PvE Weapons

PvE Weapons

in Thief

Posted by: Sneebie.8145


In what scenario would you use each of thief’s weapon sets optimally in PvE? E.g. D/P: Single Target DPS (not saying this is correct).

PvE Weapons

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


D/D = Single Targets to small scale group fights where evasion is important
D/P = Single Targets where its important to quickly get into Melee Distance after staying first safe in distance avoiding being hit and gettign quickly back into melee range, for when the enemy tries to flee.
P/P = Ranged Single Targets where you need constant High DPS Bursts and where Melee Combat is just too dangerous (for example fighting the Anomaly in the Fractals, P/P is best there especially in combination with the Stealth Attack for another little burst attack)
P/D = Single Targets to small scale group fights where you constantly need to keep your distance from a specific foe and need to get quickly away from it and you are a Condi Build.
S/P = In any situation, where you need Hard Crowd Control Skill Spam against Enemies with Break Bars to stop them from doign something, if you can break their bars in time and High DPS, as Pistol Whip is one of the strongest hitting skills in the game, if you can land all hits. It cleaves, so you can hit multiple foes at once and it’s great in combination with Signet of Malice to keep you alive against NPCs that literally run blindly into your blade always.
S/D =Small Scale Group Fights where its important to remove Boons from specific boon reliant enemies, like Guardians, Engineers, Mesmers or Elementalists.
Staff = Small Scale Group Fights that requires you to passively help others at the frotn with Weakness and Blinds and for AoE Bursts through Vaults/Bounds when you are a Daredevil Build focused on a high DPS Staff Build
Shortbow = Anytime, when you just need Mobility to be somewhere as quickly as possible, Ranged Support and when Combo Skill Spam is needed to quickly buff up your group with either Stealth to avoid some fights or get all up with Boon Stacks like Might from blasting quickly a Fire Field to have as Group enough Dps for the important Burst Phase in a battle, like for example when going agaisnt that ghosteater dungeon boss or how its called again, that receives only damage when running into these ghost traps, there its very helpful to have a Shortbow Thief which can pump up everyone through a fire field from an Ele for exampel to have quickly all up to 25 stacks of might …, to give your group much more dps to quickly burn down that boss, hwiel it can receive damage.

Anything forgotten? I guess not

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)