(edited by Pixels.6532)
Request for a Collaborative Thief Dev Thread
1) Fix weaponsets in general. Fix Death Blossom and Unload so that they make sense to use for both condition and direct damage specs (which would help fix P/P, and address a glaring weakness in D/D). Design PW so its fun and interesting to use. Fix LS so that it counters boon bunkers again without overly punishing classes that rely on a few long duration, long recast boons.
2)Fix the Steal “Obstructed” bug – I’m sick of seeing one of my major class mechanics go on CD but not actually steal(Bonus hate if I was relying on that stolen item or a trait to trigger).
3)Increase base init regen, change some of our boring initiative based traits into something that gives the class more flavor and spec diversity. No other class has to dedicate so many traits into actually using their skills. Thief DPS and burst has been nerfed repeatedly from day 1, yet the initiative regeneration rate has remained the same as it was at launch. The class is nigh unplayable with unmodified base initiative regen, and that’s just silly.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)
(1.) An improvement to Steal. I agree with Pixels that I’d like to see it get a teleport of some kind, but I think we should have more micromanagement ability. It’s been a common suggestion since betas to have F1 steal an offensive item, F2 steal a CC item, and F3 steal some kind of healing item or boons.
(2.) Improvements for traps. Right now, they are clunky to use and build around, and lackluster compared with the stealth and mobility options in the utilities.
Perhaps, instead of being small-radius skills that trigger upon hit and disappear, Thief traps could be made more like Ranger traps. Increase the radius to 120, with an effective range of 180, and make them static objects with charges. Auesis provided a more detailed description of this kind of trap change in the fourth post of this thread.
Provide additional options in the traitlines like Crimes’s suggestion in that same thread. His particular suggestions—which I agree with—were Explosive Traps for extra damage from traps, and Trap Artist which will provide initiative upon using a trap skill.
(3.) I second evilapprentice’s first point. Many of the Thief weaponsets have issues—like the acknowledged Pistol Whip problem that resulted from the stun change and the renewed uselessness of Larcenous Strike against boon bunkers—but P/P is downright contradictory, and has been complained about since the early days of the game. Why is Unload, the core source of damage for P/P, dependent on power and crit while Vital Shot is purely conditional?
Edit: minor formatting change.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
(edited by Imagi.4561)
1) No more nerfs until thieves and other classes can play at same lvl warriors does
2) PP builds i mean at the moment we do more dmg with SHORT BOW tho PP is single target and SB is aoe
3) utility skills: I mean i think i would be correct saying 80-90% thieves use deception and signet only… ignoring venoms and traps at all.
We tried.
We tried.
Don’t give up! Anything can happen if you believe.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
So… I have a couple of questions:
Acrobatics X – Assassins Reward. Increased healing scaling by 35%. Moved to Grandmaster Tier
Are you saying it will now scale at 35% of Healing Power or are you increasing the current scaling by 35%? Seems like it would have to be the following:
69+Healing Power *.35 per initiative… because a 35% increase on a 3.5% modifier ain’t much.
My other question is, are there any thoughts to giving thief more condi removal? You’ve sort of set the stage with the infusion of shadow change to making one of our best condi removal builds obsolete (D/P w/ at least 20 points in SA).
One idea would be to give an on-crit trait a condition removal with an internal cd or let us trait in deadly arts a way of transferring or removing a condition with a venom (with an icd of course). Why not combine Quick and Residual venom into one Grandmaster?
That leaves you an open slot to do something like: Tolerance: when you apply a condition with a venom, lose one condition (icd 5s or something).
Anyway, would be nice to get a dev response or two… or three.