Report for botting ...
You see… meta is something that professionals players are using consistently, I have no idea why casual pvp players would think that they should use the same thing if they are NOT doing the same strategys or having the same progression, rotations, calls, understanding of the game and ability that a professional player supposedly would.
Professional players plan a team comp that fits a gameplan, a plan for that match that hopefuly will be good against what the other team would likely run as their plan.
They don’t pick cond Rev because is the best rev build possible… they pick because is the best for the way they play and for the plan they will try to execute.
Just to make my point more clear I would like to tell a League of Legends history as a example:
something like two years ago pros on League discovered ways they could rotate their bottom lane players to Top lane very fast without sacrificing much presence and growth, this strategy was beeing used, among other reasons, to try to ensure a 2×1 against players that picked very strong 1×1 duelist or very weak 2×1 duelists… to somehow cripple the developement of the enemy team.
This of course led to a meta when pros started picking top champions that could also 2×1 very well, at cost of 1×1 potential and/or growth potential.
Because they couldn’t risk building for 1×1 and beeing surprised with a 2×1 waiting for them… (or even 3×1 most of the times)
This prevented this bot/top fast rotations because they just weren’t worth it against champions that could deal with this 2×1 cenario.
People outside the pro scene, would just pick the same champions and argue they were the best because the pros were playing and winning with it.
But this was NOT the case, the pro would certainly want to get more 1×1 and growth potential on their top lane player if they could, but they couldn’t risk beeing screwed by this strategy…
But this strategy couldn’t and was never used on casual because it took way too much team coordenation and awareness.
So people on casual were picking meta champions that were actually bad choices… without realizing it.
I don’t know if GW2 pro choices are made on top of such complex aspects of gameplay, but I would certainly like to think they are not only picked because “they are op”.
If i’m right about this, each class and build choice on pro scene (while it is probabily a somewhat solid build regardless of a gameplan) has a reasoning behind it that doesn’t apply to us.
Without this the pick is suboptimal.
I’m tier 5 sapphire and been climbing easily (2 tiers per day) with meditrapper dh… a choice that I think is way better for solo play than a full bunker build.
Just saying all this because I realy hate this meta bs, and have reasons for it,
if you think I’m wrong the GW2 pros simply pick something ‘’because is op’’, than this game is certainly way too simple to be taken seriously as a competitive pvp rpg game. (unfortunaly could be the case)
(edited by Kaliny.8265)
Yeah, I just tell those people that I’ll consider rerolling once we’re Esports.
I also got people whispering me afterwards about nice plays I made from time to time.
So yeah, keep doing what you do best!
I’ll always play Thief even in it’s current terrible state, simply because other classes/builds bore me to death at some point (I literally fell asleep while playing Bunker Mesmer last night).
So yeah, kitten the “meta” scrubs. If they were so dead serious about PvP they’d play in full premade.
You paid for the game, you play as you like. Like I’ve said in other post most people are just parrots and repeat what people say without knowing anything about the class.
If what they say is true than why are they still ranked around your lvl if Thief is so bad? Seems they are bad if they still getting queued up with bad Thieves.
Ppl are right. Thief is useless atm. Thief in my team = lose in the most of cases.
The three issues with thief in pvp are, in this order:
1) Many thief players don’t know how to rotate correctly, because it’s much harder than other roles
2) Many players don’t know how to play with a thief, and get discourage when they see one on their side
3) Thief is objectively less effective than a lot of other builds
When people ask me to switch class, I usually do, because I don’t like to play in a hostile environment. But frankly, thief is nowhere as bad as these guys think. I prefer a thief on my team than an ele capable of 1v1ing anything but getting decapped constantly.
Thief is nolonger meant to “1v1” since they have the least amount of condi cleanse, cc’s and short cooldown powerful attacks (like dh trappers). When I play I simply cap and decap, shank the butts out of ppl and retreat, Playing it sneaky style makes my team win every f—-ing time and then the META condi bunkers can go cry cus I did’nt “1v1 like the meta says” or “play a weak class, necro way more op, teef suk”
Thief is actually alright to go engage a 1v1 ahead of its team, and then have backup when the target is low. Backup from 1 guy can heal you, and finish the target off. Unfortunately people don’t think like this. If they are already in a fight, they won’t leave it even if it means surviving. They will stay until they die. If you happen to win your 1v1 securing a 2nd cap, it’s your fault your team is losing. It doesn’t matter that they could have split to sides and had a 2 cap to hold. No. They wipe, leave you to hold 2 points 1v4 or 2v5 or whatever, and get annoyed when the points you had are lost. They also don’t think "hmm... If I was left in that position I wouldn’t be able to hold them either." Not thinking, and raging, is easier.
They don’t even go to the right points on respawn. I swear most just pick a point at random and charge it, and stay there till they die.