Revealed on Blocked

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Korgov.7645



  • Main hand dagger thief stealths and tries to open with Backstab.
  • Opponent anticipates this and activates blocking skill for 2 seconds.
  • Thief ignores the opponent’s actions and just spams Backstab skill.
  • Opponent blocks one Backstab attack which ends the blocking.
  • Thief keeps spamming the Backstab skill.
  • Thief is rewarded by successfully landing the Backstab 1/4 seconds later.

If the thief would get Revealed at the blocked attack then the opponent could be able to successfully use block. Not just delay it.

A skillful thief would react on opponents blocking action. Seeing the telegraph the thief would just wait for it to end and only then use Backstab. Or if stealth wears off, restealth and Backstab as the blocking skill would be on cooldown.

Any thoughts?

Sulkshine – Mesmer
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Riko.9214


I think it will be good if thief receive revealed on miss, BUT at the same time stealth attack such as backstab become unblockable and ignore blind (block and blind are both too cheap mechanics to avoid bs in this case).

Think such change would promote skilled play from both sides:
-thief now can not just spam bs
-his opponent can not just press 1 button for the counter

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.8130



  • Main hand dagger thief stealths and tries to open with Backstab.
  • Opponent anticipates this and activates blocking skill for 2 seconds.
  • Thief ignores the opponent’s actions and just spams Backstab skill.
  • Opponent blocks one Backstab attack which ends the blocking.
  • Thief keeps spamming the Backstab skill.
  • Thief is rewarded by successfully landing the Backstab 1/4 seconds later.

If the thief would get Revealed at the blocked attack then the opponent could be able to successfully use block. Not just delay it.

A skillful thief would react on opponents blocking action. Seeing the telegraph the thief would just wait for it to end and only then use Backstab. Or if stealth wears off, restealth and Backstab as the blocking skill would be on cooldown.

Any thoughts?

personally, i think a blocked backstab should give the revealed debuff, or at the very least simply remove stealth. someone would have to be pretty oblivious to get stabbed in the shield they’re using, and have no idea that someone was there doing the stabbing.

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Blocking should reveal the thief yes. So should being attacked while in stealth. The debuff should also be applied even though the thief doesn’t attack from stealth. That’s my opinion at least.

Melder – Thief

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Invizible.2960


Blocking should reveal the thief yes. So should being attacked while in stealth. The debuff should also be applied even though the thief doesn’t attack from stealth. That’s my opinion at least.

That would kill shadow refuge’s usefulness, now about the revealed on block, I don’t really have a problem with that.

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


Blocking should reveal the thief yes. So should being attacked while in stealth. The debuff should also be applied even though the thief doesn’t attack from stealth. That’s my opinion at least.

Destealth on damage would render Thieves unable to participate in anything over a 1v1 duel. They’d be useless in party play, such as zerg vs zerg, dungeons, many personal story missions and high level PvE. No class should be limited in that way.
As for block. I’ll be fine with that so long as Aegis is change to an alternate effect, that functions like block but isn’t block. Or make it so Guardians have something that functions like aegis but isn’t a block, but still behaves like a block. Guardians have it too good to be allowed any free passes.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I do also mean that for those changes to be implemented (that is after all what we are getting complaints about) we should be buffed slightly to compensate for that.

Melder – Thief

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


So guardians should be immune to D/x thieves main attack for
12+ seconds if they have access to 3 aegis?
And not to meantion the additional time when using shield skills
dodging and running away from the stealthed thief who tries
to perform a successful backstab with the already big chance to fail
against a skilled player.

Why not make backstab unblockable when striking from behind?
That would be perfect if this was implemented. Reveal when striking
from in front on a blocking target, and successful backstab when striking from behind.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

(edited by Ghostwolf.9863)

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


i get revealed even if i swing backstab in mid air !
what is WRONG with you ppl ?

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: Leuca.5732


So guardians should be immune to D/x thieves main attack for
12+ seconds if they have access to 3 aegis?
And not to meantion the additional time when using shield skills
dodging and running away from the stealthed thief who tries
to perform a successful backstab with the already big chance to fail
against a skilled player.

Why not make backstab unblockable when striking from behind?
That would be perfect if this was implemented. Reveal when striking
from in front on a blocking target, and successful backstab when striking from behind.

What you’re revealing (haha) here is an overabundance of blocks, not a flaw with revealing thieves with successful blocking.

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: shadowraith.9124


Terrible idea. Would give guardians a passive immunity to a thief’s opener.

Bored of thief qq. They are not the best 1v1 class (nor is that an important element of this TEAM game).

They stomp scrubs. Get over it.

Revealed on Blocked

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


So guardians should be immune to D/x thieves main attack for
12+ seconds if they have access to 3 aegis?
And not to meantion the additional time when using shield skills
dodging and running away from the stealthed thief who tries
to perform a successful backstab with the already big chance to fail
against a skilled player.

Why not make backstab unblockable when striking from behind?
That would be perfect if this was implemented. Reveal when striking
from in front on a blocking target, and successful backstab when striking from behind.

What you’re revealing (haha) here is an overabundance of blocks, not a flaw with revealing thieves with successful blocking.

Mesmers and warriors have just as much access to blocks as guardians, most just don’t use those weapon sets and those weapon sets actually take skill to use unlike the guardian blocks. I am very much agree that a front stab to a blocking opponent should reveal but a blocking opponent should be susceptible to damage at least from attacks behind the player or maybe just backstab idk. If that change was ever made though, all anyone would hear is qq for months (how is that any different than now?). I might be biased here but I also believe unblockable attacks should also remove aiges and cancel the blocking skills.

It’s not very fun fighting those block spamming mesmers, warriors, or guards where they can be blocking for 15s+, with each of those blocks dealing heavy counter-attack damage, while always having access to more ways to mitigate that damage. I actually like the way the block-counter attack works and I find the duration of those skills to be about spot on but they shouldn’t be allowed to be used in such quick succession of each other. If you one could use an unblockable to get past that riposte, it’d very much so help to counter the builds where all they do is stall fights.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)