Ricochet removal and Feline Grace
They actually did give us an answer. Take your pick.
“It’s not there.”
“Too much RNG.”
“Reduced the purity of pistols.”
I didn’t say they were good answers.
you need to switch class to engineer or mesmer now
They actually did give us an answer. Take your pick.
“It’s not there.”
“Too much RNG.”
“Reduced the purity of pistols.”I didn’t say they were good answers.
I do hope they can do better then that. I know they can,but it seems they don’t want to.Or don’t care to. And that is what annoys me. Removing a trait,and one that was very important not just for a p/p build,but from what i hear other builds as well,just like that. With those lame “answers” as the only explanation. I don’t and won’t accept that,and Anet risks of disappointing a very large amount of their players if they keep it at that.
Yeah saw the chat those reasons were taken from – kind of rubbish reasons tbh. Also surprised, given not too long ago before the patch it had been bumped up to a GM trait in one preview I think.
Also “purity of pistols” is a laugh, given engineers can shoot poison darts and flame and glue from theirs, and our shortbow lets us bounce arrows between people. As for the RNG, that’s why it was fun for D/P, for bouncing random between targets.
It was bad even with Ricochet. They need to take a good hard look at the weapon set and actually make it viable. Or, if they don’t feel like it, just slap tons of damage on it and be done with it.
It was bad even with Ricochet. They need to take a good hard look at the weapon set and actually make it viable. Or, if they don’t feel like it, just slap tons of damage on it and be done with it.
p/p was very viable if you knew how to play it.Along with traits like Ricochet it was darn right amazing at certain fights. Removing it just makes p/p much less viable in PvE because we don’t get the AoE from it,and the great synergy it had with Signet of Malice,and that automatically makes us much more vulnerable.Points are being made again and again that every other ranged weapon have some sort of AoE,be it piercing,bouncing,or something else.We don’t want anything special that makes us overpowered,we just want what we already had back.And with the Feline Grace trait turned to rubbish,it only gets worse.
They actually did give us an answer. Take your pick.
“It’s not there.”
“Too much RNG.”
“Reduced the purity of pistols.”I didn’t say they were good answers.
I do hope they can do better then that. I know they can,but it seems they don’t want to.Or don’t care to. And that is what annoys me. Removing a trait,and one that was very important not just for a p/p build,but from what i hear other builds as well,just like that. With those lame “answers” as the only explanation. I don’t and won’t accept that,and Anet risks of disappointing a very large amount of their players if they keep it at that.
I hear ya. I hate to say it, but I get the feeling they just flat out don’t care for the weapon set. The excuses answers they half-heartedly threw out at us were not reassuring to say the least.
Also “purity of pistols” is a laugh, given engineers can shoot poison darts and flame and glue from theirs, and our shortbow lets us bounce arrows between people. As for the RNG, that’s why it was fun for D/P, for bouncing random between targets.
This is exactly why I don’t buy that “purity of pistols” nonsense. I mean, if they have other plans for that trait, then fine, I’ll be pleasantly surprised when I see it return. I just wish they wouldn’t give us these borderline rude responses by simply stating “it’s not there.” At least give us something…
For all non believers that say p/p was not viable.
Can you do this with daggers? I don’t think so
For all non believers that say p/p was not viable.
Can you do this with daggers? I don’t think so
I think you’re missing the point. We’re not saying that it can’t dish out good damage. We’re saying that Ricochet provided much needed AoE mob damage, which is very important in PvE where you are primarily encountered by mobs.
That kind of damage is nice and all, but it won’t get you very far in places like Silverwastes where you really need to be able to attack more than one enemy.
For all non believers that say p/p was not viable.
Can you do this with daggers? I don’t think soI think you’re missing the point. We’re not saying that it can’t dish out good damage. We’re saying that Ricochet provided much needed AoE mob damage, which is very important in PvE where you are primarily encountered by mobs.
That kind of damage is nice and all, but it won’t get you very far in places like Silverwastes where you really need to be able to attack more than one enemy.
You misunderstand me. This was just to prove a point to people who say p/p was not viable ever. I agree completely on the Ricochet issue,that it robes us of much needed AoE with this build. This screenshot was taken quite some time ago.
You misunderstand me. This was just to prove a point to people who say p/p was not viable ever. I agree completely on the Ricochet issue,that it robes us of much needed AoE with this build. This screenshot was taken quite some time ago.
Oh okay, my bad. I didn’t realize you were referring to those that said dual pistols were NEVER viable. Sorry about that. :P
Anet remove Ricochet because combined this trait with traits in new Rifle traits line
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
Anet remove Ricochet because combined this trait with traits in new Rifle traits line
Ok but until then it is removed, and clearly a bad choice given how few builds thief has to roll on these days.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Anet remove Ricochet because combined this trait with traits in new Rifle traits line
So we just have to wait for HoT then,right? Unacceptable! I don’t want to pay money to have something that i already had! And what about all those people running d/p and p/p builds,hm? If Ricochet comes back with the rifle,it certainly does not help them.
Anet remove Ricochet because combined this trait with traits in new Rifle traits line
So we just have to wait for HoT then,right? Unacceptable! I don’t want to pay money to have something that i already had! And what about all those people running d/p and p/p builds,hm? If Ricochet comes back with the rifle,it certainly does not help them.
And it’s not even certain that we will get rifle. In fact, some data-mined artwork was found that suggests that we’re getting a staff, which means Ricochet might be gone for good.
Anet remove Ricochet because combined this trait with traits in new Rifle traits line
So we just have to wait for HoT then,right? Unacceptable! I don’t want to pay money to have something that i already had! And what about all those people running d/p and p/p builds,hm? If Ricochet comes back with the rifle,it certainly does not help them.
And it’s not even certain that we will get rifle. In fact, some data-mined artwork was found that suggests that we’re getting a staff, which means Ricochet might be gone for good.
Exactly. I absolutely refuse to play this game if that is the case,and i believe many other people will as well.
Anet remove Ricochet because combined this trait with traits in new Rifle traits line
So we just have to wait for HoT then,right? Unacceptable! I don’t want to pay money to have something that i already had! And what about all those people running d/p and p/p builds,hm? If Ricochet comes back with the rifle,it certainly does not help them.
And it’s not even certain that we will get rifle. In fact, some data-mined artwork was found that suggests that we’re getting a staff, which means Ricochet might be gone for good.
Exactly. I absolutely refuse to play this game if that is the case,and i believe many other people will as well.
^ this.
I’m still sticking with the game for daily login bonus, and checking if there’s any feedback concerning this. But if it looks like ricochet is gone for good, I’ll be too.
And I’ll save my money for something other than HoT
Gotta agree with pretty much everything said here. P/P is dead. RIP/P.
i honestly don’t see why i need to pay 50 dollars to get something back
You don’t.
But they do. Oh, if they do.
i honestly don’t see why i need to pay 50 dollars to get something back
You don’t.
But they do. Oh, if they do.
Well if they do,they are risking to run themselves into the ground. I don’t think they want to do that
i honestly don’t see why i need to pay 50 dollars to get something back
You don’t.
But they do. Oh, if they do.
Well if they do,they are risking to run themselves into the ground. I don’t think they want to do that
Look at all those white feathered wings. You’ll have the answer there.
i honestly don’t see why i need to pay 50 dollars to get something back
You don’t.
But they do. Oh, if they do.
Well if they do,they are risking to run themselves into the ground. I don’t think they want to do that
Look at all those white feathered wings. You’ll have the answer there.
The wings have nothing to do with this. I don’t see your point in this
i honestly don’t see why i need to pay 50 dollars to get something back
You don’t.
But they do. Oh, if they do.
Well if they do,they are risking to run themselves into the ground. I don’t think they want to do that
Look at all those white feathered wings. You’ll have the answer there.
The wings have nothing to do with this. I don’t see your point in this
Point being that there will still be enough people around who found ANet by buying useless junk, no matter how much they screw up, I guess.
Point being that there will still be enough people around who found ANet by buying useless junk, no matter how much they screw up, I guess.
Spot-on, it’s exactly what I meant. The game is more and more catered to no-brain/no-skill players, who love to go around changing their outfit to show off and don’t want to do anything else than autoattacking bosses/easy events to get those outfits.
Since day one, we saw a steady decline of build variety (this new trait system is a huge step back from the previous one, they just didn’t want to try and fix it seriously, listening to what good players said in all this time), and a parallel steady increase of passive effects, which kill more and more the gameplay aspect of GW2.
And it’s a shame, because the foundations of the gameplay were interesting and original.
Since day one, we saw a steady decline of build variety (this new trait system is a huge step back from the previous one, they just didn’t want to try and fix it seriously, listening to what good players said in all this time), and a parallel steady increase of passive effects, which kill more and more the gameplay aspect of GW2.
And it’s a shame, because the foundations of the gameplay were interesting and original.
I do agree on this,but what im saying is,if they keep doing it,it will end badly for Anet,and i hope they are aware of this.
I do agree on this,but what im saying is,if they keep doing it,it will end badly for Anet,and i hope they are aware of this.
And I’m saying that Anet, being a for profit company, will go towards the players that give them money no matter what, and there’re a lot already of such players on this game which will keep Anet afloat for quite some more time.
It will not end badly for them if a portion of players (not the majority) will leave the game because it’s dumbed down every other day.
I do agree on this,but what im saying is,if they keep doing it,it will end badly for Anet,and i hope they are aware of this.
And I’m saying that Anet, being a for profit company, will go towards the players that give them money no matter what, and there’re a lot already of such players on this game which will keep Anet afloat for quite some more time.
It will not end badly for them if a portion of players (not the majority) will leave the game because it’s dumbed down every other day.
Well,i haven’t seen them going firmly in that direction yet. Sure,they put out and occasional item in the Gem store,and i don’t see how that is a bad thing. I myself bought a few thousand gems for real money,and i bet a lot of other ppl that are equally disappointed with this patch have as well(before it went live). So,they WILL lose money if they go in that direction.I don’t think that a majority of people currently playing the game are “brainless”. And so far,whenever Anet made a huge mistake (like the one with the pre-purchase of HoT) they openly admitted it,and i hope they admit this one too.
(edited by freeman.7315)
Tbh my ricochet build was the funnest part of this game for me. I’m kinda bummed out that it’s just… gone. With not even an explanation from A-net about it.