Power VS Condi
I have no idea what Caeds power build is, but condi P/D thieves are pretty mean (have a look at weapon skill #3). I still kill them though – as a power thief.
I may need tranining, but whenever i encounter a condi teef (p/d), i always loose… I use Caeds power build, but can’t defeat p/d condi teefs.
Is this normal?
Definitely try to duel them more. If you can, message them and set up a duel, or just hang out in OS or pvp dueling servers and I’m sure you’ll come up against one eventually.
I haven’t “honor dueled” one since dire p/d became all the rage, but if they are using Hide in Shadows as their heal, that’s your best opportunity. Lock them down before they get the cast off.
For general tips,
- Evade their opening basilisk venom
- Try to stay in stealth longer, or chain CnD, this denies their sneak attacks
- You can evade a lot of their attacks
- Bring more condi clear, lots more
- More than that, bring a little more
- Keep poison up on them to reduce healing
- Clusterbomb the area they are hiding
- If you are caught outside of stealth try to time evading their sneak attack
- Make them whiff CnD and Shadow Strike, people often whiff Shadow Strike twice
No way Caed build can beat any decent Condi thief. Your only hope is to oneshot them, which will not happen – especially in WvW with Dire Gear available. Their sustain is just too high, and their conditions will melt you in the long run.
Instead of 26006, you could try using 60206 if you still like high burst builds
I may need tranining, but whenever i encounter a condi teef (p/d), i always loose… I use Caeds power build, but can’t defeat p/d condi teefs.
Is this normal?
I don’t know what Caeds build is but I assume it has 6pts in tricks? Then try to interrupt their heals if they have hide in shadows.
2pts in SA for shadow embrace helps a lot and if you are in wvw, carry the -% condi duration food and use it for any difficult fight with condi build.
Most of them use their condi burst at the start so try to dodge that, condi cleanse if they get the burst on you. Vast majority of p/d thieves have same strategy, CnD and sneak attack so it’s all about denying them stealth via CnD and dodging sneak attack.
Also, learn what you need to cleanse, if your HP is not very low, don’t use your utilities to cleanse small stacks of bleeds from auto attack, just use CnD as much as you can for regular condi removal and keep utilties for high stacks/torment.
I don’t know if you were asking for advice on WvW or pvp, generally in pvp p/d condi thieves are not a problem. In Wvw dire makes them really tough to kill, at least you can negate the condi food with your -% food.
Without Shadows Embrace at minimum you got no chance
I run power in PvP and Condi in WvW. In WvW I can’t remember ever losing to a power thief… we are sadly far easier to kill than anything else out there (maybe I get some help from playing power half the time).
Interrupting heals is so tough… I mean I run BP, HiS and Refuge and have CnD on tap. I genuinely don’t know how I would use my WvW power set to beat my Dire set… don’t think I could.
Maybe just don’t worry about it… if you are killing other folks, just reset and go find a suitable target. If I’ve had a lot of coffee I will roll out a full berserker signet burn build (which has been nerfed to absolute useless status and doesn’t scale well anymore with all the WvW buffs)… and I still manage to have fun, but I have to accept death too. It’s a terrible build, but still makes me laugh when it comes off.
Caed’s spec doesn’t have great condi cleanse and so if they land a solid burst or two on you its basically over. You need to focus on keeping them blinded right as they try their CnD, it waste their initiative and forces them to play more defensively where you can get some good knocks in.