Quick question on issue with sword/pistol attack 3
it will cancel the animation and the attack if you move a certain direction (backwards i think).
Might be a bug then, I’ve had it several times where I have been static and my combo has broken.
Not fun when facing a veteran alone, you just stand there headshotting and screaming “Do Some Damage You <rude word>!!!”
If you press a movement key once you are in or right about to begin the PW slashing animation, it will break the animation, cancel the attack, and move you. This does not include simply holding down a movement key, it has to be a new keypress that occurs after the PW root takes effect. My guess is you are doing something like this without realizing it.
Its bugged. The ability has a self root and any self root on any ability for a class designed around mobility has to be a bug. I already posted it in our bug list