Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Haze.9647


So I’ve done many ranked games now,

and i am doing well.

HOWEVER. the amount of people who are questioning whether thief is even viable in pvp is mad.

Not only is the pep waiting area empty of thieves, people would rather the few thieves left re roll to another class.

i can understand that trap guards are a pain

BUT thats it.

anyone else wondering why this is?

p.s. trap guards are the easiest role to play. you’re all cowards if you play trap guards!


running into games solo queue to find a premade with 3 trap guards is not funny.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


And your point is?
a) Thief is fine
b) DH is OP
or both?

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

And your point is?
a) Thief is fine
b) DH is OP
or both?

All of the above please.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: assassin.7895


dh is not easy. in fact it’s hard and can be really unrewarding and gets countered by meta

thief gets countered not only by dh but also by herald, scrapper, tempest. reaper and druid is hard for thief too.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: AsurasRCute.4136


This kind of thing is my only source of hope that Thief might actually get sorted. It may be that they’re dismissing our demoralisation with the usual (for MMOs) ’They’re just a bunch of whiners who don’t know how to play the class the way we designed it.’

It’s another thing when the community at large says, ‘We don’t want any Thieves, because Thief is just garbage!’ This should be setting some alarm bells ringing upstairs in Anet HQ.

If for no other reason than one thing that they do seem to care about is segments of their player base being bullied by other segments (see various farming nerfs, when the acrimony got out of hand).

Should also be hitting their bottom line: fewer Thief alts made are fewer skins and char slots (and endless salvage and gathering tools etc) sold.

We’ll see….

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: muscarine.5136


Was on a 14 win streak, one win away from ruby, and then some numbskull ele decided he wouldn’t play because he had a teef (me) in his team.
Worst, most people in my team and the other decided he was right and i was the actual liability. (FYI the match wasn’t even started)

So funny when i’m doing my best every game to create +1s and some kitten necro shouts on map chat i’m bad and useless because i don’t stay and fight a 1v1 far i was actually winning but becoming a 1v2, to go create a +1 mid (which ended up badly because the pro ele almost instadied there.)

Welp, regular soloQ kittenbags, it’s a bit saddening but hey, got to ruby the very next game.
Point is, you know you’re a better player than they are, and they’re just that bad they won’t realize it in any case, so don’t waste your time arguing, the best you can hope is to fight them some other time and humiliate them (although they’d still find an excuse).

(edited by muscarine.5136)

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Gecko.1962


I get the same stuff. I ignore it, rack up 160 – 200 points and do my job x30 what they expect me to.

I’m Ruby 3 at the moment, on a steady push to Diamond. People just can’t admit that there are good Thieves in the meta right now. Even if the class sucks, a good Thief is a good Thief. You can’t get around that.

In the past few weeks people have said less about my Thief play, because they know I play it well enough to carry and hold my own.

Everyone’s Favorite Furry! – Serrow
“They can’t condi me if they’re dead.”

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Puz.8529


I get the same stuff, and to be fair, in random games they might be right. A thief cannot carry a team of randoms like some bunker type can.

But when there is a bunker or two and you can be a real thief, then you can just become the mvp! Sadly, people don’t realise that sort of thing and simply like to complain instead.

I really hope we could get some slight push into becoming a pure anti-bunker tool. That would give us a niche. And one that is needed in this meta!

Puz – TDA

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

its also that a lot of thieves are bad, and i don’t just mean not rotating, or the “+1 role” i mean death blossom thieves spamming on DH traps, vault spammers then wonder why they get rekt all of the time, and people just not even using their eye’s let alone brain cells.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

I really hope we could get some slight push into becoming a pure anti-bunker tool.

[ vibrates intensely ]

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Vornollo.5182


I get hatred, salt and other idiotic comments on a fair number of matches.
I’ve been reported for Botting because I played thief, I’ve had my ingame mail spammed because I played thief and I’ve had people AFK or even completely LEAVE the game because I was playing thief.

Honestly… Thief and Warrior hate is just disgusting right now, the PvP community is toxic enough as it is, but this “meta” really brings out the worst of the worst.

Also, Trap DH is kitten easy to play and even easier to counter… Dodge, we actually got plenty of that on Daredevil.
Or just ask one of the many Bunker Chronomancers for a Precognition Well on point.

[PUSH] Constant Pressure

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I really hope we could get some slight push into becoming a pure anti-bunker tool.

[ vibrates intensely ]

Turn that kitten off!

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


xDD I have been flamed a few times… but from opponents…

xD I use a build variant with Staff and P/P, Invigorating Precision and Smokescreen.

Reaper are no problem with unload and jumping around, as you have stealth (P5 and evade) good for staff and good for pistol

Smokescreen does wonders esp. against Dragonhunter and such.

Mesmers are going down as well, fast enough as well. Problem decapping still takes to long, but at least you ware not dying and kill him.

Scrapper are a bit more problematic. Eles… will die easily enough if you switch weapons infight.

So fun xD

“double pistol double noob”
“lose against an unskilled rogue so bad”
Which is the original wording

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


xDD I have been flamed a few times… but from opponents…

xD I use a build variant with Staff and P/P, Invigorating Precision and Smokescreen.

Reaper are no problem with unload and jumping around, as you have stealth (P5 and evade) good for staff and good for pistol

Smokescreen does wonders esp. against Dragonhunter and such.

Mesmers are going down as well, fast enough as well. Problem decapping still takes to long, but at least you ware not dying and kill him.

Scrapper are a bit more problematic. Eles… will die easily enough if you switch weapons infight.

So fun xD

“double pistol double noob”
“lose against an unskilled rogue so bad”
Which is the original wording

lolwhat? hotjoin king?

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


No ranked. But a noob who obv. thinks that a thief on range is harmless and can be ignored

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Aomine.5012


So I’ve done many ranked games now,

and i am doing well.

HOWEVER. the amount of people who are questioning whether thief is even viable in pvp is mad.

Not only is the pep waiting area empty of thieves, people would rather the few thieves left re roll to another class.

i can understand that trap guards are a pain

BUT thats it.

anyone else wondering why this is?

p.s. trap guards are the easiest role to play. you’re all cowards if you play trap guards!


running into games solo queue to find a premade with 3 trap guards is not funny.

Trap Guard is not even the biggest concern.

Cond Reaper, Bunker Chrono, and Tempest is so much worse.
They just spam their evade/block, spam their passive burn, passive daze, perma protection, perma chill, insane condition damage and watch you die.

They don’t need to do much. Just click some bottoms, which are either all instant or 1/4 cast or passively triggered or on swap or AOE, for a free kill while you try so hard just to survive.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Haze.9647


So I’ve done many ranked games now,

and i am doing well.

HOWEVER. the amount of people who are questioning whether thief is even viable in pvp is mad.

Not only is the pep waiting area empty of thieves, people would rather the few thieves left re roll to another class.

i can understand that trap guards are a pain

BUT thats it.

anyone else wondering why this is?

p.s. trap guards are the easiest role to play. you’re all cowards if you play trap guards!


running into games solo queue to find a premade with 3 trap guards is not funny.

Trap Guard is not even the biggest concern.

Cond Reaper, Bunker Chrono, and Tempest is so much worse.
They just spam their evade/block, spam their passive burn, passive daze, perma protection, perma chill, insane condition damage and watch you die.

They don’t need to do much. Just click some bottoms, which are either all instant or 1/4 cast or passively triggered or on swap or AOE, for a free kill while you try so hard just to survive.

Bunker chrono is a pain in my kitten.
Never ending fight with one of those.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

I’d just like to say that I am beside myself with glee at how the players who so vehemently squealed that thief and warrior were OP are now finding themselves tortured by people who continue to play the class in its crippled state, because they were too short-sighted to realize that knocking down a class because it personally annoyed you could end up biting you in the kitten when it came to gameplay that requires you to team -with- these classes.

No matter what the players unfortunate enough to play thief/warrior do, they make people pull their hair out.



Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Haze.9647


You are correct mate.

I must say before HoT i felt the balancing was MORE BALANCED than it is now.

I struggle to find gamesin solo queue that aren’t chockablock full of trap guards who refuse to move, mesmers who seem invincible and don’t get me started on those druids camping at all the bases.

it is madness

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Was on a 14 win streak, one win away from ruby, and then some numbskull ele decided he wouldn’t play because he had a teef (me) in his team.

I had the same thing happened to me. I told him I was on a 12 games win streak on a thief, but I was forced to reroll Scrapper, a build that’s much weaker on Khylo. We lost.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Urejt.5648


thief is bad. u must accept that. What i dont accept is giving up at the begining just becouse of thief

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Kaliny.8265


thief is bad. u must accept that. What i dont accept is giving up at the begining just becouse of thief

Yes, and still a very good theif player is better than an average another class imo.

Actually ive seem some very good thief players that carry games viciously from time to time… problem is, they are less than 10% of the thiefs, so if you ask some thief to reroll, you have likely more than 90% chance of beeing right.

That frustrates thiefs that are good enough to pull off, and imo ANY person that has very good awareness and decent thief skills can carry low rank games.

Imo below ruby division no one loses because of a thief… they lose because someone, maybe the thief, and others on the team, are bad (not unskilled but don’t know how to make their team win, just don’t know what to do or how to do it)

They often get 2 points, attempt to capture far, lose a fight there by overcommiting and snowball that losing mid, than they start to suicide on mid and far splitting forces until the enemy team gets 500. After that they blame the thief.

I’m not always rude and sarcastic… Sometimes i’m asleep.

(edited by Kaliny.8265)

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: muscarine.5136


thief is bad. u must accept that. What i dont accept is giving up at the begining just becouse of thief

Yes, and still a very good theif player is better than an average another class imo.

Actually ive seem some very good thief players that carry games viciously from time to time… problem is, they are less than 10% of the thiefs, so if you ask some thief to reroll, you have likely more than 90% chance of beeing right.

That frustrates thiefs that are good enough to pull off, and imo ANY person that has very good awareness and decent thief skills can carry low rank games.

Imo below ruby division no one loses because of a thief… they lose because someone, maybe the thief, and others on the team, are bad (not unskilled but don’t know how to make their team win, just don’t know what to do or how to do it)

They often get 2 points, attempt to capture far, lose a fight there by overcommiting and snowball that losing mid, than they start to suicide on mid and far splitting forces until the enemy team gets 500. After that they blame the thief.

Typical game.
Also, you forgot the usual slow kitten necro (or whatever but in the case of a necro it’s even more laughable) who for some reason decided it’d be in his team’s best interest to spent 75% of his time crawling to far, 15% of his time dying there, and 10% respawning, while stealing one of the thief’s main job which is to rotate and decap far soon as the pressure allows him to.

I’m so freaking tired of having to explain such basic things, 90% of my games as a thief, to people who then complain useless teef because they basically destroyed my role in the team comp and have absolutely 0 idea of how they’re supposed to synergise with a thief in their team. Ok that’s probably too much to ask, since to begin with they can’t understand respawn snowball.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Typical game.
Also, you forgot the usual slow kitten necro (or whatever but in the case of a necro it’s even more laughable) who for some reason decided it’d be in his team’s best interest to spent 75% of his time crawling to far, 15% of his time dying there, and 10% respawning, while stealing one of the thief’s main job which is to rotate and decap far soon as the pressure allows him to.

I’m so freaking tired of having to explain such basic things, 90% of my games as a thief, to people who then complain useless teef because they basically destroyed my role in the team comp and have absolutely 0 idea of how they’re supposed to synergise with a thief in their team. Ok that’s probably too much to ask, since to begin with they can’t understand respawn snowball.

This. DH, necros and revenants are the worst offenders for some reason. Not only does it take a lot of knowledge about Conquest to play thief right, but you also need to have team mates who understand how to play with a thief. And since these players will never play thief, they’ll never improve and we’ll be stuck with them in our queues.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Urejt.5648


still thief is trash tier.
-power rev easily kills thief.
-thief caught in sword trap cant tp out becouse trap deals 8k dmg.
-many bugs not yet fixed- f.ex. tp trap is not teleporting furthest distance 10 000 ubnits if used from slightly further distance than 10 000 units
-acrobatics very weak value, especially gm traits
-deadly arts useless due to perma resistance

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: nacario.9417


Its sad to see all the negativity thieves get beforehand if the theif is actually good. Thief can carry in its own way if the person has ace map awareness, thats the thief role

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Its sad to see all the negativity thieves get beforehand if the theif is actually good. Thief can carry in its own way if the person has ace map awareness, thats the thief role

On the positive side, I’ve never received as much post-game compliments. People just assume that a game with a thief on your side is automatically lost when you have a thief on your side, and that your thief must be a demi-god for winning, when really thief still works decently under certain conditions. That or they feel like top players for “carrying a thief”.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: garkos.2973


its quite interesting i often get flamed by teammates when i play thief,

but at the end of the game the enemy whispers i did good job while i get all the hate from the team ^^

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


thief is bad. u must accept that. What i dont accept is giving up at the begining just becouse of thief

Yes, and still a very good theif player is better than an average another class imo.

Actually ive seem some very good thief players that carry games viciously from time to time… problem is, they are less than 10% of the thiefs, so if you ask some thief to reroll, you have likely more than 90% chance of beeing right.

That frustrates thiefs that are good enough to pull off, and imo ANY person that has very good awareness and decent thief skills can carry low rank games.

Imo below ruby division no one loses because of a thief… they lose because someone, maybe the thief, and others on the team, are bad (not unskilled but don’t know how to make their team win, just don’t know what to do or how to do it)

They often get 2 points, attempt to capture far, lose a fight there by overcommiting and snowball that losing mid, than they start to suicide on mid and far splitting forces until the enemy team gets 500. After that they blame the thief.

Typical game.
Also, you forgot the usual slow kitten necro (or whatever but in the case of a necro it’s even more laughable) who for some reason decided it’d be in his team’s best interest to spent 75% of his time crawling to far, 15% of his time dying there, and 10% respawning, while stealing one of the thief’s main job which is to rotate and decap far soon as the pressure allows him to.

I’m so freaking tired of having to explain such basic things, 90% of my games as a thief, to people who then complain useless teef because they basically destroyed my role in the team comp and have absolutely 0 idea of how they’re supposed to synergise with a thief in their team. Ok that’s probably too much to ask, since to begin with they can’t understand respawn snowball.

So you suppose other ppl must care and build their game around you just because you don’t want to switch to a normal class (most probably because you don’t know how to play other classes)? Well you DO deserve the attitude you get.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: muscarine.5136


thief is bad. u must accept that. What i dont accept is giving up at the begining just becouse of thief

Yes, and still a very good theif player is better than an average another class imo.

Actually ive seem some very good thief players that carry games viciously from time to time… problem is, they are less than 10% of the thiefs, so if you ask some thief to reroll, you have likely more than 90% chance of beeing right.

That frustrates thiefs that are good enough to pull off, and imo ANY person that has very good awareness and decent thief skills can carry low rank games.

Imo below ruby division no one loses because of a thief… they lose because someone, maybe the thief, and others on the team, are bad (not unskilled but don’t know how to make their team win, just don’t know what to do or how to do it)

They often get 2 points, attempt to capture far, lose a fight there by overcommiting and snowball that losing mid, than they start to suicide on mid and far splitting forces until the enemy team gets 500. After that they blame the thief.

Typical game.
Also, you forgot the usual slow kitten necro (or whatever but in the case of a necro it’s even more laughable) who for some reason decided it’d be in his team’s best interest to spent 75% of his time crawling to far, 15% of his time dying there, and 10% respawning, while stealing one of the thief’s main job which is to rotate and decap far soon as the pressure allows him to.

I’m so freaking tired of having to explain such basic things, 90% of my games as a thief, to people who then complain useless teef because they basically destroyed my role in the team comp and have absolutely 0 idea of how they’re supposed to synergise with a thief in their team. Ok that’s probably too much to ask, since to begin with they can’t understand respawn snowball.

So you suppose other ppl must care and build their game around you just because you don’t want to switch to a normal class (most probably because you don’t know how to play other classes)? Well you DO deserve the attitude you get.

Normal class = ball mid and shower aoe coz i don’t know how to play otherwise
Thanks for proving my point, you’re the exact kind of braindead needed to illustrate the example.

Yes, flash news, you’re supposed to adapt to the team comp you get, brainless fotm zerg will only get you so far. Strangely enough, it’s part of what makes a good player.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


thief is bad. u must accept that. What i dont accept is giving up at the begining just becouse of thief

Yes, and still a very good theif player is better than an average another class imo.

Actually ive seem some very good thief players that carry games viciously from time to time… problem is, they are less than 10% of the thiefs, so if you ask some thief to reroll, you have likely more than 90% chance of beeing right.

That frustrates thiefs that are good enough to pull off, and imo ANY person that has very good awareness and decent thief skills can carry low rank games.

Imo below ruby division no one loses because of a thief… they lose because someone, maybe the thief, and others on the team, are bad (not unskilled but don’t know how to make their team win, just don’t know what to do or how to do it)

They often get 2 points, attempt to capture far, lose a fight there by overcommiting and snowball that losing mid, than they start to suicide on mid and far splitting forces until the enemy team gets 500. After that they blame the thief.

Typical game.
Also, you forgot the usual slow kitten necro (or whatever but in the case of a necro it’s even more laughable) who for some reason decided it’d be in his team’s best interest to spent 75% of his time crawling to far, 15% of his time dying there, and 10% respawning, while stealing one of the thief’s main job which is to rotate and decap far soon as the pressure allows him to.

I’m so freaking tired of having to explain such basic things, 90% of my games as a thief, to people who then complain useless teef because they basically destroyed my role in the team comp and have absolutely 0 idea of how they’re supposed to synergise with a thief in their team. Ok that’s probably too much to ask, since to begin with they can’t understand respawn snowball.

So you suppose other ppl must care and build their game around you just because you don’t want to switch to a normal class (most probably because you don’t know how to play other classes)? Well you DO deserve the attitude you get.

Normal class = ball mid and shower aoe coz i don’t know how to play otherwise
Thanks for proving my point, you’re the exact kind of braindead needed to illustrate the example.

Yes, flash news, you’re supposed to adapt to the team comp you get, brainless fotm zerg will only get you so far. Strangely enough, it’s part of what makes a good player.

Normal class is the class that does not force team play like 4vs5 during all the game. It can be braindead or not, but it is effective comparing to thief.

Sorry but no one will adapt gameplay for you. Your team will accept the another one game failed by thief and hope not to get thief in the next match. You are useless and ppl just tell you about it. Take it easy, control your flame. Once again: you deserve what you get.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: muscarine.5136


Huun. You won’t get it, don’t try.
Again, thank you for illustrating my point.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


So you suppose other ppl must care and build their game around you just because you don’t want to switch to a normal class (most probably because you don’t know how to play other classes)? Well you DO deserve the attitude you get.

I’m sure, since we’re talking about ranked, that you play the game with a competitive mindset. If that’s the case, yes, you need to adapt to what your teammates are playing. If I have a necro on my team, I am ready to peel for him when he gets focused and CC chained. If I have two DH, I will try to provoke large teamfights rather than 3-node scrims. If I play thief or shatter mesmer and I have a shatter mesmer or a Glint/Shiro revenant on my team, I’ll roam with him/her to quickly burst node holders. The list is long, and being a good soloq player means having the tools (including playing different builds/professions) to adapt to every comp you get. How do you expect to win? By zerging mid? How is it working for you so far?

Change your mindset, practice, and try to understand how conquest works. Understand that the main difference between you and good players is not in pressing your skills, but in effective rotations and carefully picked fights.

Oh: and if you respawn, you’re not forced to always go mid :P

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: cyberwolf.5830


tbh most thieves I found in ranked have no idea of what is their role and they just go mid and die like flies from aoe.
Decapping can be done by many other classes and it’s also quite hard to find a thief good enough to win 1v1 I can’t even imagine 1v2.
I’d like to play thief if it would be viable cause the class is fun, I believe right now you need to be a top player to make this class barely acceptable.

I’ve no problems at all in unranked or hotjoins but since ranked is suppose to be an harder competition where one liability can bring down points to the whole team members I don’t see why people need to go there running crappy build/class in this specific game. Just to prove that you can play a crappy class but outskill your opponent and still win sometimes.
Few classes/builds are better then other so what’s the problem? Grab one of those and play it while you wait for patch if it will ever come.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


tbh most thieves I found in ranked have no idea of what is their role and they just go mid and die like flies from aoe.
Decapping can be done by many other classes and it’s also quite hard to find a thief good enough to win 1v1 I can’t even imagine 1v2.
I’d like to play thief if it would be viable cause the class is fun, I believe right now you need to be a top player to make this class barely acceptable.

I’ve no problems at all in unranked or hotjoins but since ranked is suppose to be an harder competition where one liability can bring down points to the whole team members I don’t see why people need to go there running crappy build/class in this specific game. Just to prove that you can play a crappy class but outskill your opponent and still win sometimes.
Few classes/builds are better then other so what’s the problem? Grab one of those and play it while you wait for patch if it will ever come.

You get the point. I main thief as well, but I realize that some braindead DH build contributes much more to the team success than thief. Especially if the team… let’s say, not really good.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Khaten.8601


tbh most thieves I found in ranked have no idea of what is their role and they just go mid and die like flies from aoe.
Decapping can be done by many other classes and it’s also quite hard to find a thief good enough to win 1v1 I can’t even imagine 1v2.
I’d like to play thief if it would be viable cause the class is fun, I believe right now you need to be a top player to make this class barely acceptable.

I’ve no problems at all in unranked or hotjoins but since ranked is suppose to be an harder competition where one liability can bring down points to the whole team members I don’t see why people need to go there running crappy build/class in this specific game. Just to prove that you can play a crappy class but outskill your opponent and still win sometimes.
Few classes/builds are better then other so what’s the problem? Grab one of those and play it while you wait for patch if it will ever come.

B/c it’s fun roflostomping ppl that think thieves are weak and easy pickings.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Tigergate.3520


Omg this thread shows everything I think about in PvP! The bunker chronos, dh’s and necros cry when i rek them on thief and I’ve got the highest score by far on the board. But as ppl mentioned there are PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of useless thieves spamming heartseeker and using attacks while in shadow refuge. But the hate is kitten since ppl adored thieves right before HoT and now suddenly ppl hate them.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


What thieves were ever adored?

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Thief’s can carry conquests pugs easier than most classes. Thief still have the highest mobility in the game and constant decap/cap are easy wins.

The main thing Thief struggles with right now is combat, it can’t really 1v1 anything right now, every elite spec pretty much can do large sums of dmg while having insane survivability. Once Daredevils dodges are up they have to disengage if w/e they are fighting is not dead.

Combat wise Thief contribute very little to team fights and other class do what they do better.

But pugs are really stupid and if they are giving up matches because they have a thief on their team, they are just bad. Thief mobility can carry games if the person playing Thief has a half a brain.

But let’s be real being a decap/cap/rezbot is boring as hell after a while. Hopefully some changes and tuning to the other classes in Jan make things better. Power Shiro Rev is pretty much a heavy armor Thief on steroids.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Kaliny.8265


So you suppose other ppl must care and build their game around you just because you don’t want to switch to a normal class (most probably because you don’t know how to play other classes)? Well you DO deserve the attitude you get.

I’m sure, since we’re talking about ranked, that you play the game with a competitive mindset. If that’s the case, yes, you need to adapt to what your teammates are playing. If I have a necro on my team, I am ready to peel for him when he gets focused and CC chained. If I have two DH, I will try to provoke large teamfights rather than 3-node scrims. If I play thief or shatter mesmer and I have a shatter mesmer or a Glint/Shiro revenant on my team, I’ll roam with him/her to quickly burst node holders. The list is long, and being a good soloq player means having the tools (including playing different builds/professions) to adapt to every comp you get. How do you expect to win? By zerging mid? How is it working for you so far?

Change your mindset, practice, and try to understand how conquest works. Understand that the main difference between you and good players is not in pressing your skills, but in effective rotations and carefully picked fights.

Oh: and if you respawn, you’re not forced to always go mid :P


I’m not always rude and sarcastic… Sometimes i’m asleep.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

tbh most thieves I found in ranked have no idea of what is their role and they just go mid and die like flies from aoe.
Decapping can be done by many other classes and it’s also quite hard to find a thief good enough to win 1v1 I can’t even imagine 1v2.
I’d like to play thief if it would be viable cause the class is fun, I believe right now you need to be a top player to make this class barely acceptable.

I’ve no problems at all in unranked or hotjoins but since ranked is suppose to be an harder competition where one liability can bring down points to the whole team members I don’t see why people need to go there running crappy build/class in this specific game. Just to prove that you can play a crappy class but outskill your opponent and still win sometimes.
Few classes/builds are better then other so what’s the problem? Grab one of those and play it while you wait for patch if it will ever come.

I find this the complete opposite. No one knows how to play with a thief!! I mean seriously a thief will make your life 100x easier. When I go far, THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU GO FAR, it means I am stalling the opponents by 1v2ing. That means we can hold mid longer, get more points and win. And when I 1v2 I can quickly disengage, come to mid and join the fight all while wasting the enemy’s time.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Zerrin.4305


tbh most thieves I found in ranked have no idea of what is their role and they just go mid and die like flies from aoe.
Decapping can be done by many other classes and it’s also quite hard to find a thief good enough to win 1v1 I can’t even imagine 1v2.
I’d like to play thief if it would be viable cause the class is fun, I believe right now you need to be a top player to make this class barely acceptable.

I’ve no problems at all in unranked or hotjoins but since ranked is suppose to be an harder competition where one liability can bring down points to the whole team members I don’t see why people need to go there running crappy build/class in this specific game. Just to prove that you can play a crappy class but outskill your opponent and still win sometimes.
Few classes/builds are better then other so what’s the problem? Grab one of those and play it while you wait for patch if it will ever come.

I find this the complete opposite. No one knows how to play with a thief!! I mean seriously a thief will make your life 100x easier. When I go far, THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU GO FAR, it means I am stalling the opponents by 1v2ing. That means we can hold mid longer, get more points and win. And when I 1v2 I can quickly disengage, come to mid and join the fight all while wasting the enemy’s time.

Basically the last thing you said in a nutshell. He amount of times I find myself at far with 1/2/3 people trying to kill my bouncy Thief with SoM healing constant.. And then team mates decide to pukitten a time to die or even lose out when heavily out numbering the others .. OR chasing one class down off point and losing the node due to not fighting on node! But blame the Thief for going far and distracting them, sure.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: worminator.5174


Thief’s can carry conquests pugs easier than most classes. Thief still have the highest mobility in the game and constant decap/cap are easy wins.

The main thing Thief struggles with right now is combat, it can’t really 1v1 anything right now, every elite spec pretty much can do large sums of dmg while having insane survivability. Once Daredevils dodges are up they have to disengage if w/e they are fighting is not dead.

Combat wise Thief contribute very little to team fights and other class do what they do better.

But pugs are really stupid and if they are giving up matches because they have a thief on their team, they are just bad. Thief mobility can carry games if the person playing Thief has a half a brain.

But let’s be real being a decap/cap/rezbot is boring as hell after a while. Hopefully some changes and tuning to the other classes in Jan make things better. Power Shiro Rev is pretty much a heavy armor Thief on steroids.

1.Speaking about soloquing thieves:(i have seen so many of them)
I dont know why thieves dont get it. Yes you have the highest mobility, but it doesnt matter if the enemy is contesting all three points with high sustain classes. You cannot decap anything then. Thief as an +1 roamer is also useless most of the time. His burst is not enough. He cannot hold points, he cannot 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 well. Last thing he could do is stealth res, but hey one scrapper and also this is useless. Thieves are only good if the enemy team plays like hot joiner. Dont get me wrong, maybe there are builds, that could do well, but until now i only see the same old d/p 90% of the time.

2. Speaking about thief in 5 premade
Thieves can be good if they get the support of their team to do their job and for this you need a proper communication. And no, chat is not a proper communication.

Dont get me wrong, i play with any soloqiung thief in my team,i dont say anything before or after the match, but its frustrating to know, that the chance of winning is lower because of him. I praise every thief, who is doing is job well, but im getting those thieves not really often. Only chance to increase the winning chance: Enemy has also an thief or maybe even worse an warrior.
Its not the fault of the thief-players in the first place. Its anets fault. But in second place i must blame most(not all!) of the soloquing thieves for not realizing, that many complains about thieves these days are not only cry, but also have some truth in it.
Even ranger was in a better state pre-addon than thief these days. We could only 1v1 and small fights on sidepoints well, but its more than thieves can do well these days.
So, and now all thieves can flame me, but dont forget that i said atleast some good thing about thief: they are better than warrior.

(edited by worminator.5174)

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

A lot of thieves are stubborn as hell. Most of the thieves play other bunker class’s and still think that they can pull of the same kind of fights they do when they are on a thief. It’s completely different story. I can’t speak for leauge play as I find that there is far too many wannabes or try hards there and even afk a match just because a thief is in their team, hardly see any bad thievs in unranked though

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


I usually solo queue with thief and I switch to DH or Necro if needed.

Then again my biggest frustration is when I change to DH (as begged) and notice that no one in the team is rotating capture nodes.

Must be all those years playing thief, when I see that Far free cap our when the enemy steal our home node and no one moves a finger to do anything about it.

and yes, moving my DH fat kitten there is a bad plan, so I must spam the map until someone gets the idea.


Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Kaliny.8265


I go crawling with DH to freecap far if no one else does it… and even use F2 to jump distance, if I die there on 1×1 or 2×1 because I don’t have that F2 is not my fault

(Yes its terrible but people on strategy games ignore maps sometimes, I can only presume almost everyone will on action-rpgs, most people don’t even know how or why to call a target on team fights so asking for map awareness and smart rotations is way too much)

I’m not always rude and sarcastic… Sometimes i’m asleep.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: Puz.8529


I solo queue all the time, sadly I lost too many games going in as thief. You get people to afk or leave the game just because a thief is in their team. Meaning you’ve lost before you get started.

It has made me play my engineer mostly. Joined a new guild for hopefully some pre-made groups where I can thief again! Unless there are coms and people understand the thief role, I’m afraid it’s simply just not worth it atm..

We really need our 1v1 burst back. Because as it stands, we have no role that others cannot do. Heck, my engineer has 25% perma and can actually hold a point vs 2.. So it’s better in all regards..

Puz – TDA

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


I usually solo queue with thief and I switch to DH or Necro if needed.

Then again my biggest frustration is when I change to DH (as begged) and notice that no one in the team is rotating capture nodes.

Must be all those years playing thief, when I see that Far free cap our when the enemy steal our home node and no one moves a finger to do anything about it.

and yes, moving my DH fat kitten there is a bad plan, so I must spam the map until someone gets the idea.


The biggest frustration is when you switch to DH and realize that your team is sooo bad that there is no differense if you play thief or DH.

Ranked "ew thief re-roll please"

in Thief

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


I solo queue all the time, sadly I lost too many games going in as thief. You get people to afk or leave the game just because a thief is in their team. Meaning you’ve lost before you get started.

Losing because of a underdog class in the team and losing because of a kitten bag are 2 completely different situations.