Rune of the Traveler on D/D
Depends on your build and what mode you’re playing in, frankly.
D/D Thief here on a 2/6/6 build (currently) and using Trav runes. I thought about using Power runes, but I chose not to because I’m also in nearly full Beserker gear, that 25% bonus speed is very nice, and I don’t like having to switch out my utillity bar if I can get away with it.
Oh, I’m also in WvW mostly too.
Yeh I think you are running a similar build to me. I’m just not getting the kind of damage I want on some classes.
Yeh I think you are running a similar build to me. I’m just not getting the kind of damage I want on some classes.
Definately not getting DeceiverX’s build’s damage, but I like the sustain better.
Every once in awhile I would switch to 6/6/2, or sometimes 5/6/0/0/3. Now that has some nice numbers, but if you get sneezed at and don’t dodge, you’re napping on the dirt.
I’m using D/D in wvw on my thief (as my main) and imo and my experience there are two options:
a) go for Trav runes and 26600 – the 25% movement speed helps a lot, and SB has some awesome mobility and combined with stealth best escape ability
b) i prefer this: go 06620 (VI in acrobatics = Fleet Shadow or so = 50% movement increase in stealth)
i like it as it gives me extra 50% movement speed while in stealth, to get BS off more reliably / position myself
of course you lack the movement speed out of stealth but the combination of high access to stealth, great mobility via SB and tricks using the teleport ability of your SB is enough for me to escape/reposition myself – and paying attention to your surroundings in a fight really helps as well
Absolutely yesyesyes!
Speaking strictly WvW i run 2/6/6/0/0 and i find movement speed an absolute must, so i recently swapped for trav runes so i could replace signet of malice with blinding powder and it just helps SO INVALUABLY MUCH to have an on-demand stealth (+blind) as utility
I think a possible alternative not to use signet of malice could be running a build 0/6/6/2/0 with maybe runes of the pack and invest in the swiftness on dodge for in-combat movement. And maybe runes of the pack. But i’m not sure how that would work in case you need to run away or even simply for running around…
Ofc that’s always in case you’re looking into investing in the SA traitline
centaur runes + withdraw… 33% movement speed +175 power > Traveler (unless you insist on hide in shadows)
I still use them because I had just gotten all 6 a few weeks before they nerfed them to oblivion. The 6th effect just helps a lot since missing your cnd is often the end for you. D/D needs unhindered mobility and when you can already get swiftness from other sources, it helps a lot with staying on target.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I often roam with D/D in WvW and I use Traveler runes. The movement speed and extra utility slot are priceless imo.
centaur runes + withdraw… 33% movement speed +175 power > Traveler (unless you insist on hide in shadows)
I did not think of that. But if i’m running D/D whatever can give me on-demand stealth is just too valuable imho, also considering the condi cleansing
i also dont like using withdrawl when i have dagger main hand as the roll can work both ways.. some times to catch enemy distance but often its just more of a nuisance and makes u get further away from the enemy
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
i also dont like using withdrawl when i have dagger main hand as the roll can work both ways.. some times to catch enemy distance but often its just more of a nuisance and makes u get further away from the enemy
This is also my main reason for sticking to Hide in Shadows, Withdraw on a set without any gap closer doesn’t work so well, despite my opinion that Withdraw is our best heal.
Tarnished Coast
I run travs on my thief in WvW. The added 25% movement is good, but freeing up a utility slot is priceless. Instead of using something like sig of shadows I run infiltrator sig. As for healing I will always use withdraw. I run pure zerk with D/P with S/D on swap. Gap closer galore. Use them as well on D/D.
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast
I used to use Travelers Runes on D/D for WvW, before the “Ferocity” change earlier in the year. For D/D Thieves in WvW, Traveler’s + Valkyrie Gear + “Hidden Killer” trait was kind of the standard build from Launch until the Ferocity change. Now when running D/D, it just feels like I need to super-stack Ferocity, which is why I wanted to like the new Rune of Evasion so bad, but unfortunately that set just isn’t quite there… if only it dropped Vigor on each Dodge roll or something like it, it might be more viable.
As it stands now, the Rune of Air set might be better suited for Backstab + Movement Speed builds, or if you want pure damage and don’t mind slotting Signet of Shadows, the Rune of Rage set is also works well for D/D Backstab builds, especially if you run with a Warrior often. Rune of the Wurm or Rune of the Scholar seem to be the sets people are using more often for survivability + dps in WvW, however.
I still use wurm + valk. If using valk armor pieces + hidden killer wurm will out-damage evasion and give a ton of vitality
Just to keep people updated I switched out the traveler runes for Scholar and traited out mug for Fleet Shadow. My kill rate has gone way up without impacting on movement or survivability.
I tried running short bow along side D/D but I found I was using heart seeker to dart across the map more thank skill 5 on SB and dropped it for P/P for unload. The great thing now is that I’m catching those pesky players that try to run away where as I wasn’t with SB. Very happy.
Just to keep people updated I switched out the traveler runes for Scholar and traited out mug for Fleet Shadow. My kill rate has gone way up without impacting on movement or survivability.
Yeah, Scholar is more of a pure DPS set, and people were using it on Thief even before the Ferocity change.
Fleet Shadow is a decent trait, the main reason it’s so rarely used in WvW is that it’s been bugged since release, & I believe it still only grants a few seconds of Swiftness, rather than the +50% movement speed stated.
I tried running short bow along side D/D but I found I was using heart seeker to dart across the map more thank skill 5 on SB and dropped it for P/P for unload. The great thing now is that I’m catching those pesky players that try to run away where as I wasn’t with SB. Very happy.
Yeah, if you have a Main-Hand Pistol you can switch you, you can just STOP people from running away in the first place, since Pistol #2 skill is a SPAMMABLE Immobilize with NO Cooldown! lol