(edited by franxi.6513)
1 – why i cant do critical damage with my f1 and a warrior with rifle can make me 20k? Same mesmers can do critical damage with f1, and why thieves no?
2- why with the patch everyone has more damage and i have the same life pool?
3- why a full zerker warrior has like 20k of life with 2500 of armor, and a full zerker thief has 12k of life and 2000 of armor? Why this diferents if the warrior has endure pain, etc etc?
4- why is imposible to duel 1 vs 1 a mesmer spamming mantras, daze, etc,,,?
5- why do you nerf the withdraw with 18 sec of cd?
6- why a warrior with the healing signet is invulnerable to conditions that hit less than 340 per tick? Why i heal less than this amount if im in steatlh?
7- why my perfect backstab can hit 10k full zerker, and a warrior full zerker with rifle can hit 25k? Why i supose that the class who has the role of heavy single target damage is a thief?
Thx very much for asking
(edited by franxi.6513)
Yeah, I really don’t see how people defend class balance in this game. It’s pretty much like they try to make all classes offensively equal, then are totally okay with extreme inequality in defense and attrition.
1. Because it was supposely broken (anything thief does is broken) and got nerfed, that is why we have heal on mug now
2. Because we are supposed to be squishy high dmg dealing class (lol assassins), also remember thieves are OP so they can’t have nice things…. why everyone does high dmg? Because everyone can invest into 3 trait lines now. The real issue is that thief defensives are a joke and got nerfed severly as well (because they are OP obviously lol)that is why they may struggle.
3. because warriors have long animations, less moblity than thieves and no stealth.
4. because everyone cried how mesmers are so weak and get countered by thieves so anet made a lot of their traits baseline and buffed the crap out of them; nerfs to thieves didn’t help the issue… but our (thieves) opinion doesn’t matter to devs, only opinion of every other class out there (based on every single patch for past few years)
5. because it was supposed to get healing buff and had (too) good synergy with some traits… only issue is, it never received promised healing buff and for those traits you need to sacrifice something really good…. we basically got trolled but we can’t do anything about it besides quiting game/not buying xpac~
6. because they are warriors, it is their job to be tankiesh since their animations are long and they are slow… if thieves had animations of earthshaker they would die more than actually land any hits. I highly doubt that war vs thief is good comparison. The real question is why is mes allowed to have so much surival while having more CC and dmg than thief atm but i already answered that.
7. because rifle 25k hit requires 3 adrenalin bars and certain amout of might + long cast…. you can’t see backstab comming really and you can use it more freqently; also it is close to impossible to interrupt backstab, while rifle skills are easy to interrupt
(edited by Cynz.9437)
1. Because it was supposely broken (anything thief does is broken) and got nerfed, that is why we have heal on mug now
2. Because we are supposed to be squishy high dmg dealing class (lol assassins), also remember thieves are OP so they can’t have nice things…. why everyone does high dmg? Because everyone can invest into 3 trait lines now. The real issue is that thief defensives are a joke and got nerfed severly as well (because they are OP obviously lol)that is why they may struggle.
3. because warriors have long animations, less moblity than thieves and no stealth.
4. because everyone cried how mesmers are so weak and get countered by thieves so anet made a lot of their traits baseline and buffed the crap out of them; nerfs to thieves didn’t help the issue… but our (thieves) opinion doesn’t matter to devs, only opinion of every other class out there (based on every single patch for past few years)
5. because it was supposed to get healing buff and had (too) good synergy with some traits… only issue is, it never received promised healing buff and for those traits you need to sacrifice something really good…. we basically got trolled but we can’t do anything about it besides quiting game/not buying xpac~
6. because they are warriors, it is their job to be tankiesh since their animations are long and they are slow… if thieves had animations of earthshaker they would die more than actually land any hits. I highly doubt that war vs thief is good comparison. The real question is why is mes allowed to have so much surival while having more CC and dmg than thief atm but i already answered that.
7. because rifle 25k hit requires 3 adrenalin bars and certain amout of might + long cast…. you can’t see backstab comming really and you can use it more freqently; also it is close to impossible to interrupt backstab, while rifle skills are easy to interrupt
the steal nerf is till now,very very questionable.
About steal not critting anymore, I guess it’s because mesmer/war F1 skills need both a setup (clones/adrenaline), so they’re not available at the start of the combat, whereas Steal with Mug can be used at any time steal is not on CD without any further requirement .
Franxi, it’s becoming fairly evident the balance team has no clue what they are doing.
Like I’ve said before, Thieves have had issues, but for the most part these flaws were well hidden from the unkeen observer. What the explatives did was basically rip away the veil masking those flaws, instead of fixing them.
Thieves needed more condition removal. What did they do?
Reduced condition removal.
Thieves needed more build diversity. What did they do?
Combined almost everything into 1-2 lines.
Thieves needed more weapon improvements. What did they do?
Pigeon-holed Thieves into even fewer options.
Thieves needed better team support. What did they do?
Gave venoms 1 additional charge.
Thieves needed better options outside of Shadow Arts/Stealth. What did they do?
Gutted the alternative line to Shadow Arts/Stealth.
Everyone cries about stealth and how Thief/stealth needs nerfs. What did they do?
Gave even more stealth-to Mesmers. And everyone rejoiced.
Buffing buffed things and nerfing nerfed things. This is becoming an Anet trend and it just boggles my mind.
What makes things so much worse is when questioned on things, the devs seem to panic or go into deer-in-headlights mode, giving incredibly vague, even sometimes down right condescending answers.
They have turned their game into a burst or bust. Any and all strategy or skill has gone out the window. Now whoever can close rank fastest and hit first wins. It’s appalling what they’ve done to their own game.
I’m convinced the driving force for creatively ensuring us the best possible Guild Wars is long gone. Meaning they don’t really care about the lore or legacy, they are more concerned with making money and less about what makes Guild Wars, Guild Wars. So they pump out these bad, and god do I mean bad, updates every 6 months that totally bork balance and put the game on it’s head. They create a false sense, an illusion, of new content, better balance, and more things to do. And GW2 players eat it up. Thus the song and dance continues.
I have had nothing nice to say about Anet for a long, long time now. I’m glad some of you are finally coming around and seeing things for what they actually are. This game had so much potential, but it is being driven down the toilet so fast it’s almost comical. At this point in time, I think Anet should just go for broke by bringing back Trahearne and reintroducing Kormir, then reveal they have a love child and this love child holds the key to defeating all the elder dragons.
I no longer enjoy playing this game. The fun just isn’t there. I only log in for daily crafting/APs and to talk to friends and that’s it. I gave up on Thief and refocused on my Necro. But now I’ve come to see the huge glaring issues Necro has. So I’m at the point of throwing my hands up because all my energy and efforts seems to feel wasted. I have a sneaking suspicion HoT is going to be a shiney polished deuce, with a little lore sprinkled on top. It might be the death knell. The saddest thing for me will be the young newcomers with no knowledge on how great things once were compared to the deuce they are playing.
(edited by Odyssey.2613)
Franxi, it’s becoming fairly evident the balance team has no clue what they are doing.
Like I’ve said before, Thieves have had issues, but for the most part these flaws were well hidden from the unkeen observer. What the _explatives_ did was basically *rip away the veil masking those flaws*, instead of fixing them.Thieves needed more condition removal. What did they do?
Reduced condition removal.
Thieves needed more build diversity. What did they do?
Combined almost everything into 1-2 lines.
Thieves needed more weapon improvements. What did they do?
Pigeon-holed Thieves into even fewer options.
Thieves needed better team support. What did they do?
Gave venoms 1 additional charge.
Thieves needed better options outside of Shadow Arts/Stealth. What did they do?
Gutted the alternative line to Shadow Arts/Stealth.
Everyone cries about stealth and how Thief/stealth needs nerfs. What did they do?
Gave even more stealth-to Mesmers. And everyone rejoiced.
*Buffing buffed things and nerfing nerfed things.* This is becoming an Anet trend and it just boggles my mind.
What makes things so much worse is when questioned on things, the devs seem to panic or go into deer-in-headlights mode, giving incredibly vague, even sometimes down right condescending answers.
They have turned their game into a burst or bust. Any and all strategy or skill has gone out the window. Now whoever can close rank fastest and hit first wins. *It’s appalling what they’ve done to their own game.*I’m convinced the driving force for creatively ensuring us the best possible Guild Wars is long gone. Meaning they don’t really care about the lore or legacy, they are more concerned with making money and less about what makes Guild Wars, Guild Wars. So they pump out these bad, and god do I mean bad, updates every 6 months that totally bork balance and put the game on it’s head. They create a false sense, an illusion, of new content, better balance, and more things to do. And GW2 players eat it up. Thus the song and dance continues.
I have had nothing nice to say about Anet for a long, long time now. I’m glad some of you are finally coming around and seeing things for what they actually are. This game had so much potential, but *it is being driven down the toilet so fast it’s almost comical.* At this point in time, I think Anet should just go for broke by bringing back Trahearne and reintroducing Kormir, then reveal they have a love child and this love child holds the key to defeating all the elder dragons.
I no longer enjoy playing this game. The fun just isn’t there. I only log in for daily crafting/APs and to talk to friends and that’s it. I gave up on Thief and refocused on my Necro. But now I’ve come to see the huge glaring issues Necro has. So I’m at the point of throwing my hands up because all my energy and efforts seems to feel wasted. I have a sneaking suspicion HoT is going to be a shiney polished deuce, with a little lore sprinkled on top. It might be the death knell. The saddest thing for me will be the young *newcomers with no knowledge on how great things once were compared to the deuce they are playing.*
^This. Spot on. Literally took the words out of my mind. Kudos.
I still play my S/D thief (and still run w/o Shadow’s Rejuvenation). I enjoy the challenge. *Salute*
(edited by Tyyphoon.5301)
I only want to give you a photo. Rifle warrior hit me 20k (he can oneshot me and i cant oneshot him… why?). Im not full zerk, i have valkyrie armor. Read the combat log… (sorry for the spanish photo)
This is normal? 25k of killshot with 25 of might and 25 of vulnerability?
And 48k of killshot without armor?
I think something is broken
Yeah, the incompetence of much of Anet’s balance team has been overt and on display for the world to see for some time now.
edit: perhaps that was a bit harsh. I think the biggest problem is that they don’t have anyone really invested in the thief class, and they make changes to the class primarily based on the counterplay with other classes.
Here’s the important point – due to stealth (which can be cheap in PvP), thieves have always seemed (from the perspective of other classes) to be a lot stronger than they actually are. In reality, from day one, they have been the “weakest” class in the game – meaning they have a very low skill floor, a very high skill ceiling, and are over-reliant on very specific builds to shore up their issues with attrition. They also have entire utility lines (venoms and traps) that are poorly designed/under-tuned (and no, just giving venoms and extra charge wasn’t really sufficient). These things affect them as much in PvE as in PvP, if not more.
This patch should have been focused on correcting all of this. Instead, it managed to make it worse.
Here’s one suggestion – Stealth should regenerate Health and remove non-damaging conditions by default, with no traits needed. The traits should simply improve this aspect (i.e. regenerating more health and removing damaging conditions). Mesmer and Ranger should have limited access to stealth, but not nearly as much as Thieves.
I also always thought Stealth should last longer in PvE than it does in PvP. Not sure why it doesn’t.
That would do a lot to make Thieves have more reasonable game-play.
(edited by Einlanzer.1627)
Yeah, the incompetence of much of Anet’s balance team has been overt and on display for the world to see for some time now.
edit: perhaps that was a bit harsh. I think the biggest problem is that they don’t have anyone really invested in the thief class, and they make changes to the class primarily based on the counterplay with other classes.
Here’s the important point – due to stealth (which can be cheap in PvP), thieves have always seemed (from the perspective of other classes) to be a lot stronger than they actually are. In reality, from day one, they have been the “weakest” class in the game – meaning they have a very low skill floor, a very high skill ceiling, and are over-reliant on very specific builds to shore up their issues with attrition. They also have entire utility lines (venoms and traps) that are poorly designed/under-tuned (and no, just giving venoms and extra charge wasn’t really sufficient). These things affect them as much in PvE as in PvP, if not more.
This patch should have been focused on correcting all of this. Instead, it managed to make it worse.
Here’s one suggestion – Stealth should regenerate Health and remove non-damaging conditions by default, with no traits needed. The traits should simply improve this aspect (i.e. regenerating more health and removing damaging conditions). Mesmer and Ranger should have limited access to stealth, but not nearly as much as Thieves.
I also always thought Stealth should last longer in PvE than it does in PvP. Not sure why it doesn’t.
That would do a lot to make Thieves have more reasonable game-play.
Yeah butthe patch is bad all around,I mean I can speak from necro,mesmer and thief prespective,They promised to make mesmer more skill based,they made right the opposite,they were promoted by the forum to help necromancers by using chill and after they got all necros cheered up – they nerfed chill.Thieves players were promised a more build diversity,but they only did the opposite.
1 – why i cant do critical damage with my f1 and a warrior with rifle can make me 20k? Same mesmers can do critical damage with f1, and why thieves no?
2- why with the patch everyone has more damage and i have the same life pool?
3- why a full zerker warrior has like 20k of life with 2500 of armor, and a full zerker thief has 12k of life and 2000 of armor? Why this diferents if the warrior has endure pain, etc etc?
4- why is imposible to duel 1 vs 1 a mesmer spamming mantras, daze, etc,,,?
5- why do you nerf the withdraw with 18 sec of cd?
6- why a warrior with the healing signet is invulnerable to conditions that hit less than 340 per tick? Why i heal less than this amount if im in steatlh?
7- why my perfect backstab can hit 10k full zerker, and a warrior full zerker with rifle can hit 25k? Why i supose that the class who has the role of heavy single target damage is a thief?Thx very much for asking
1 – B/c it heals and damage. Before, it just did damage.
2 – I’m not aware of any changes to the health pool tier low/med/high. Please clarify. Also, the additional damage applies to all classes.
3 – Different class mechanics, stealth, mobility, etc.
4 – L2P?
5 – B/c you can now reset CD with Imp or further reduce the CD.
6 – Please provide additional information regarding “invulnerable” to condition damage. Does your conditions tick for 0/immune?
7 – All classes have burst or burst rotation. KS requires Adren and long cast time. Cnd+Mug+BS will have the same if not higher damage than KS with 100% more chance to provide sigils.
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