PvE Condition Damage Build

PvE Condition Damage Build

in Thief

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Hey guys
Quick topic: Do you think that for PvE, Condition Damage based Thief’s would be better than crit damage? The weapons would problably be D/D and Shortbow. The build would be for PvE in General (Roaming, Dgn’s and Fractals high lvl ones since I would not be low lvl fractals forever)

Thanks and hope you can help

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

PvE Condition Damage Build

in Thief

Posted by: Barfoi.9537


It feels less costly to trait 30 into SA for condition-builds, so you’ll have very high survivability, with less inner-debate. ;P With runes/sigils/food (40% cond. duration), you can also easily maintain 15-25 stacks of bleeds on multiple targets (weapons + caltrops & dodge caltrops), while also maintaining near-full health. It’s quite enjoyable in PvE, and as long as your group isn’t condition-heavy, still very effective for instanced events.

Probably best to try both, however, and see what you prefer at the moment.

PvE Condition Damage Build

in Thief

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


Pros of the condition thief:
~ You get 7 seconds of immortality through caltrops+dagger storm
~ You can take a hit
~ You can obliterate mobs of enemies like nothing, in fact in some cases the more there are, the easier it is to survive
Cons of the condition thief:
~ Tagging is hard, you lack the power to get a tag unless you hit a mob 3+ times
~ Fighting a champion or legendary sucks. A lot. Your damage will be essentially nonexistant, even without dedicated condition users in your vicinity.
~ Despite being one of the tankiest thieves you can be, you’re still no guardian and you go down a lot easier than some other professions in a condition spec when focused by a champion
~ Most groups will kick you immediately after learning you’re a condition build, their single target DPS is simply inferior to a DD build