I always used d/d in melee situations, like, literally for everything, mainly because I like the feeling of this playstyle and I’m experienced enough to take advantage of every skill with this combination. Plus there is backstab. But I think I’m getting bored with it and after doing some tests with sword main hand, I’m starting to think that I backstab isn’t that strong at all, compared to a pistol whip for example. So I began experimenting with sword main hand, and I’d like to get some backup here about what’s the advantage in a strictly PvE only enviroment over the daggers, and offhand fits with it and why.
So, as I see:
Sword 1:
Is strong, plus multitarget while dagger autoattack is single target. The damage seems to be much higher too, but since cast time (animations) is slower compared to daggers, I’m sure about it. But feels higher.
Sword 2:
A nice condition removal and escape tool, plus saves undurance, allowing me to put points elsewhere in the traits, no need for condition removal on stealth anymore and the 3rd dodge. I can use those points for trickery or power traits for fury and might or some basic damage improvement. On paper it sounds good.
Offhand (Dagger):
S/D 3:
Now this one feels problematic. The dodge on it feels really weird and is too short to be a reliable dodge mechanism like d/d 3 (death blossom). I also find the boon ripping kind of useless, since most of the PvE targets barely have any boons, and even if, those are square icons that are special and cannot be ripped (like berserk, or stability).
S/D 4:
Same as D/D 4, not much use for it against bosses but can be a nice crowd control tool and a damage source for moments when you leave melee range for a second. I just fint it comfortable to throw in a bouncing dagger before jumping back to the middle of things.
S/D 5:
Stealth. Sounds good, but I don’t feel like I can benefit from it without backstab. Still a very good tool to lose aggro which is a key point in dungeons, and dagger offhand in general is nice for allowing mobility almost as much as D/D does. Also leaves the option aviable to remove condtions via stealth.
Offhand (Pistol):
S/P 3:
Pistol whip. Fantastic damage source, an interrupting tool (often not working on certain targets) and a dodge to protect yourself for a short time. But I really really hate being rooted, and losing the mobility just doesn’t seem to worth it, especially because canceling this move with a dodge (in case if I need, and we all know how critical dodging is in dungeons) it works weirdly with this skill. Feels like there is a delay, sometimes not even working which I cannot explain (maining a thief since GW2 relase). The damage really seems nice, but I find it really uncomfortable to use this skill.
S/P 4:
Daze. I don’t find much use for it, if I can interrupt why not do it with pistol whip?
S/P 5:
Smoke combo fields, blindess. Sounds good on paper, forces to root yourself in reality which again, I don’t really like. Trying to get used to it, but I’d prefer to have stealth here which sadly cannot be done with a sword main hand since there is no leap skill here.
So, that’s it. I’d prefer to go for dagger offhand instead of a pistol, simply because keeping the mobility and stealth seems to be better than a damage spike and a blind and being forced to not move anywhere during these. But I don’t really see how could I use S/D 3 (boon steal) in PvE. Or is the dodge on that enough, and I just need to get used to it to be effective? With a pistol here I could have that nice damage, but it’s also expensive because comes with other stuff I don’t like as much. Or should I like them? Or you think I give too much value for something I shouldn’t?
Discuss please, I’m really intersted.