Presenting: The Furious Assassin

Presenting: The Furious Assassin

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


So I was just messing around with the build editor, and came up with this, The Furious Assassin:

Trait wise you have Furious Retaliation for a 13sec fury while your target falls below 50% HP. Then you also have Thrill of the crime, for another 13 sec fury (and might and swiftness). (does fury stack?)

The rune bonus #4, you also have a 25% chance of getting fury when you get hit (IC of 30 sec).

Rune bonus #5 you get 20% fury duration, and also an increase of 5% damage when under the effects of fury.

Rest of the build is self-explanatory.

So with this you would almost get a permanent 20% boost to crit chance.

What do you guys think? Tried out these runes before? And is the fury reliable enough as a source of damage?

Maybe I also could change out Hidden Killer for Executioner, as we will have 60% crit chance with the fury anyways, and you will crit fairly often.


Edit: Forgot food and infusions, so that amped up my crit chance to 53%. With almost perm fury this is 73% constant crit chance.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

(edited by mompen.7952)

Presenting: The Furious Assassin

in Thief

Posted by: Walker.3056


If you are going for a fury build dont use hidden killer, its a waste.

if you are using it you should use another rune Ogre or Strength are better choices and dont put 2 on trickry, use it on DA or Acro.

Not saying its a bad build just that you can make it stronger

Presenting: The Furious Assassin

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Yeah, that’s what I thought (about HK).
Yeah, I just thought we could “abuse” all that fury we get. But if one gets enough fury without the runes, I do agree. Thanks for the inputs.
The reason I put the points in trick was the added fury from steal

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Presenting: The Furious Assassin

in Thief

Posted by: mao.9832


Keep the runes, use Executioner, put Mug and you’re fine. If you want more vitality use 2rings zerk+valk. Anyways it seems good

[EzPz] Mao. Thief for the lulz.

Presenting: The Furious Assassin

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Thanks man, will try out the build later on, with executioner and mug.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer