Restructure Daredevil Minors and other stuff.

Restructure Daredevil Minors and other stuff.

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


I think we are almost there, damage is reasonable. The main issue here is the sustain. Like always

Driven Fortitude

Some say DF and EA should be merged in order to give birth an another minor. To you guys, i say I don’t mind…

I would rather see Driven Fortitude be given some heal increase, or some Regeneration coming with it. It stays a minor, it should be a powerful one. The current minor is too weak even.

Enforcer Training

I believe it should grant some baseline Endurance regeneration. 3 Dodge is great, but it’s pretty useless it doesn’t scale properly or allow us actually get 3 dodge. Right now it feels like 2.5 dodges and I am being kind here. It does say " Enforecer *Training*" so if the Daredevil trained for a 3rd bar, then he should be trained enough to maintain that regen.
just saying.

Should Driven Fortitude & Escapist’s Absolution be merged

I would like to see Staff Master as a Minor. Other specs got weapon trait as a minor, I would like to see that with the Daredevil.

Escapist Absolution

Is in completely monopoly in the Master Traits, no point taking anything else.

Blackgate Server [RLR]
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa

Restructure Daredevil Minors and other stuff.

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Escapist Absolution
I believe Escapist Absolution should also be put as a minor. Since it is really one of the core traits that is useful for Daredevil in general. It would be nice if they merged this into the minor traits or swapped it with the Grandmaster Minor.

Driven Fortitude
Driven Fortitude is not overpowered and not really underpowered either. I think it could use a small buff. But I would not complain if it stayed the way it is.

Enforcer Training: I like the idea you propose, because you have a point when you say: A Daredevil must also maintain 3 bars. But on the other hand: A Daredevil already has a lot of traits to gain that endurance + the fact that things would get complicated with vigor. For example if we got a 7.5 base duration, how will vigor effect that? We would get potentially 15 endurance regen with Acrobatics, which is a bit too much if you ask me.

Restructure Daredevil Minors and other stuff.

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582



1. Me and another person has been crying about EA being a minor for ages. I hope that with this Second try at the beta people start to understand how EA is an absolute must.

2. Driven Fort needs more sustain and Enforcer Training. It’s one of the others because they come in pair in terms of synergy. Healing and dodging should be on point. It gets more complex because it punishes us even more for badly managing our endurance.

I wouldn’t say it " high risk, low reward", but I think it’s unreasonable.

3. Your point on Enforcer Training is really valid. We need to prevent abuse.

I say The Dev sets a specific endurance for the Thief who traited Daredevil, and that tt bypasses those who specced Acro. It’s just that Right now, we need that maintenance. Acro is not even worth it right now.

Blackgate Server [RLR]
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa