[PvE] Looking for a P/P build

[PvE] Looking for a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Shinobu.1429



I’m looking for a P/P build (PvE) for thief.

btw sorry for my poor english.

I hope to teach you one last thing. I’ll make you taste the bullet that will cause your loss.

[PvE] Looking for a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Boryzz.6352


I’m using something like this:


In traits I went in Critical strikes mainly for damage % bonuses. I use this thief mainly for world bosses and dragons. Since you can’t crit on dragons I didn’t bother with precision on gear – I rather got something to survive longer without paying much attention (world bosses fights can get boring =p).

After I reach the place of the fight I switch the movement speed signet to Infiltrator’s signet for extra initiative regen. Also, if you expect a lot of mobs, use Signet of Malice and Dagger Storm. If it is more single target fight (like Inquest Golem mark II), go for Withdraw for heal and Roll for initiative and whatever Elite you like. And then you just unload unload unload. After the Target reaches 50%hp you get a significant boost in dmg. I’m pretty sure I’ve changed the build a bit but I can’t check it in game since I’m at work at the moment. Will let you know in a couple of hours what I use now exactly.

[PvE] Looking for a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Shinobu.1429


Thank you ^^.

So P/P only works for world bosses, dragons and single target?.

What build/weapons do you recommend for dungeons?

I hope to teach you one last thing. I’ll make you taste the bullet that will cause your loss.

[PvE] Looking for a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Boryzz.6352


Haven’t done dungeons as a Thief in ages (prefer to do it on Ele) , so I can’t help you there.
This is not a single target build, thanks to Ricochet unload (and anything really) can hit multiple targets. Dagger Storm also is a nice aoe, and skill 2 from Shortbow should also hit for a lot. But as I said, I use it on bosses cause I don’t have to pay much attention in those fights. In dungeons you have to be a lot more careful. Maybe someone else has another build that would work well in dungeons. GL

[PvE] Looking for a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Thank you ^^.

So P/P only works for world bosses, dragons and single target?.

You can switch weapons, gear and selected traits when not in combat. Only trait distribution requires a profession NPC.

Referring to the build posted earlier, 20/30/0/0/20 should be quite usable on other weaponsets.

[PvE] Looking for a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Mifune Zero Thirteen.7054

Mifune Zero Thirteen.7054

Try this:

It’s a little tanky so it’s good for soloing. Ricochet Shot helps with deal with numbers, but be careful when you’re targeting one thing with yellows around, it will draw aggro from the yellows. The daggers are more for deal with a single target but they’re also pretty good against clumps of enemies.

I also have this:

It’s more suited for running around in a group. Use Shadow Refugee and Skelk Venom to heal party members (I’m not sure if the initial healing applies with Skelk but everything else certainly does). Skale is great for dish out a lot of condition damage on a single baddy (or spreading the love to lots of baddies).

WORD OF WARNING: This is largely an experimental build I’ve been running around with. It might not be the best build or even close to best, but it works for me and part of that might be because this is the only build I’ve been using (well originally I ran with a sword/pistol but then I started doing WvW).