Returning player needs advice please

Returning player needs advice please

in Thief

Posted by: Ironmaiden.7694


Hello fellow thieves. I’m returning from a long break. Just downloaded and was going to purchase HoT and was wondering where i should start and what builds are decent right now. I only did a handful of fractals back in the day and i’m mostly going to be pvp oriented sPvP and WvW. Any advice of where i should start my journey again would be alot of help. Dailies, dungeons, pvp, ect…

Thank you!

Returning player needs advice please

in Thief

Posted by: Nenshoukarasu.6598


best thing you could do is avoiding thief/daredevil in general.. every other class outpeforms it.
the only good thing a thief/daredevil is good for is running and capping in pvp … just stay away from any fight since that class got another ghostnerf again….

Returning player needs advice please

in Thief

Posted by: VciouSidewinder.4029


I only PVP and WvW so thats all i can help u with.

Here’s a metabattle link with a guide and build. I swap improv instead of executioner. In WvW u would prob want mostly maurauder with 2 or so zerk pieces.

Thief is perfectly fine in PvP and stronger in WvW, just requires u to play to the thieves strength. Meaning +1 and decap in pvp. Watch enemies boon bar and figure out the rotation of every class so u know when they are vulnerable and when to burst.

Finally, get a draining sigil on ur d/p weapon set for wvw since its op, its not available in PvP. Gluck and feel free to ask more questions.

Complimentry thief vids of the best pvp thief:

Watch him and you should be fine.

(edited by VciouSidewinder.4029)

Returning player needs advice please

in Thief

Posted by: rennlc.7346


You definitely want to use Daredevil – the new elite trait line. I’d recommend taking up D/P with bound to start with in PvP. It’ll introduce you to some core mechanics of our two best build types: bound staff builds and dash D/P builds. From there, you can decide whether you like the +1 roaming role, which dash D/P excels at, or taking even fights, like 1v1s and 2v2s, which staff does better at, and change your build accordingly.