May our BL break all foes. Fear our babou!
Gunnars Hold Represent! <3
(edited by VaaCrow.3076)
I’ve mained a thief, fili shade, for months, got near 1k hours on him/commander and all that kitten. but cmon man, ANET please, nerf us, its no fun to fight as a thief and its no fun to fight against a thief, the class takes little to no skill to play well and brings nothing but trolls to the game. I know anet wont touch the stealth mechanic because they lovee it but cmon, thief is just awful.
Dat teso release getting sooner and sooner….
(edited by VaaCrow.3076)
Screens or I’m calling bullkitten on all of the above.
If you’ve played a Thief for that long, you would know that it is not a skill-less class.
Screens or I’m calling bullkitten on all of the above.
If you’ve played a Thief for that long, you would know that it is not a skill-less class.
Screen, and yea, maybe a little skill, but cmon man, you know we’re stupidly op compared to other classes in wvw right? they balanced the kitten class from day 1 badly, and since then have only made them worse and worse to both play as and fight, i want to feel like an assassin, not a troll when i play this game.
thief – pro’s
can kill any newbie in 1 vs 1, fall badly against decent oponents
can escape in an 1 vs 5
can follow the karma train.
will have trouble to kill any skilled oponent wich is non glas cannon
is 1 of the most horrible clas in large scale battles
best blast finisher ingame , dagger storm got good AOE damage, but those will be gone in 12 seconds, while battles last for 2-3 minutes
– no acces to area CC
– very poor acces to stability / no direct acces to protection
– poor acces to AOE damage- cluster bombs only
– poor team support -except blast finishers
compared with :
warrior /guardian – high acces to CC / high acces to AOE damage / high defence /good team support (aoe buffs /banners / shouts)
mesmer – lot of fields, high team support, mediocre acces to AOE damage.
I haven’t played elem in wvwvw so far , but if you compare thieves in wvwvw with elementalists, or guardians, you will edit your post begging for thieves buffs.
Ehm, no not really, as i run with p/d and d/p builds, both are good 1v1-1v2-1v3. Its just silly.
Screen, and yea, maybe a little skill, but cmon man, you know we’re stupidly op compared to other classes in wvw right?
compared to rangers /engineirs – maybe we are on same line on large scale fights, and supperior in roaming
Compared with necro/elem /guardian /warrior- lool don’t lie to yourself, they got aoe, they got CC, they got more defence and sustain then you will ever dream , and you got what ?, single- target damage burst? , what exactly do you got to compare yourself with the other classes on wvwvw? cause you got no defensive boons, no aoe boons, no aoe damage, no aoe CC, and poor base hp and armor
I don’t compare myself on this, i compare myself on utility, no defence? blinds, seriously, if you keep your opponent perma blind (not hard) they cant hit you with attack or cc, Stealth > trait for heal/condie removal and you’re golden! there is nothing we lack. it needs to be balanced better, E.g
hit in stealth = reveals me but doesn’t give reveald buff meaning i have to spend initaitive to restealth, thus losing my ability to attack as i will be ini dry due to restealthing, just a little change like this would improve the game play of thief 1000x over.
(sorry about my typing i only have one hand atm as the other is sprained so i typo alot.l)
Half the reason very few people take any posts in the Thief forum seriously is because they are a) completely baseless opinions, and b) the extreme difficulty people seem to have forming thoughts into complete sentences with grammar and punctuation.
Seriously, stop with the run on sentences. You make Thieves look bad when you post this nonsense coupled without any articulation or clarity.
“I am a Thief, please nerf me.” Yeah, OK.
Half the reason very few people take any posts in the Thief forum seriously is because they are a) completely baseless opinions, and b) the extreme difficulty people seem to have forming thoughts into complete sentences with grammar and punctuation.
Seriously, stop with the run on sentences. You make Thieves look bad when you post this nonsense coupled without any articulation or clarity.
“I am a Thief, please nerf me.” Yeah, OK.
I generally take very few posts seriously in the Thief forums because of posts like yours.
Thieves need a few nerfs, correct, but they need a complete redesign. Stealth is an OP mechanic in any MMORPG, Arenanet should have known this. GW1 Assassin, GW1 Necromancer, GW1 Monk, they were all effective and better balanced, or atleast more so than this game. They were also significantly more interesting and fun.
(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)
Nerf not needed. However…I will say this:
I noticed the only other 80 you have in your screen is ranger. You have a mesmer, a warrior and necro, and with the exception of mesmer, all other classes seem to be quite new to you.
Rangers are…in wvw…widely regarded as one of the worst classes for the game mode, they’re good for sPvP ONLY if you follow one of two general build guidelines: traps and/or beastmaster. So, having a thief, as opposed to having a ranger, and you seem to be the wvw type, might shed some light on why the thief feels “OP”.
We get nerfed every patch anyways.
In GW1 you were given a deck of skills and could only draw 8 cards into your hands. The metagame games revolved around balancing specific skills that were overpowering in certain combinations. Now tell me about balancing 2 completely different games without comparing them?
you take in consideration roaming and you mention wvwvw
stealth condition removal, will force you to stay stealthed 4 seconds betwen 30 enemy’s to remove 2 conditions.
blinds will stop an auto attack but will not stop an chainned skill , like whirlwind, hundred blades, whirl from guardian,meteor from elementalist, shatter /blurred frenzy from mesmer etc.
you take in consideration roaming and you mention wvwvw
stealth condition removal, will force you to stay stealthed 4 seconds betwen 30 enemy’s to remove 2 conditions.
blinds will stop an auto attack but will not stop an chainned skill , like whirlwind, hundred blades, whirl from guardian,meteor from elementalist, shatter /blurred frenzy from mesmer etc.
Actually blind won’t even stop a Dagger MH thief autoattack, 1 out of 2 attacks connects even while standing in BP
Half the reason very few people take any posts in the Thief forum seriously is because they are a) completely baseless opinions, and b) the extreme difficulty people seem to have forming thoughts into complete sentences with grammar and punctuation.
Seriously, stop with the run on sentences. You make Thieves look bad when you post this nonsense coupled without any articulation or clarity.
“I am a Thief, please nerf me.” Yeah, OK.
I generally take very few posts seriously in the Thief forums because of posts like yours.
Thieves need a few nerfs, correct, but they need a complete redesign. Stealth is an OP mechanic in any MMORPG, Arenanet should have known this. GW1 Assassin, GW1 Thief, GW1 Monk, they were all effective and better balanced, or atleast more so than this game. They were also significantly more interesting and fun.
Posts like mine? Simply because I wish there was more constructive criticism or discussion above and beyond “Nerf them!” or “Nerf us, because I play a Thief too!”
Blanket statements such as the one you made about Stealth being OP in any game are simply opinion and conjecture. More so when stated without any suggestions as to what changes could be made.
I liked your posts more when they were in the Necromancer forum. Just don’t charge me to read them, please. xD
Half the reason very few people take any posts in the Thief forum seriously is because they are a) completely baseless opinions, and b) the extreme difficulty people seem to have forming thoughts into complete sentences with grammar and punctuation.
Seriously, stop with the run on sentences. You make Thieves look bad when you post this nonsense coupled without any articulation or clarity.
“I am a Thief, please nerf me.” Yeah, OK.
Exactly. No one asks for a nerf on their own class. People who get pwned by a class ask for nerfs. The OP probably isn’t very good and is just hoping to make himself feel better.
Thank you for telling us that stealth is “OP”, just like hundreds of other people have.
… Now, would you mind explaining how it is OP?
Judging by your screenshot you spend a lot of time in WvW but close to zero time in PvP.
WvW experience is far from a good measurement of how good a profession is. Most opponents there won’t match your equipment and will be easy kills and many run around following instructions or the closest event/zerg without a clue of what to really do and the Thief is expert at exploiting less skilled players. Most outnumbered videos are against that kind of player that you find all the time in WvW.
We’re far from a “please nerf me this is boring” situation. There are some specific points that might need it (I’m all in for applying revealed even if you don’t attack for example, in exchange of our 3 seconds revealed instead of 4 for all enviroments) but there are also many things that need boosts as this is the less versatile profession which makes it the most predictable.
Judging by your screenshot you spend a lot of time in WvW but close to zero time in PvP.
WvW experience is far from a good measurement of how good a profession is. Most opponents there won’t match your equipment and will be easy kills and many run around following instructions or the closest event/zerg without a clue of what to really do and the Thief is expert at exploiting less skilled players. Most outnumbered videos are against that kind of player that you find all the time in WvW.
WvW is just as good a measurement as spvp. Bads are gonna bad, regardless of what pvp mode you prefer. I’ve encountered tons of players that really knew their class inside and out in WvW, especially in the upper tiers (T1-T3). Hell, full guild vs guild events in WvW are awesome to watch as one downed person can make or break the encounters. Devs tend to gravitate towards more to spvp only because it’s a much smaller combat environment, which makes data gathering easier for them on classes.
Half the reason very few people take any posts in the Thief forum seriously is because they are a) completely baseless opinions, and b) the extreme difficulty people seem to have forming thoughts into complete sentences with grammar and punctuation.
Seriously, stop with the run on sentences. You make Thieves look bad when you post this nonsense coupled without any articulation or clarity.
“I am a Thief, please nerf me.” Yeah, OK.
Exactly. No one asks for a nerf on their own class. People who get pwned by a class ask for nerfs. The OP probably isn’t very good and is just hoping to make himself feel better.
Not very good? my thief is a badge/lootbag farming machine, i’m just saying its fruitless playing it in wvw, because 90% of the time the roaming kills ya get are easy, even if the enemy is great with his class i can just throw out blinds/burst or stealth + bleed him out. To say i’m bad at playing my class because i have a negative opinion of my own class is just silly, thief is my main, And i wish to make it more rewarding for me to play, hence the complain, if you don’t want your little d/d nub thief to be balanced thats too bad, don’t qq about it in my threads.
And i just came here to add to one of the many posts of nerf, because thief is just too easy to play in wvw, and i feel we should have some sort of nerf to make the gameplay there more rewarding/engaging. its simply too easy a class to master.. you can’t really say in its current state thief is designed, or working well in the confines of wvw. i just want thief gameplay to be less faceroll and more rewarding.. its just not fun anymore…
BM rangers are OP as hell in spvp. Can I get a nerf for that, too?
BM rangers are OP as hell in spvp. Can I get a nerf for that, too?
Oh ya ranger is my other class and you’re insulted i wanted to have thief balanced, way to go buddy +1 to your intelligence! Go ahead i play trap ranger. Seriously though quit defending a broken mechanic.
BM rangers are OP as hell in spvp. Can I get a nerf for that, too?
Oh ya ranger is my other class and you’re insulted i wanted to have thief balanced, way to go buddy +1 to your intelligence! Go ahead i play trap ranger
. Seriously though quit defending a broken mechanic.
So you want them to go from Good at WvW, okay at SPvP and Crap at dungeons, to mediocre at WvW, okay at SPvP and still utter crap if not worse at dungeons.
If someone thinks he’s too good then just don’t use exotic gear. Use white/blue for example…
You can’t just call for nerf just because you’re so pro, not everyone is.
You can’t just call for nerf just because you’re so pro, not everyone is.
And they don’t need to. Playing D/P basically boils down to:
1) Stack a crazy amount of stealth while perma-blinding everyone that tries to hit you except grenade-engis.
2) Wait a bit while they use cd’s to defend against a possible backstab (and they have to unless they are guardians and their F3 passive warns them).
3) Backstab
4) If the enemy is low, kill him, otherwise back off and return to 2)
Backstabbing usually occurs on a much higher frequency than any non-guardian/non-BM ranger can heal so the thief wins over time or at least gets away.
I’ve mained a thief, fili shade, for months, got near 1k hours on him/commander and all that kitten. but cmon man, ANET please, nerf us, its no fun to fight as a thief and its no fun to fight against a thief, the class takes little to no skill to play well and brings nothing but trolls to the game. I know anet wont touch the stealth mechanic because they lovee it but cmon, thief is just awful.
Dat teso release getting sooner and sooner….
You never encountered a good player of any given class, did you ? Thats very possible, cause good players are rare in casual game that requires to manage 10 buttons.
BM rangers are OP as hell in spvp. Can I get a nerf for that, too?
Oh ya ranger is my other class and you’re insulted i wanted to have thief balanced, way to go buddy +1 to your intelligence! Go ahead i play trap ranger
. Seriously though quit defending a broken mechanic.
You know that good trap ranger would handle your kitten rly well ?
If you want a CHALLENGE in small scale fights you shouldn’t be playing WvW.
This is because many people use builds that aren’t very viable in a 1v1 scenario such as the staff elementalist but more effective in a zergvzerg situation which leads you to a easier time killing them because they might not even have any stun breakers, also people could be using their pve build and gear set in wvwvw because constantly retraiting is a pain.
Food buffs exist, underleveled, undergeared level 80s also play this game, but the main problem arises from the fact that people don’t understand what a thief can do. I have killed countless players who stand still like sitting ducks and idiots who stand in blinding powder or those who waste all their dodges as soon as the fight starts. You don’t need to play a thief to counter a thief but thieves (along with mesmers) are one of the few classes that you need to actually see how they play and what their abilities do to counter them. (i.e the perfect noob stomper)
These factors all provide you with an advantage.
Play tPvP if you want a challenge.
(edited by Caom.9251)
VaaCrow.3076, what do you want balanced? You keep going on about how you want the thief to be balanced and how its your loot farming machine, yet I cannot find anywhere where you speak of specifics as to what you would like to be changed.
As the OP had already stated “thief, the class takes little to no skill to play well and brings nothing but trolls to the game”
In other word, there are no such thing as “The Best Skilled” thief player; they instantainly have all the tools and traits available to them with 0-3 seconds cool-down, why overshadow yourself?
Once again, as I already stated; I had a wvw first timer level 37 thief in my guild who laughed about ‘how too easy it was’ while taking out multiple enemies players within 3-10 seconds. The thief continues, “I pretty much didn’t have to do anything, just spamming 2 skills over, over” Than concluded how boring it was, and laughed.
If it take a level 35 thief to see how “cheap skill” this class is, what more evidence/proof is needed that this class is in desperate need of a major “makeover”?
But if this class isn’t in need of any “makeover” by the designers and devs, than it clearly proves that thief class was intended to be a “cheap skill” ‘overkill’ class.
Haven’t anyone noticed the vast increase of thief players in wvw?
Each parties I join, 3 out 5 players are thief.
Even in the guilds, many players are ‘jumping ship’ to this class.
That says a lot.
It’s like, why would you want to pay for an expensive sport car, if there’s a cheaper sport car that is 3Xtimes better in all specs?
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
37 thief ? seriously ?
I don;t want to live in world wherelvl 80 player can lose to lvl 37 thief.
Hmm you can ask for nerfs for your own class. Look thief is OP in WvW Up in PvE ok in spvp and nigh useless in Tpvp. People love to talk about how good it is here UP there but its all BS play most of the classes for an extended period of time and you see what wrong with each one. Credentials seem to matter here so. My engineer was 78 he was asura and I realized I didn’t want another asura toon in leather so I deleted him.
37 thief ? seriously ?
I don;t want to live in world wherelvl 80 player can lose to lvl 37 thief.
I’ve killed full 80s 1vs1 on my Thief when I was just lvl 18. Basically take your thief, replace your gear with lvl 75 masterwork, no runes or sigils, whatever upgrades that came with the trinkets already, only invest 8 trait points, and only use your first two utility skills (third tier utilities unavailable so do use any of them). Oh and no consumables (ie food).
37 thief ? seriously ?
I don;t want to live in world wherelvl 80 player can lose to lvl 37 thief.I’ve killed full 80s 1vs1 on my Thief when I was just lvl 18. Basically take your thief, replace your gear with lvl 75 masterwork, no runes or sigils, whatever upgrades that came with the trinkets already, only invest 8 trait points, and only use your first two utility skills (third tier utilities unavailable so do use any of them). Oh and no consumables (ie food).
And you will have waaaaay better stats then upleveled thief. Btw that just proves how terrible most of www community is if they die to upleveled thief.
As the OP had already stated “thief, the class takes little to no skill to play well and brings nothing but trolls to the game”
In other word, there are no such thing as “The Best Skilled” thief player; they instantainly have all the tools and traits available to them with 0-3 seconds cool-down, why overshadow yourself?
Once again, as I already stated; I had a wvw first timer level 37 thief in my guild who laughed about ‘how too easy it was’ while taking out multiple enemies players within 3-10 seconds. The thief continues, “I pretty much didn’t have to do anything, just spamming 2 skills over, over” Than concluded how boring it was, and laughed.
If it take a level 35 thief to see how “cheap skill” this class is, what more evidence/proof is needed that this class is in desperate need of a major “makeover”?
But if this class isn’t in need of any “makeover” by the designers and devs, than it clearly proves that thief class was intended to be a “cheap skill” ‘overkill’ class.
Haven’t anyone noticed the vast increase of thief players in wvw?
Each parties I join, 3 out 5 players are thief.
Even in the guilds, many players are ‘jumping ship’ to this class.
That says a lot.
It’s like, why would you want to pay for an expensive sport car, if there’s a cheaper sport car that is 3Xtimes better in all specs?
The thief is a profession that is made for roaming, killing weak (up leveled) and bad players. Simple as that. Saying that your friend leveled to 37 and killed tons of people doesn’t prove anything. If he had met a decent lvl 80 in full Ascended/exotic gear he would have been killed with ease. This is just yet another statement with absolutely no proof. I’ve several hundred hours of gameplay in WvW and I’ve never heard or seen anything like that.
If he really won by using two skills he must have played against completely new players with absolutely no skill at all. Thief is easy to pull off as a noob and it’s easy to kill noobs with it, but meet one decent player and you’re dead unless you really know your thief.
I challenge your friend to duel me in WvW against any of my classes, then he can say how easy it was for him to kill me. If he even down me once I will be suprised since I kill 99% of thieves I meet in WvW with any profession.
The fact that most of you are actually taking WvW as a balance point is redicolous. You have no idea if you out gear your opponent or not. Try sPvP and you’ll get it fair and square.
The fix we need is to get 3 seconds of stealth wether we attack from stealth or not and make it impossible for us to chain stealth.
Thief is a very strong profession in the right hands, but weak as hell in most hands – easy to play, hard to master.
(edited by Geiir.7603)
Judging by your screenshot you spend a lot of time in WvW but close to zero time in PvP.
Allow stealthed characters to contest points in spvp, and then thief is excellent in spvp. The one and only reason why thief is weak in spvp is this artificial nerf against it.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
Judging by your screenshot you spend a lot of time in WvW but close to zero time in PvP.
Allow stealthed characters to contest points in spvp, and then thief is excellent in spvp. The one and only reason why thief is weak in spvp is this artificial nerf against it.
You’ve obviously never seen a good S/D Evade master bunker a point.
Judging by your screenshot you spend a lot of time in WvW but close to zero time in PvP.
Allow stealthed characters to contest points in spvp, and then thief is excellent in spvp. The one and only reason why thief is weak in spvp is this artificial nerf against it.
You’ve obviously never seen a good S/D Evade master bunker a point.
Sure have. But only because the “stealth bunker” can’t contest a point.
That said, I think you missed the point: people argue that thief can’t be very powerful in wvw because its weak in spvp. I claim that if thief is weak in spvp, then that is only because they can’t contest a point while in stealth.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
I don’t compare myself on this, i compare myself on utility, no defence? blinds, seriously, if you keep your opponent perma blind (not hard) they cant hit you with attack or cc, Stealth > trait for heal/condie removal and you’re golden! there is nothing we lack. it needs to be balanced better, E.g
hit in stealth = reveals me but doesn’t give reveald buff meaning i have to spend initaitive to restealth, thus losing my ability to attack as i will be ini dry due to restealthing, just a little change like this would improve the game play of thief 1000x over.
(sorry about my typing i only have one hand atm as the other is sprained so i typo alot.l)
Blinds—- umm blinds last for 1 attack for the most part. Secondly, AOE can hit you, so if you are in melee range and you blind them… only the idiot wont do something as trivial as say… caltrops or some other AOE field. Also, ranger pets will still attack you, clones will still attack you, all those nice conditions put on you by a necro before you got to melee range will still hit ya… or a guardian if being “perma” blinded might just throw up retaliation and let you kill yourself.
Stealth—— This mechanic has been hit the hardest by the nerf bat. Extended reveal times on stealth, traps that keep you from using stealth for 30 seconds… which btw means you don’t get the regen or condition removal if you happen to get hit by a trap… which btw can happen if you are in range of an ally who hits the trap. So nope, sorry not OP at all. Oh yea, keep in mind… thief isn’t the only class with access to stealth but is the only one people scream about when calling for the nerf bat.
There are certain things in your post that trigger the this is BS response for me. 1) you don’t have a clear understanding of how the reveal mechanic works and 2) you make outrageous claims that overstate the abilities that you are talking about. In addition, you have no clear understanding of the nerfs that thief has taken since the very first patch… nerfs to damage, utility, skills, weapon sets and the list goes on. The fact that you say you “main a thief and have over 1k hours” but still do not understand the basic thief concepts and seem to think that thief is a 1 button for the win class makes me very suspicious as to your true motives. In fact, if I had to guess, I would say you are a hate the thief band-wagoner who created the post just in hopes that a dev will see it and go…. “oooh good idea, lets nerf thief more…” as they have done in the past.
Dear anet…
Nerf Thief/Guard/Ranger/Mesmer/Necro/Engi/War because stealth/buffing/pet/confusion/stupid/idk/facerolling.
Can someone complain about something else? Like how much freaking loading has to be done at any given time?
Judging by your screenshot you spend a lot of time in WvW but close to zero time in PvP.
WvW experience is far from a good measurement of how good a profession is. Most opponents there won’t match your equipment and will be easy kills and many run around following instructions or the closest event/zerg without a clue of what to really do and the Thief is expert at exploiting less skilled players. Most outnumbered videos are against that kind of player that you find all the time in WvW.
WvW is just as good a measurement as spvp. Bads are gonna bad, regardless of what pvp mode you prefer. I’ve encountered tons of players that really knew their class inside and out in WvW, especially in the upper tiers (T1-T3). Hell, full guild vs guild events in WvW are awesome to watch as one downed person can make or break the encounters. Devs tend to gravitate towards more to spvp only because it’s a much smaller combat environment, which makes data gathering easier for them on classes.
I’m not saying there aren’t elite players in WvW. There are many of course, many famous names. And of course there are unskilled players in PvP, you see many everyday.
What I’m saying is that all those videos of thieves dominating a group of 6 players that cause everyone to come crying to the forums for nerfs can only happen in WvW as the variation of challenge other players will present is way bigger due to bad equipment being a factor. Aditionally for what I’ve observed, unskilled PvP players quickly abandone the mode because they simply don’t find it fun or don’t like it while unskilled WvW players usually continue to play because they can help zergs and their guilds by adding numbers.
In PvP even unskilled players get the equipment they want and even if they don’t know what to pick it’s maxed equipment. All those videos of outnumbered thief aren’t possible against a group of equally skilled and equiped players. They will curbstomp the Thief in a matter of seconds. Even a skilled player with equal equipment can stomp him if he knows what he’s doin.
In WvW from my experience the density of easy encounters when roaming is way bigger than in PvP so that’s why I’m saying PvP is a best measurement unless somehow the OP finds exclusively 100% lvl80 all exotic gear players all the time in WvW.
We have enough people crying without even trying to know what’s happening (playing a Thief for a bit to know the tricks helps a huge lot there, you end up predicting him even if he’s invisible, at least I do and I know many others too). We don’t need someone starting a troll post asking for a nerf to his own profession, specially when that profession is far from being the most powerful one.
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
BM rangers are OP as hell in spvp. Can I get a nerf for that, too?
Oh ya ranger is my other class and you’re insulted i wanted to have thief balanced, way to go buddy +1 to your intelligence! Go ahead i play trap ranger
. Seriously though quit defending a broken mechanic.
No actually I guardians, d/d eles, and mesmers as well.
Practically every class besides warr/necro/engi
P.S. BM ranger > thief in spvp
In my experience the Might-stacking isn’t much of a big deal, it basically balances out against whichever sacrifice you’ve made to get it. For example if you go deep into crit and into SA you’ll lack Toughness and sustain and your Init will be hampered, while speccing into SA and whatever else means the Might only makes up for the lack of traited Power/crit.
What I’ve learned scrolling thief forums:
-All thieves are uberskilled players
-Everyone else is a noob
-Thieves can only kill bad and upleveled players
-Thief is okay, because it’s worse than all other professions combined
But seriously. Only thing about thieves I find ridiculously OP is D/P. It’s like the lamest thing ever. Atleast D/D thieves have to land C&D to stealth.
Fix to that would be to remove the leap finisher on HS.
The Problem with Thieves is simple you need experience with Thieves to counter them(same with Mesmers, but it’s better there), but if you have the experience they are pretty easy to defeat (maybe you won’t be able to kill him if you are slow).
The only thing about Thieves that could be considered OP is D/P because of it’s long stealth, which gives you great bonuses from SA. Like Noss already said.
The Problem at the moment is very simple, many players don’t want to use their brains to actually make a good Build and think about their playstyle. They rather call it OP and want it to be nerfed, so that they can continue to faceroll the other classes.
Another problem is, that people don’t seem to understand the idea behind class diversity…
If another class is better at something than your class, it isn’t kittening OP, your class is simply stronger in other circumstances!
For Example Thief vs Guardian:
Thief is a great roamer but doesn’t contribute much in group fights, except damage.
Guardian is a much weaker roamer but simply amazing in group fights, for example with Altruistic Healing.
That upleveled Thieves can kill lvl 80s isn’t really an argument, I was able to kill lvl 80 thieves with my lvl 40 Mesmer aswell.
I always find it funny, when I kill People in WvW that literally do nothing to kill me and just let them self get killed(it’s even worse than mob farming, they atleast do SOMETHING!) and then look into the Forums and read that Thieves are OP…
Great Job guys instead of actually contributing to good Balance you just want a noob way to kill everything.
Last Point:
I don’t understand why Thieves should be OP I can defeat them easily with my other classes, except some really good ones, because I’m not that great with my Alts, than I am with my Thief.
The easiest way to beat a thief is to play one and understand it. Otherwise you will never learn how they work.
Again with this topic?! WvW are a bunch of casuals. Even I can run away in WvW, but I can’t do it in PvP.
37 thief ? seriously ?
I don;t want to live in world wherelvl 80 player can lose to lvl 37 thief.I’ve killed full 80s 1vs1 on my Thief when I was just lvl 18. Basically take your thief, replace your gear with lvl 75 masterwork, no runes or sigils, whatever upgrades that came with the trinkets already, only invest 8 trait points, and only use your first two utility skills (third tier utilities unavailable so do use any of them). Oh and no consumables (ie food).
I’ve killed full 80s with a level 30 warrior, a lvl 6 ele and a level 14 engi. I never use consumables. Who cares? I played against really bad players back then (the engi part was incredibly lucky … Launched the thief from a cliff) The warrior fight is by using a very coordinated combination of interrupts and the enemy lacking the skills to dodge.. No idea how I won with an ele though; just had one victory with him against probably a bad player once again.
And yes, while leveling my thief I was able to defeat ppl in 1v1’s too.
But with none of the 4 classes I summed up, I could win a 1v1 with 0% risk. I think the biggest risk class I played while underleveled was the warrior. I lack a lot of speed with him (with the weapons I use right now at least)..
Defeating a thief doesn’t require you to be fully leveled, just stay calm and calculate the fight. The first few seconds are probably the most scary ones because you’re unable to figure out his rhythm without a first encounter. After that there’s a big chance that he’ll stay in the same rhythm (for example, my rhythm on a thief is backstabbing probably 1-2 seconds. Staying in stealth doesn’t benefit me while the enemy’s attack are going down CD, so I have to keep the pressure.
The other way around, if I survive a first hit from a thief (don’t go GC .. seriously) I’d use (on warrior) hammer launch just about when he’s going to backstab the second time. Denying stealth is also a great way to stop him. #5 mace when he BP/HS. The KD will knock him while he’s flying midair, a failed HS = no stealth.
Ele’s can use the #5 air (dagger) just when he’s going to connect. I don’t know much about the other classes. But there are ways.
Most players you encounter don’t know these ways to counter stealth or survive them, this is what makes the thief “OP” … In tPvP it’s a lot harder to pull these things off.
Don’t say tPvP ain’t the same as WvW, cause right now we’re talking about 1v1 and not WvW. Most thieves won’t use racial skills, so they don’t count. Food doesn’t rly matter that much (I never use food and skills are a lot more important in a duel).
Anyone who thinks Thieves are overpowered are either extremely bad, or braindead.
Lets consider this:
pve – potentially the worst class in the game
pvp – very little play and good at ganking people who are glass cannon-ish or bad
wvw – pretty much roamers and scouts. This is the majority of my gameplay as a thief, I also have an 80 warrior, ele, guardian, and mesmer.
Guardian – super tanky and can achieve decent dps with amazing survivability, blast finishers, and group support. Also can roflstomp a thief in 1v1 1 handed while sipping a kittentail and chatting with your mother on the phone depending on their weapon selection (traits don’t even matter if you know what you’re doing).
Mesmer – the only class in the game that has probably seen the nerf bat as bad if not worse than the thief. at least they have good group utility with time warp portal null field and feedback. Still feel bad for my mesmer friends
Warrior – extremely vanilla but can still stomp a thief like nobodies business, especially if your pvt.
Ele – D/D got nerfed but rightfully so, do-it-all builds that are THAT strong need a nerf. Staff ele still has amazing group support via combo fields, heals, siege situations, and general gameplay, just kinda boring imo.
Thieves are forced to be either 1 of 2 things in wvw – a super scout with massive survivability and mobility where you get no bags and feel like some 8 yearold birthday party clown, and/or pistol dagger sleepfest, or you go massive burst, sacrifice EVERYTHING to do so, and fail 1/2 the time at what you’ve worked so hard to get, and get CRUSHED in zerg fights
Enough of this bs crying about stealth. Thieves are slippery? It ran away? Great. your still alive and just mildly frustrated. Deal with it. roll a necro and be the flavor of the month op wvw class like everybody else or gtfo. Thief was DESIGNED by their trait line to obtain massive dps through raw crit chance and overall damage buffs, and were nerfed according to people who play these classes so badly that if a thief were to play say pvt gear or knights or any survivable set, they would be doing far less dps than other classes that don’t have the lowest health pool and medium armor AND still have no group synergy. Class is bad as it stands. Play one before you kitten, learn their weaknesses and youll never have a problem with them in wvw.
TL:DR – If you think thieves are OP you don’t play one or you’re bad at the game. Thanks.
The easiest way to beat a thief is to play one and
understand itstay on it.
There, fixed.
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