Problem with shadow refuge Rezzing
It actually is better that they attack. Unless the opponents had no clue they took the person they were attacking down, it saves nothing from that spot being AoEd to all heck. Might as well take down what you can, since if they down the target, it suddenly becomes much safer for you to res. I’ve also seen times where they don’t notice the refuge circle because they tunnel vision on finishing the downed person.
Of course the situation where it’s mass PVP or enough confusion where the opponents might not know where they went down, berate them for giving you away. :p
It’s always bad when they start attacking, In PvE nearly all dangerous monsters (dangerous enough so that you need to res teamates) get either large cleave attacks or they can throw areas and explosions, which means that the revealed downed player will atract hits over him and in the process probably kill the invisible guys that were resurrecting him. And in PvP I’ve tried to save many players from having a finisher banner planted through their chest with the Refuge just to see him breaking stealth inmediately.
When I play with friends and guildies they tend to identify it and stop attacking because they know the tactic. Lately more and more players are starting to realize it without needing to tell them to stop attacking as they get experience in the game with time. Of course there are still other players that won’t care much and continue attacking a champion mob with 90% HP hoping to kill it before they’re downed… You can always try to tell, if they still ignore you at least the refuge also heals (I’ve got a lot of resurrection +1.2K experience without pressing F, just throwing refuges and then doing other things).
Crépes! People have time to type in text when throwing down a shadow refuge. Yeah it’s a gamble – I equip it and do it all the time for that purpose. It can get annoying when someone attacks blowing their stealth however I have become quite aware of my own health bar and I’ll gladly take damage while still ressing however know when to get out of there when the AOE is blastin.
In PvE and dungeons its annoying since the NPCS will go rampant, but in WvW is can be better sometimes. If the enemy see of of you dissappear then be prepared for an aoe hell storm. If they see the downed guy still there and you are no where in sight then that allows you to rez….usually. Whats more annoying are when people leave the freaking cirle before it goes away, I find myself typing in all caps (WAIT FOR THE CIRCLE TO GO AWAY FIRST)
It’s a lot like when you are rezzing a warrior who is downed and he uses 3 when he’s in no danger of being stomped.
I’m like seriously wtf.
If someone starts attacking when you pop SR it’s their bad, not yours. If someone is giving you a hard time for not having SR “ready for them” then they need to l2p.
My problem is having to constantly rez other “Better…” PvE classes constantly.
I think its situational. In WvW its almost always better to attack if your in a large fight to get a chance at rallying. But that being said, if there are no enemy’s downed its better to take the stealth. But its hard to coordinate without voip or a group of people that often play with thieves.
Edit: they same could be said for PvE, Its better to rally then be rezzed for dps reasons.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
I don’t even bother in spvp unless I’m on voip with them. If not, 9 out of 10 times they will break it.
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief