Rifle for Thief

Rifle for Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Shard.4372


Because Thieves have the shortest range of any profession right now, I think it would be best for the Thief to get a rifle with possibly a 1500 range on some abilities giving it a “sniper feel.” Of course not all skills would be 1500, but at least 2 or 3 should be. It could be sort of a high burst/high initiative cost weapon. Here is some of the ideas for the Rifle, feel free to change/criticize on the topic.

Skill #1: Precise Shot (3/4 second Cast) (Auto Attack)
-Description: Shoot a precise shot at your enemy that goes through up to 3 enemies.
-Range: 1200
Skill #1 Stealth: Throat Shot (3/4 Second Cast) (2 Initiative Cost)
-Description: Shot your foes throat, interrupting them.
-Range: 1200

Skill #2: Aimed Shot (2 1/2 Second Cast) (4 Initiative Cost)
-Description: Shoot a powerful aimed shot at your enemy, dealing extra damage if they are disabled.
-Range: 1500
-Damage Bonus: 10%

Skill #3: Sniper Shot (1 1/2s Cast) (3 Initiative Cost)
-Description: Fire a bullet at your foe, dealing more damage the further away you are.
-Range: 1500

Skill #4: Sniper Scope (Instant Cast) (5 Initiative)
-Description: Aim through your scope at your opponents weak points, gaining Fury.
-Fury Duration: 10 Seconds (If used more than once within 5 seconds of using it, the duration is halved; IE if you use it twice in a row you will only get 15s of Fury, not 20s)
-Range: Self Cast

Skill #5: Retreat to the Shadows (1s Cast) (8 Initiative Cost)
-Description: Jump back, stealthing yourself when when you land, and blinding foes on the initial leap.
-Leap back Range: 450
-Blind Duration: 3 Seconds
-Stealth Duration: 3 Seconds

Xian Mistlock, 80 Herald
Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: [EDGE] Journeys Edge

Rifle for Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Namica.2951


Agreed. A rifle for Thief feels right, since the class is trying to fill the generalized “Don’t be seen and fight dirty” niche.

I will say that, as far as your suggestion goes, only Sniper Shot or Aimed shot should be move, not both. To redundant. Perhaps something that applies a debuff, or at least works with fields so a rifle spec could be competitive with shortbow.

Rifle for Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I would really like a skill that goes like this:

Aim Down the Scope (7 initiative)

Get on one knee and aim down the scope. Initiative regeneration stops so long as you remain in this stance. Movement will cancel it and you regain 3 initiative upon leaving it. 1 initiative is drained per second.

Fatal Shot

Fire a piercing bullet that becomes more powerful and flies farther the longer you aim. Automatically fires when initiative hits 0.

Damage: 702
Range: 1200

Aiming Bonus
Range: 200 per initiative
Damage: 2% per initiative