Runes for the thief as of now!

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


Hi,i am a D/D-SB thief and i am wondering,what should be the best choice of runes for this situation!I am running 0/6/5/3/0 as i dont want to be glass cannon!I have checked the “balanced d/d” thread but the price of strength runes is too hight atm!I heard a lot of people from the guild telling me to go scholar because of the bonus dmg above 90%(as a thief it is logical to not get hit much to make it work but i am not really convinced)!So..should prvateer,ogre or pack,eagle (yea,a lot of people are running eagle for some reason..) would be a better option for the damage loss?(wont be able to might stack efficiently without the strength runes to make balanced d/d build thread work i think!\)

(edited by BlazingBeast.3104)

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


All that you have said are nice choices, before though practically any rune set would work as long as they offered critical damage but that has been replaced so the DPS of DD balanced got hurt, back to the point do not over look wurm runes as they are nice as well, in fact they are rising in price too, I wonder why…. But yeah any of the above work nice, it’s just that strength will let you benefit from the perma might DD balanced so naturally gives you, another note, your guild mates do say scholars 10% above 90%health makes sense since as a thief you avoid damage, but they are not taking into consideration that you WILL get hit, you cannot avoid everything and as a thief those hits won’t be light a nice chunk of the time to keep you still at 90% health, take this into consideration as that 10% may usually only be good for the opening attack.

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

(edited by RedSpectrum.1975)

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Rune of the Wurm is nice if you already have a high Crit Chance. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: Sparrow.5936


I literally run the same build 0/6/5/3/0 sometimes 0/6/6/2.

I’ve been racking my brain with this conundrum too. I’m soo tempted to spend the 70g and get the runes of strength as they would synergize the best.

I went with Ogre runes, because I hardly ever trait into DA since i hate the traits there, so power was very important to me, and the 4% damage boost is nice. not as good as 7% but better than 0%. Scholar got expensive too and that rune set is mainly for ganking people with backstab.

I was however wondering if anyone has any experience with Superior Rune of the Warrior? It has nice stats but I dont fully understand how the 6th rune power works. It says on weapon swap 20% reduction in recharge. Does that mean if i have Shadow refuge (60 sec cooldown) and use it , and while its counting down i weapon swap does it turn into 48 sec cooldown? what happens if I weapon swap again 9 seconds later, does it stack and turn into a 36 sec cooldown etc.. ??? Anyone know?

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: Sparrow.5936


P.S. privateer runes crack me up, and are strictly for LOLz. But don’t get them, because the parrot will sometimes wander off and keep you stuck in combat at bad times.

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: Omri.8196


I literally run the same build 0/6/5/3/0 sometimes 0/6/6/2.

I’ve been racking my brain with this conundrum too. I’m soo tempted to spend the 70g and get the runes of strength as they would synergize the best.

I went with Ogre runes, because I hardly ever trait into DA since i hate the traits there, so power was very important to me, and the 4% damage boost is nice. not as good as 7% but better than 0%. Scholar got expensive too and that rune set is mainly for ganking people with backstab.

I was however wondering if anyone has any experience with Superior Rune of the Warrior? It has nice stats but I dont fully understand how the 6th rune power works. It says on weapon swap 20% reduction in recharge. Does that mean if i have Shadow refuge (60 sec cooldown) and use it , and while its counting down i weapon swap does it turn into 48 sec cooldown? what happens if I weapon swap again 9 seconds later, does it stack and turn into a 36 sec cooldown etc.. ??? Anyone know?

No man, doesn’t work like that. Your weapon swap cooldown is what’s going to be affected, normaly you have 10s cooldown when you swap, these runes reduces that by 20%.

Xiloquin – [ 80 Thief ]

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

It says on weapon swap 20% reduction…

That’s exactly what it does. It reduces weapon swap recharge time. It’s good when you have sigils that triggers on weapon swap, like Sigil of Battle and Sigil of Energy. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


rune fo strength …. for a survival build to put on some bleeds on your enemies and stacking might to 25 and taste some nice tears
thanks anet, for the Invigorating Precision

Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: oscuro.9720


No joke, runes of divinity got a buff. Every other stat other than ferocity/crit damage was buffed. I roam with these and have 2.5k armor with 2.2k power, 232% crit damage (4asceded trinkets, the rest exotic), and 18,300 health. I still get 5-7k back stabs consistenly. With food it gets better. With stacks, even better. I noticed very small change from the “nerf” with these runes equipped, and honestly love them.

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


It says on weapon swap 20% reduction…

That’s exactly what it does. It reduces weapon swap recharge time. It’s good when you have sigils that triggers on weapon swap, like Sigil of Battle and Sigil of Energy.

It reduces weapon swap, does nothing against the ICD of swap sigils which are 9 seconds. Would be neat if it did affect those however. All the recent patch did to these runes is make non-warrior’s using it get 2 seconds down on weapon swap, and kept warrior’s with [Fast hands] to still get only 1 second less on weapon swap.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: Sparrow.5936


That makes more sense. The word choice on most in game descriptions are so horrible.

Runes for the thief as of now!

in Thief

Posted by: BlazingBeast.3104


I went with Ogre runes, because I hardly ever trait into DA since i hate the traits there, so power was very important to me, and the 4% damage boost is nice. not as good as 7% but better than 0%. Scholar got expensive too and that rune set is mainly for ganking people with backstab.

I was however wondering if anyone has any experience with Superior Rune of the Warrior? It has nice stats but I dont fully understand how the 6th rune power works. It says on weapon swap 20% reduction in recharge. Does that mean if i have Shadow refuge (60 sec cooldown) and use it , and while its counting down i weapon swap does it turn into 48 sec cooldown? what happens if I weapon swap again 9 seconds later, does it stack and turn into a 36 sec cooldown etc.. ??? Anyone know?

Yea..i was thinking ogre too..although i have already got 2 pieces of scholar in my armor for months now and i am afraid to change them if not for my final choice as they both cost up to 11 gold!Which it isnt something i would risk!(being a casual player 10 gold is more than 1 week!)

All that you have said are nice choices, before though practically any rune set would work as long as they offered critical damage but that has been replaced so the DPS of DD balanced got hurt, back to the point do not over look wurm runes as they are nice as well, in fact they are rising in price too, I wonder why…. But yeah any of the above work nice, it’s just that strength will let you benefit from the perma might DD balanced so naturally gives you, another note, your guild mates do say scholars 10% above 90%health makes sense since as a thief you avoid damage, but they are not taking into consideration that you WILL get hit, you cannot avoid everything and as a thief those hits won’t be light a nice chunk of the time to keep you still at 90% health, take this into consideration as that 10% may usually only be good for the opening attack.

Wurm is good!Thing is i have only 65 crit chance(with food buffs i guess higher) but i dont think they will execute well with the chance being so low(is my current 198 crit dmg good or not?just wandering)..Scholar maybeill do the job as it will also help in pve(dungeons and stuff which i hardly get focused or drop below 90) except from the opening strike in wvw..i am really woried though i wont be able to keep the dmg if for a 1v1(not because of skill for dodging and class mechaniqs but more for low pc and low fps) so yea..i dont know.[/quote]