Request for Developer Clarification

Request for Developer Clarification

in Thief

Posted by: metaphorm.6904


In the most recent update there is a slightly different “feel” to the duration of the Revealed condition. it kinda feels like it is a fraction of a second longer. many players report this anecdotally, but it is hard to test empirically since we’re talking about fractions of a second.

can a developer confirm whether or not this was an undocumented change (feature), a new bug (unintended), or whether we are imagining things (no issue, or issue caused by something unrelated like server latency)?

Request for Developer Clarification

in Thief

Posted by: ZLE.8293


I made a little test,using a macro from my keyboard.It is not “scientific” i know,but it pretty close measures the “reveal debuff” to 3.3 seconds.
I will post a screenshot of the macro i used:

Also i made a quick video.It shows that reveal is somewhere between 3,3sec-3,4sec.
So far i didn’t find the value of the reveal ,according to ANet.I will continue to search.

The Video:

P.S. I suck big time with fraps and editing.For that i apologize.

Ss Ninja- Rank 50 Asura Condition Thief (The Bulgarians [BG])
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