Returning player new to Thieves

Returning player new to Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: xTristan.1043


I loves Thieves, never got to em, but I love em. I have an 80 Ranger and 80 Warrior but don’t have much success on them, plus I don’t like they’re playstyle.

I quit and now I’m back and I want to roll a thief. I need a refresher on tips and the basics before I jump in, I want to play heavy wvw. I’m also clueless on the latest patches.

I really do like d/d, I find it splendid. But people have told me d/p is much more viable and really don’t care =/. I’ve seen it played, my friend even let me play on his d/p thief, I handled a Guardian and a Mesmer. I killed the Guardian but I could never kill the Mesmer because the Guardian would always come back. I didn’t like it, it felt cheap and dependant on Black Powder and Heartseeker, I don’t like that.

Are d/d builds still viable? Can someone show me a d/d and shortbow build with Zerker and possibly Valk? (Planning to handle PvX situations) I love burst and not one for conditions (explains why Ranger never worked out). If someone can show me a build I’d love to adjust it (respectfully) to my playstyle. Thanks!

Returning player new to Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Hello, welcome to the shadows.

Here are some tips for D/D newbies:

D/D is viable, but as you have stated, D/P has more utilities, and you can use all of your weaponskills. D/D #3 skill is almost useless in a power/crit-build, and you have good mobility from the gecko so you don’t really need skill #4 either (and most of the times it won’t hit). So there you go, you now have 3 skills you have an use for.
That being said, I use D/D the most, since I like the playstyle. I do however wish it had some more utility as D/P offers.

Watch some good youtubers to learn. And play with builds your self, learn the ins and outs of your traits and skills. That’s the best way to learn.

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer