma-uselessness build.

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


If anet would have wanted perma stealth in this game, they would have lefts us with perma stealth accessible via single button push like in many other games. BP+3-4x hs while maintaining initiative was not intended, clearly was a mistake in how infusion of shadow works, that made that possible.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


patiance is “1 ini every 10 seconds”
and i dont think ive seen patiance being buffed to " 1 ini every 3 seconds"?

i tried that set up with the 1 ini every 10 seconds and the pre 10th patch of base ini regen and i can still get about 4- 5 HS in total before i run out of ini completely and drop out of stealth..

we have yet to try out different ways of "reviving " perma stealth after the patch…but even if we did a net has decided there will be no such thing as perma stealth as it is at the moment.

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


dp perma stealth will still be possible anet is just making it harder to do so(which is a good thing).

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


patiance is “1 ini every 10 seconds”
and i dont think ive seen patiance being buffed to " 1 ini every 3 seconds"?

i tried that set up with the 1 ini every 10 seconds and the pre 10th patch of base ini regen and i can still get about 4- 5 HS in total before i run out of ini completely and drop out of stealth..

we have yet to try out different ways of "reviving " perma stealth after the patch…but even if we did a net has decided there will be no such thing as perma stealth as it is at the moment.

Or just drop it and learn to play D/P as intended ? minimal stealth with some nice control. X/D was made to be king of stealth, no D/P. If you black powder bunnies don’t understand reasoning behind this when comparing X/D to D/P, you are hopeless.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Azraelle.1683


I like changes to permastealth(i run d/p but usually don’t stack stealth) but those kittenes nerfed initiative gain traits. kittening kittens.

Thief/Guardian. Desolation [EU]

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Molch.2078


I startet playing a D/P thief in WvW a few weeks ago as a one/two man roaming build and the nerf to infusion of shadow has zero impact on my gameplay whatsoever. Zero.

Am I doing this wrong?

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


This build is going to grave. It is well deserved.

These changes will come in 1 month.

Signed, level 1 alt

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Molch.2078


This build is going to grave. It is well deserved.

These changes will come in 1 month.

Are you refering to my post? Because I know that this patch is far away and I don’t see how my build suffers. THe only thing you can’t do anymore is to HS multiple times in your smokefield, and thats nothing more but a gimmick – not the core of D/P.

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

You can’t actually Heartseeker through a single Black Powder 4 times. It just doesn’t last that long.

I do think perma-stealthing will become a bit more difficult, albeit not impossible. But to be honest, Black Powder is what makes Dagger/Pistol so effective, and that’s getting easier to spam. I don’t actually “perma-stealth” that often when using Dagger/Pistol.

So really I don’t see it as a huge nerf. In fact you could almost stand in Black Powder permanently just by relying on passive Initiative regeneration.

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

You can’t actually Heartseeker through a single Black Powder 4 times. It just doesn’t last that long.

Lol yes you can. You twist the camera to bug the hs animation. If you hs towards a wall you can actually chain it 5 times.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Post-Dec 10 Perma Stealth D/P Idea

in Thief

Posted by: Serene.7216


patiance is “1 ini every 10 seconds”
and i dont think ive seen patiance being buffed to " 1 ini every 3 seconds"?

I believe patience has always been 1 init every 3 seconds after initial 3 seconds, and that the current tool tip is wrong. When i was testing patience, this was how it was working for me.

I agree with you guys that it is a good thing to get rid of or it make harder to permastealth, I was just trying to think of a way that required minimal sacrifices to the current WvW D/P spec. You could obviously permastealth if you brought blinding powder/ shadowsrefuge/ smokescreen/ traited for init.